spoilers are included in the box, tread lightly ...

a log where I talk about video games and related somethings that I like


  • Guilty Gear -Strive- (2021)
  • Devil May Cry (2001)
  • The Last of Us Part II Remastered (2024)

May 1st, 2024

that's all .................. jk heres the notation if u wanna do it too: c.s --> 2s --> 2h --> 236k~k --> RRC --> 623s~s --> 6h .... that's probably right ,shrug ... *evil telekinesis commences, you forget everything*

April 30th, 2024

Haha ha ha happy almost May ... Im writing this at almost midnight Sooooouu, bethought thou. A Few Things: NEW FNF UPDATE? IN 2024? WHAATT?? I didn't check out the erect mode but I played through the weekend, and holy carp ITS SO COOL!!! .. the cutscenes are really cool and I like the Nene and Darnell cameos .. but the real snack and butter is the retry music , in which I heard a lot because I haven't played this game in like 3 years ... Gahd it bumps CRAZY!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!!!! ... glad to see fnf come back .. But I don't understand why I'm so dog at it now .. I've been playing parappa games .. I'm practicing... frownie face .... Tch. whatever. Now time for my daily Guilty Gear rambles Ugh. my mother freaking nickname is Bi Han Ugh my emo wolf hair. ugh. ..... ok time to address the vampire in the room: Hello Slayer. .. That's right .. the dashing Handsome Young Man Slayer is now Coming to a strive near Yoooouuu!!!!!!!!!!! He is also naked ! OK? .... ok away from the joshes and jabs, I'm so excited .. not gonna Lie I was team "it's a fake out and it's robo-ky" in my heart but in my brain I knew it was Slayer ... I'm not disappointed because they made Slayer absolutely Dandy but ... come home my boy ... come home :tears face: ...... Ugh Do I Gotta Mention the music in every gaaamee I Plaaayyy...? Yea.. Yeah I do ... I keep watching the trailer over and over again because Slayer's little theme goes CRAZY. Im boutta buy him just for the song . Gahd. I have it stuck in my head .. I can't wait till I can listen to it in full T___T .. end of May.. come quicker.... ...

I stayed up to watch the Top 6 for ggst for Evo Japan and I stood up for like an hour and a half before clocking out (by mistake) So I woke Up to the Slayer news, but watching such good players .. well, play .. was so interesting. Tempest is INSANE.. he was whooping everyone with Leo , it was crazy. .. I was rooting for master samurai (I think thats what the commentators were calling Tyurara .. lel) because he was playing Sin for some rounds .. and that transitions into another Mumble: I brought my Sin online for the first time last night, since I been practicing or whatever Heh.. and I made someone RAGE QUIT!!!! LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .................. honestly mighta been poor connection but It was right when I won the first round of the third match Soooooo Imma say it was a rage quit hehe. ... Hey if U were that person I played against and you're reading this and it was really just your butt wifi then do not tell me . I started dancing and skipping and going Yay! Yay! haha! It's a beautiful day! and then I ran outside and frolicked in a field of flowers and only slowed down to sniff their sweet nectar . Aaaahhhhhhhhhh.......... What a beautiful day.. aaahhh....... Ok bye now that's your two (2) paragraphs about my solemn and complex goth thoughts. Ugh. Also I don't wanna hear no "what, r u like TWELVE?" jokes about me being excited for FNF .. OK?! ... We went over this already in this relationship. You make me cry... Snif....f......

April 26th, 2024

Tahahaha I lied I been playing Sin not Bridget !!!!! ... beh, just a short little update thing : final exams and such be comin up and ALL I have been playing recently is Guilty Gear .. so not much to write LOL. With guilty gear, I definitely feel myself improving .. I've been playing Sin and May at the moment and have been scrapping about with making up combos. I have some longer ones I made up with Sin, but I need to step it up playing as May .. I only have 3 hit simple ones down .. Gotta string em together ! .. I hate playing fighting games where I have so many favorite characters that are fun to play as ... I never know who to pick and keep .. May, Sin, Bridget, Johnny, Sol .. They're all so cool... sigh.... also I found another cool anime fighter this morning too, E's laf++ ... It doesn't look like it has a huge community, but it looks like a really cool game. Tina and Main look sick .. I wanna try it out ... Blazblue, too ... Taokaka's design is so cool I love how her little coat has huge cat paws. Hmmm... I'm excited for the summer.. I'll have more time to play more .. AND... there's also loads of game showcases and tournaments around that time ... I have a feeling this year is gonna have a lotta good news n releases :3 .... Just an itzy bitzy murmur , so short ... so here's some stamps I found

Wait.. I Forgot To Mention .. I finished the Strive story mode and I've been thinkin about how Sol is gonna be for the next gg game since .. ja know ... he aint COOL anymore UGH. : anger face : .... half jk but .. My cousin and I were theorizing about a week ago (week ago) on whether they will replace Sol as the main cool buff guy in the next game or not , I have a feeling that they won't but my cousin was like Bro .. What If Sin is the next main guy (everyone ignore ky).. and I think I'd be happy with that . Have a sinsational Sunday ! (friday) . Also everyone say thank you to my cousin. he's helping me learn how to play guilty gear . he taught me numpad notation with 2 flattened cartons of strawberry cow milk acting as the d-pad, as there was no controller relatively avaliable at the time . :many children shout in unison "thank you cousin": ........ I FORGOT EVO JAPAN IS STARTING OK BYE.. WHAT..

April 20th, 2024

.. Not intentionally writing this on 4/20, just happened to fall upon thoust day ... ANYWAYZ, lots to mention Today... lots and lots ... To start off, my sister found the other missing game I spoke of on Leap Day (siighh.. so long ago..) it was Digital Dreamware for the 3DO..! I remembered it quite differently but indeed so it is the game I spoke of. MoreOver... I've been practicing Guilty Gear Strive a lot recently, I have nearly 17 hours logged as of now .. which is not a lot but STILL!! I practice every chance I been gettin !! I fell to the grasps of modern gaming and bought some DLC characters of .. my other favorite Guilty Gear folks (I bought Johnny, Sin, and Bridget), and I really like them all a lot but Bridget stood out to my noob senses. She is super easy to combo with n really fun to play as, so I wanna learn her more .. I been focusing most on learning May right now, but I want to dive into learning Bridget soon .. and someday perhaps Johnny, Sin, and Sol too but I was told to stick to 1 or 2 mains when I'm startin out LOL .. don't want to start mixin combos up... But, also, I did my first online match last night .. which I probably should've done earlier than 13 hours logged on the game but I am a bit of a wiener and was honestly kinda scared for some reason LOL. So, I put my big man pants on and faced my fears And... I ACTUALLY DIDN'T DO TOO BAD FOR THE FIRST TIME PLAYING AGAINST A HUMAN PERSON!! I did like .. a handful of matches against 3 different people, I started off on floor 6 because that's where the game assigned me for some reason .?!! I have no idea why. But I went up against this Chipp player, who I say matched me in terms of noob skill and .. I have no idea how I won that match I was flipping out and whiffing and backing away from pressure so much it was crazy LOL. And then I won on .. like a singular pixel of health. It was awesome . I felt so accomplished .... But then I got too confident and went to floor 7 and tried whooping an Asuka player and .. oh my god I didn't even get close but like ONCE out of the amount of times we rematched LOOOLLL. IT WAS SO FUNNY I KEPT GETTING KNOCKED INTO THE CORNER WITH THOSE CUBE THINGS THAT ASUKA HAS . And at one point I got him in the corner, and I suppose who ever was playing Asuka realized I was new and wanted to go easy on me so they just stood there waiting for me and I got panicked trying to do SOMETHING but I just ended up standing there too .. holy shart it was so funny . ... And then I played a Nagoriyuki player on floor 7, and I kept gettin close and then Dying Immediately .. but I think me getting close was more-so Nagoriyuki's mechanics than me landing hits .

I did win ONE round against him, but lost the match .. Lets Just Say.... I got demoted down to floor 4 LOOOLLLLLLL . But tis but a scratch, I gotta grind !!! ... It was lots of fun honestly, I was worried I was gonna get frustrated but I think having another human on the other side made it kinda funny instead of frustrating when I lost. Cause when I'd play against a CPU I'd be like HOW AM I LOSING AGAINST A COMPUTER !!!! .. But having a person to play against was lotsa fun, cause you realize they're probably either laughing at the dumb lil inputs you're putting in cause you're a noob, or gettin happy cause they're winnin .. that sounds passive aggressive but I mean that in a good way . It makes it feel more silly than imagining a Cold Lifeless Machine .... I have lots to practice: I need to learn to hit my combos under pressure, how to apply pressure, better defense, better ways of getting in, waiting and seeing when It's my turn instead of just rushing in, better anti-air, don't panic and mash, YADA YADA !!! Lots and lots . those were the main things I noticed I messed up on when playing against those folks . I'm very excited to practice more and learn ... I've been enjoying Strive a lot :3 .. But wait .. another happenstance happened in stances last night. After playing those online matches, it was bout 12 am or so .. and I was practicing some simple but Bread n Butter May combos to really get them in my muscle memory, and I look down at my phone for a second and I see this huge Creature start running at me out of my peripheral .. It was a fat house spider RUNNING AT ME bro. You know how spiders usually chill out on the wall and they jumpscare you that way ? Well, no, this one came from .. somewhere.. and ran at me. I go YAHOOOOIIEE!! and jump up and the spider starts running all over my controller, then running across my bed, then running on my floor where in which my cats find and eat it graphically and brutally. I heard the crunch and then they tried to eat his remains ...... I gave them treats for their gallant efforts. ... BUT .. HEY. WAIT... REMEMBER WHEN I SAID .. I would make a video bragging about .. ?! The playstation things I got ...!? ... I did ... heh..... here U Go...

Oki .. Another elephant in the room .. the last of the LBP servers were shut down officially yesterday and .. IT MAKES ME SAD !!! I can't believe it cause .. I mean from my perspective LBP still had a pretty active player base . Even I still played from time to time. But now what made LBP, LBP isn't around no more and I doubt will come back because Sony could give less than two farts about it. It's just .. sad.. LBP will forever be my favorite sandbox/creative game because it really pushed that .. you can create anything you set your mind to .. type narrative. Some of my best memories playing video games when I was younger was either watching my cousins or sister play LBP2, or playing with them .. especially on all the little horror and survival/challenge maps we loved. ... With the servers going down so abruptly, I don't doubt lots and lots of people's creations have been lost forever. .. and I feel like thats the saddest part of it all. Genuinely a wonderful game series that was a pinnacle of my early childhood, particularly LBP2 .. and while story mode n stuff is still there, going to the little profile menu in the pod and seeing it empty like a ghost town still doesn't fail to make me feel a bit melancholic. I Love You Sackboy !!! All the creative minds that you helped nurture won't nevah forget you My Boy !!!!! .. ... Listening to Orb of Dreamers hits a bit more harder now. Sigh... I really just hope one day they'll make a new installment .. and all the kids of today can enjoy the Wonders of Sackboy !!! Just as I once Did !!! .. Man I'm gonna miss it.

Sigh .. can't end on a sad note , so here's some random Scraps of Thoughts: I've found myself watching some Guilty Gear tournaments to analyze how players better than me play (I learned some cool setups and combos already !!) .. and I found myself really liking the ones where the stakes are low. I found a tournament where the prize was KFC, and a May player won .. awesome tournament LEL. .. I suppose I like the tournaments with goofy prizes better , cause the whole tone of it is more humorous rather than smth crazy serious with a prize that's the equivalent to the price of a home. .. It just feels like everyones having more fun. .. But I also do like more competitive things, especially when ppl get salty ... but I just can't figure what would beat a Guilty Gear tournament where no one had ever played the game before .. its so goofy. I love it ... Another thing: That David Lynch PS2 commerical is the best. I need more weirdo console/game advertisements like that please . Pleeeassee...... ... OK .. SAYONARA ! ... PS: that redesign of James for the SH2 remake looks really good .. I'm still excited for the remake and my opinion of ppl being too quick to judge it still stands ..! If the game sucks when it comes out, then it sucks .. But Until Then, I hold Out Hope!!

April 12th, 2024

Hola amigos .. remember how I left off the last post on "I keep coughing" .. that was an omen . I have bronchitis . LEL ... Anywayz, recently I've been getting into fighting games .. particularly Guilty Gear ... I've always been a very Casual Noob fan of fighting games, so I always would get whooped in them LOL ... As a kid I thought move lists and combos were dumb and I'd get really salty if my cousin or my sister would pull up the move list in the middle of playing mortal kombat cause I considered it cheating .... I was like 8 , OK ?! ... LOL .. But Yes I've been watching lots of fgc videos and I love the salty moments so much . they're so hilarious .. I just think fighting game tournaments are awesome cause there's always either a really funny salt moment or a really sick comeback or combo Or JUST SOMETHING ..!! They're so cool .. I admire the people who're really good even more now cause I've spent like the .. past week researching a bunch of stuff about fighting games and I can't even comprehend half the terms . It's like I unlocked some cool new world and I'm very excited to explore it ... I haven't had a lot of time recently to really get to dive into GG strive cause of School but I'm very excited to learn more ... I always just played fighting games very casually, I'd play for like an hour and go Lel cool that was fun . BUT NOW I WANT TO REALLY LEARN ... GRAAAAAAAGH!!!!! IM INSPIRED !!!!!! .. I have Street fighter Alpha 3, Darkstalkers 3, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, Guilty Gear strive, and .... Sonic the Fighters LOL..... rn I'm mainly settin me sights on strive but I wanna learn the others As Well ... Heh.... just u Wait ... ...... Heh ......... . Im kidding I'm really notoriously butt at fighting games It's seriously insane . Anywayz, I wanted to get caught up on GG lore before I play the story mode for strive (which actually I think is just cutscenes but Whatev) .. so I watched all of WoolieVersus's recap vids and holy shart dude Sol's family lineage is wack . It's very funny to me that Sol is Ky's father in law and Sin's grandpa . I laugh ... I laugh ..... Furthermore ! MUGEN is the absolute best thing ever .. I watched this MUGEN tournament where the stakes was a Chiyo Mcdonalds plush and 500 bucks and it looked like it was a lot of fun to be there LOL ... It was really silly . LINK LINK LINK !!!!

.. Hoho Ho.. I still have a main in all the fighting games I've played casually .. Mortal Kombat is Johnny Cage, Street Fighter is Sakura, Darkstalkers is Hsien-Ko and BB, and Guilty Gear is May .... in Street Fighter I'm considering trying out Cammy and Ken and GG I wanna try out Bridget and Johnny and Perhaps Sin As Well since they're some of my other favorite characters in terms of story/design/personality ... ... EEEKKK... LOTS TO TRY !!!! OVERWHELMING !! hehe . ........... scraggled off thoughts section: ..FOLKS...! GOOD NEWS ! THE JAPANESE PS1 STUFF I ORDERED LIKE A MONTH AGO IS COMING SOON ...!!! IM MAKING A VIDEO TO BRAG ..! LOL..... stay tuned ..... shhh....... Also If You're wondering how I feel now that I've seen Joel's death , Cause I've been playing TLOU part 2 ... I want you to know that I was very excited to play as Abby because I thought people were just hating on her for no reason and I thought she was cool .. and then I understood. ....... and then I understood. TLOU part 2 is my least favorite golf game. .. Also these songs make me doo doo tears . just need to share these they're stuck in my head so much .

That part where you play through that flashback of Ellie and Joel on her birthday at the little museum was so bittersweet dude. It HURT... IT HURT!! ... I honestly kinda wish the game wasn't so long and it was kind of a first half of us being able to see Ellie grow up with Joel, and him dying in the middle of the game .. and we just play through the rest of the game as Ellie getting revenge ... I feel like it would've been a lot more impactful. But that's just my perspective from being only 8 hours into a like .. 30 hour game LOL . Maybe I'll get it once I get to the part where you play as Abby .. cause perhaps it might be an interesting perspective .. because, I mean, when we played as Joel we just killed without thinking because that's what you do in video games, Ja Know .. but from our perspective we knew Joel was the "good guy" .. but from Abby's point of view Joel is just some monster . I think maybe it'll be interesting to see ... puts player morality into question almost ... but we shall see . hehe. .. Another scraggle thought is that.. I've been trying to read and watch Dungeon Meshi for like the past month but I keep getting distracted and not getting past like .. the first few chapters and episodes cause all I'm thinkin .. IS THAT DUNGEON MESHI WOULD GO CRAZY AS A VIDEO GAME DUDE !!! ... CRAZY!!! Like a cooking mama fear & hunger type game ?! Come ON!!! That would be flipping (freaking , effing) AWESOME!!!!!!! .. I want to see that. Do you know how cool that'd be .... Cooking mama scared me as a little kid because I thought the PETA version was the actual game .. and Fear & Hunger 2 is one of my favorite games ever so it'd.... It'd be so good... someone do that please bro Please ...... Im begging .... Im not enough of a dungeon meshi fan to do it ... somoen... pleease.... .... man now I'm thinking about Fear & hunger 2 . I love Levi and Marina and O'saa and Daan and .. and everyone actually . I love that game . so much . everyone please play it PLEASE ... PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Hm .. Hm... I think that's all I have to say . Besides I wanna get into Fatal Fury because Terry looks cool . Ok Bye Now .......................................... Bye.......................... .... I SAID BYE !!!!!!!!!!

April 1st, 2024

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS', YOU FOOL!! Hehe ... none of what follows is a fib, I just happen to be writing this on April Fools': Heeyyy are you wondering why The Last of Us Remastered was only in my Games I'm Playing list for like .. a day ?! .... I beat it in a weekend T___T I got so fixated on it, that game is crazy good ... ADDICTING !.. I love bingeing games with my sister, we always do it over school breaks, but lord I ain't how I once was LOL!!!! I felt like I had a fever after I beat tlou last night, we'd been playing for like 8 hours straight ..... my eyes were so red . this is the gamer addiction the grannies speak of . LOL. ... No it's ok, the reason I'll have the same game in my playing list for like weeks and weeks is cause I only ever binge games like that Once In A Blue Moon ... I like taking my time .. and not having blood shot eyes and a pounding headache LOL . I have no idea how people can pull all-nighters playing games. Noooo idea .... ... Anyways, tlou is an absolutely amazing game it's insane. I only beat it in 2 days and sacrificed my eyeballs for it cause I legit just didn't want to put it down , it was so much fun to play ... Sam and Henry's deaths were so insanely upsetting, like ... jesus dude .. what an awful way to die. When Henry was pointing the gun at Joel I thought he was gonna shoot him or something and miss n' Joel was gonna kill him, but when he turned it on himself I can't tell you how loud I went OH MY GOD!! .. how insane.. it happened so quickly. And then when Ellie started hacking away at David's face ????? DAYUM!!!!!!!!!!!! You could just feel her rage through the screen it was crazy . .. I also didn't realize that girl going "that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life ..." rabbit getting shot with an arrow meme was from the last of us . For some reason I thought it was from some PETA ad...........? LOL?????? ... Anyways, playing tlou made me realize how stupid I am cause I cannot tell you how many times I got lost and didn't know where to go LOOOOLLLLLLLL .. NO YELLOW TAPE OR PAINT??????????????? WHERE DO YOU EVEN GO!!!!!!! TSK!!!!!!!!!!! LOL .. I think my sister and I are gonna play the DLC and Part II today, but Imma set a timer so I don't get so sucked in this time around lel ... Joel is my favorite character .... I know he dies but I don't know how so Uuuummm Shush Guys!!!! Spoileeeerrrrrzzzzz!!! ... OH OH ... Also .. when Sarah died at the beginning of the game It honestly made me feel really sad . Whoever voice acted Sarah is good asf cause the noises Sarah was making when she was dying were terrible ... YOU SUCK YOU ALMOST MADE ME CRY...!!!!!!!!!!!! ... every death in that game feels so gut wrenching cause its so Plausible . its so realistic that it feels infintely more upsetting . tlou is probably the most realistic apocalypse/zombie game I've played cause .. I mean I feel like a lot of the things in the game kinda abstractly can happen in real life too . Like obviously not to the same extent to the point that bloaters are walking around, but I mean ... JA KNOW ???!!! It just feels like if there were ever a zombie apocalypse it'd be more like the last of us and less like resident evil ... or a combo of both. Like some big pharma company accidentally lets some bio weapon fungus slip and now we're effed over for the next 20 years LOL . As I said before however, I'd die if I ever was in a world where zombies could run .. so rest in poop. (uuurmmm actually the clickers and runners and stalkers and bloaters and and and and are not actually zombies Uuurmmm! ........ SHUT UP THEY'RE ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDC!!!!!!! lel)

Some More Things ... I beat Parappa's songs in Um Jammer Lammy!!!!!!! .. Stage 2 and Stage 6 were so hard for some reason Why Is That .... the first stage and Stage 6 were difficult for Lammy too .... It's not just me I swear .... They're just harder on rating you on those stages or Whatever... Tsk.... I'm not bad at Parappa games..... tsk....... tsk......... grimace...... tch....... .. Alsoooo, I've been playing devil may cry 1 and so far It's so much fun LOL.. I love Dante his coolness levels are off the charts . He truly is a lot like re4 Leon. Whatta Guy ... I heard a lot of people say it's really difficult but so far It's actually not that bad. I'm playin on normal rn though ... and I'll probably play hard after beating this cause I heard dmc is meant to be played more than once on different difficulties... but I feel like it's gonna get super difficult later on . Like to the point there's blood coming from my butt and eyes and ears and nose and mouth and toes. Or maybe my gamer abilities have increased after that Clock Tower Nemesis boss .... that boss has jaded me. But we shall see ... heh .......... Allow Us To Take A Quick Detour However: I remembered that Facade game recently and it has me thinking about games where you Real Time talk to the characters using your own inputs. For the year Facade came out, I feel like it's insane that you get coherent responses LOL... I wonder how Facade would be if it was made today ... I feel like it wouldn't be as good. I feel like part of the charm is the fact that it was made by a handful of people in 2005 ... I feel like (3x) that if it got made today it'd be some sharty asset flip using lazy chatGPT stuff LOL. ... Maybe ..... But you know a game that I think should be remade because the game is cool but it was ahead of it's time ..?!! LIFELINE. That game is so awesome. I think it should be given another chance ... voice recognition is better nowadeez.... plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... the voice acting in that game is awesome I love Rio's voice so much. ... I haven't actually finished the playthrough I was watching (Jerma) .. BUT.. from what I've seen... the game is awesome but suffers from really bad voice recoginition despite relying on it to be played ... so I would really love to see the game get remade ......... Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaz.......

I keep coughing like crazy ... Pollen is Very High ......... so brothers ... I shall See You L8r!!!!! bye Amigos !!!!!!

March 27th, 2024

FOLKS! WE DID IT! I FINALLY BEAT RESIDENT EVIL 3 NEMESIS! Cheer Cheer Cheer .. Clap Clap Clap !!!.... Honestly that last boss was way easier than that clock tower fight. I think everything else in that game was way easier than that clock tower fight actually : shiver : .....I'll see that fight in my nightmares from now on .... I love that game but lord am I glad it's over with LOL .. Anywayz .. another thing I beat recently ... Parappa 2 !!!!! I didn't ever put it in my games I'm playing currently list cause I beat it in one evening sitting ... It's much easier than Um Jammer Lammy. I actually got cool mode once while playing Parappa 2 ... much easier ... I still gotta play Parappa's songs in Um Jammer Lammy lel .. I'M WORKIN ON IT..! OK?!!!... .. Anywayz, the music in Parappa 2 is so nasty I love it, "Big" and "Come a Long Way" go CRAZY ..!!!!!!!!!! Everytime I play a Parappa game I end up dancing and singing along, but man I couldn't even focus on the game the songs were so good .. that part in Big where Guru Ant is like WHATS THIS WHATS THIS WHATS THIS?! .. Oooohhhh my loooooord terry it goes so hard. Its crazy .. I love Parappa music it always goes hard. ..... most of the time .... : thinking about Um Jammer Lammy Stage 6 : ... Some other Things To Speak Of .. I hate how long it takes to get stuff from Japan T____T ... I can't wait to get all the cool playstation things I got .. I'm also considerings getting the Japanese releases of SH2 and SH3 to replay, cause I been wanting to replay those games recently on my big fat CRT tv .. ALONE... IN THE DARK! I think it would be really fun. Especially replaying SH3, I originally had to play the HD collection version which is .. significantly worse than the HD collection version of SH2 .. like to the point it was really noticeable lol ... I still love SH3, but I want to experience it again in a better way .. which involves my cooooool fat TV Heh ... Heh.... Heh .... tsk .... and I dont want NO ONE SAYING "bro just emulate it" ....... I hate the people that say that .. They Just don't get it .. tsk ... ... Emulating it doesn't give me the cool little ost CD that comes with SH3 Does It ..... tsk ... Let me waste my money if I want To .... tsk ... hehe . I want the Japanese versions though cause theyre like .. 30 bucks lol . I DONT GET THAT ! why are western releases of playstation games so much more expensive than their OG Japanese releases ??? Like it's kind of insane. Like a Japanese copy of Parappa would be like 20-30 dollars where a North American one would be like 90-100 something... Its kinda messed up cause usually the Japanese versions will look cooler ... tch .... I hate it .....

Some More Things ... SONIC HEROES REMAKE RUMORS ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard it isn't in development but is being considered .. and I'm real excited if it ends up being made .. I never played Sonic Heroes but im a Metal Sonic fan LOL..... Sooooooouuuuuuu..... of course I'd be gleeful if Sonic Heroes gets remade . Neo Metal Sonic's design is SICK. It'd be so cool to see him in O' Modern Days ... Oh Oh Oh , speaking of new games .. South Park Snow Day .. ?! Hmmm..... I wasn't ever really excited for it because I thought it looked like turds compared to the Stick of Truth and the Fractured But Whole ... which are awesome games.. I played them a couple summers ago back to back and they were very fun .. so I think I was being a bit of a hater towards Snow Day. I still don't think it looks all that good , but THEN AGAIN! I haven't played it ... so mayhaps whenever it goes on sale I may play it ... Shoooouuuushhhh.... stay Tuned Brothers .. ! Also , every once in a blue moon when I play Guilty Gear I main May , and I suppose all you Nerds that are reading some random person's online blog about video games will know the stereotypes. (Being Stupid . Cave Dwellers Of The Great Lagoons...) My cousin and I were talkin to this Cool Dude that we know and we were talkin bout Guilty Gear, and my cousin pointed to me and said I main May and Cool Dude was like ".........makes sense.." ..... LOOOLLL ... MY EGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... Hes real awesome thats why I gave him the anonymous nickname Cool Dude . Anywayz, Furthermore ,: twirls my cool Stache and adjusts my monocule : I been thinkin bout games that are good in my memory ... Like games I haven't interacted with since I was little, I've been wondering if they're actually as good as I remember. I remember when I was younger playing MKx in like 2015/2016, I was like Hooollly Craaaapppp this is HYPER REALISTIC ...... but lookin back .. I.... I don't remember it looking like that LOL . ... I used to watch Danganronpa playthroughs when I was like 12, and it was like peak murder mystery fiction to me . but I honestly wonder if the writing is actually any good cause I didn't have very good taste as a 12 year old. As .... most 12 year olds do not .... I remember getting hyped in shocking astonishment at that part where Kaito dies in the third game and my sister telling me to shut up ... Them Were The Days ... LOL maybe I should revisit Danganronpa cause I have a feeling I'd shrivel at the writing Nowadeez . . . Maybe .............. shiver ......... Also kinda related .. I played this hamster game last night that I used to play all the time as a little kid on the PS3 and I remember it being hyper realitsic hamster graphics but It ... It Looked Like A PS3 Game .! But the gameplay was just as I remember ... : heart : ......

Hmm... I think that's all I Have To Say For Now Brothers ... See You Later Alligators ...!!!!!!!!!!

March 24th, 2024

AMIGOS! Lord is there lots to talk about ... First off, my new PS3 controller came in the mail yesterday, so I finally get to play the games I was workin on YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!! .. Second off, I found one of the games I was talking about on leap day, the one with the pile of bodies on the front: it was Germs Nerawareta Machi .. that's what I was talkin about ... Third off, I was also able to (responsibly) gather the money for a Japanese PS2 and some Japanese PS1 games .. stay tuned I'm gonna make a little video to BRAAAGGGG!!! lel hehe.. Fourth off, I GOT SOME OLD GAME MAGAZINES! I went to this retro game store to look for a PS1 memory card, and they had a whole section of video game magazines from the 90s and 2000s, super cheap too ... so I got 3 of them and I wanna show you folks some of my favorite segments and pages from them : 3 The ones I got were: Tips & Tricks No. 50 Special 50th Issue Collectors' Edition (April 1999), GamePro Issue 115 (April 1998), and Expert Gamer Issue 56 (Feb 1999). Zoom in to read!

PHEW ... and that's all ..! Euuugh.. my heads spinning... so many bright colors... so many dated 90s pop culture jokes ... oooooohhhhhhh...... soooooo... awesoooomeee..... hehe. My fav is the Parappa found dead bit . Before I sign off... I heard a rumor that RE9 will be open world. Unsure if its true .... unsure how to feel... AND! FNF ERECT MODE SAMPLER!!! SOUNDS SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ... OK BYE NOW!!!!!!

March 17th, 2024

Amigos ... good and bad news .... I BEAT NEMESIS LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE AINT GOT NOTHING ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOOOOOURAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but . um. my controller broke like immediately after . ..... the d pad is inputting on its own . I have no idea why I think my sweaty hands from the boss messed it Up ... Rest In Peace my Boy... you did your duty .... moment of silence ..... .. so .. I suppose no resident evilling until I get a new one. : frown : .. Ououou BUT! I also beat Lammy solo in Um Jammer Lammy last night as well. That stage 6 was super hard, half cause the song was so bad that it distracted me . But .. I mean ... It was also kinda good . Like it was such a bad song that I ended up liking it after awhile. I love Um Jammer Lammy ... I'm gonna play Parappa solo next n' then I'll consider it beat and dusted from me hands .. but ... urrr... again ... controller is kinda Messed up .... Siiigh, I was saving my money too cause I wanna start collecting Japanese PS1 games T_T ... The limited edition version of Baroque PS1 is so cool, I'd kill for it ... but .. ourgh... you win some you lose some I suppose.

Just a little update paragraph .. but ... wait a minute ....PINCH. YOU WERENT WEARING GREEN. GREEN UNDERWEAR DOESNT COUNT.

March 14th, 2024

Hello Amigos . It is pi day .. I'm takin a break 2day because Im TIRED. ..... WITH LIFE!!!!!! I can't wait until spring break... then summer break ....Lel .. a little dramatic but on my little pi day break day , lettuce write. Are u wonderin why RE3 is still in my games I'm playing currently list ...?????? because I'm still stuck . on the same clock tower Nemesis boss. Im seriously losing my sanity at this point LOL!!!!!! I tried asking my dad, looking for some good old folk wisdom from an old folk that played the game when it came out, and he said "I don't remember" .... My hair... it's falling out .... My body ... is withering away .... LOL........... Please.... Help me...... ANYWAYS. Away from that vile beast , I've been thinkin about sorta "simon says" rhythm games, like parappa and FNF... been watchin lotsa vids today about them. Remember FNF?!!! I used to be CRACKED at that game back in 2021 man . I was crazy at it .. I kinda miss it ... don't give me that turd, IDC THAT FNF FANS ARE LIKE ALL LITTLE BOOGER TODDLERS NOW!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!! .. When I was younger, the cringe media that little kids liked was undertale and minecraft and fnaf. now look at us . shame on thou. One Of these days FNF and like .. um........ huggy wuggy diarrhea slop will be the media that we all look back on after considering it cringe and go . Hm . Maybe that was actually pretty good. ....... Maybe not huggy wuggy .I don't like poppy playtime . .. sniff.............. anyways . Its just a cycle. New Cool Game Comes Out And Gets Hoarded By Little Annoying Children, Everyone Says Its Cringe And Then Those Annoying Children Grow Up And Now Everyone Thinks That Old New Cool Game Is Cool Again. ..... Tsk . whatever . tch . this is MY evil video game blog I get to talk about the games EYE think are cool . GOT IT ?!!!!! ... : evil : ... Anyways Friday Night Funkin is very cool and since I remembered its existence 2day, I am now wondering ... whats goin on with that kickstarter thing ? last I heard substantial stuff about it was when it was announced .. hmm.. Hmm..... I wonder .. I hope the full game is as sick as the newgrounds .. demo? teaser? .. FNF PART UNO? . I heard theres a lotta messed stuff goin on with that kickstarter, hopin the game still goes along well .. maybe it'll be an omori situation ... scratches head ....

Anywayz, with the remembrance of FNF comes the remembrance of the characters .. I forget how much I loved the senpai dude .. that's my favorite character archetype . like ... a .. strange play on the rich boy pretty gal type characters in anime, where you make them a sadistic creature beneath it all instead of just a school bully ..... Not even yandere stuff . yandere stuff is dumb . like just make the anime character an actual eldritch being ... capable of satanic abilities ... that type of character shows up surprisingly more than you would think . I love it everytime. It is Awesome sauce! .... Anywayz, Ive been wantin to play parappa recently .. I watched my sister play like 2 seconds of parappa once when I was like 12 or 13 before she gave up cause she said it was too hard . So I been wantin to play parappa .. I know about Parappa's adventures , to the gas station and such , but twas is different than actually playing... Imma get Um Jammer Lammy on my ps3 soon , mayhaps I'll pull that sonic adventure 2 resident evil 2 stunt I did and put re3 on hold for a bit and play jammer lammy cause lord terry is nemesis gettin on me nerves . I keep having dreams about killing him . Its gone too far . ... Anyways, why isn't it called um jammy lammy ?. Messed up...... Also Im kinda stuck on what game to play next after re3 .. I KNOW I SAID FF7 but ... but I been eyeing devil may cry .. my cousin told me Dante is like Leon and modern Sonic combined and ever since I have really wanted to play . Dante sounds like the coolest Em Effer EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK.. bye now.. thats all... just something short and sweet for a day as sweet as pie .. and for a reader as sweet as You ....... : aww sound effects :

March 10th, 2024

Happy MARIOOOOOO DAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!................... Luigi was always cooler.

March 8th, 2024

Wooooowww ... I haven't written in .. almost a week LOL ..!!! I guess cause there's not much to write about, I had exams and wasn't really able to play lots of video games .. but I finished them ... I did really well on them too, I'm proud .. !!! Anywayz, there are some few scraps and ideas and things here and there I wanted to write about .. I've been playing Resident Evil 3 whenever I get the time, and dude is this game as hard for other ppl as it is for me ... please ... say yes ... I got stuck in like an hour loop of doing the same stuff over and over again because I ran out of ink ribbons and kept dying before I was able to find more LOL .. Only thing that saved me was randomly happening upon some ink ribbons that I hadn't noticed those 84 billion other attempts ... dayum those 2 gray pixels to hell ...... Now I'm on the clock tower Nemesis boss .. who made this game ?!!!! Why does Nemesis have a one shot move ?! I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself . I said that before. (...) I'm just complainin' , baby raging, whatever, but lord is this game so much harder than RE2 og and RE4 og LOL !!!!! Also , more on the never having played a lot of iconic game series, I've never played a GTA game before and I've been thinkin bout' getting GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas sometime ... they seem like games I'd like, can't tell you how many times I got some new weapon in an RE game and hollered when I saw the crazy effects it had on the zombies LOL . That makes me sound like a weirdo . sorry . It's just cool to see zombies explode.... snif ............... In that same vein, I've been wanting to play Postal 2 also .. I watched this video where this guy did a pacifist route, and it seemed like a really funny game to play . Meet and greet with Gary Coleman?! He whips a gun out too?! Come on. I need to play this .... I do ... LOL. I have a huge list of games I want to get and play ... let me list it:

And I have way more on my steam wishlist .. Yada Yada I won't write it out but ...Wow um mmm .. wow that's kind of a lot now that I'm writing it all out LOL . I'm definitely focusing only on games I HAVE right now, I still have that backlog of games that I have yet to beat .... I'm workin' on it, OK?!!! Hehe .. Also, I decided, after I beat RE3 I think I'll move on to FF7 OG and play that .. I'm really excited, Cloud seems like a cool dude . Hopefully he doesn't kill small babies, as opposed to adult sized babies, or eat women or something, I don't know . I haven't played it yet . Can anyone confirm or deny? I don't want to get too attached. Anyways, I saw these really cool videos that stuck with my brain .. One was where these guys mummified a chicken, but that doesn't have any to do with games so I'll let you find that yourself .. but the others were really sick too . LINNKKKK ..... LIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're super interesting , check them out ... Especially the Silent Hill Map Examiner video, it's very underrated compared to how cool the contents of the vid are. It makes me wonder ... how many cool tools or games in general are out there that are just buried, waiting to be found ?!! .. That thought kinda sucks, cause they're missing, but it's also a bit cool to know there's so much out there .. there's so much out there ..... I've been gettin' a little philosophical recently, especially with Deltarune. That game means a lot to me, and I was thinkin about why .. and I think cause I feel like I can see a little piece of myself in every main character , they're just written so well and so .. HUMAN ?!! TEENAGER ACCURACTE?! And I feel like that thought goes against some type of narrative theme I'm too dumb to understand .. But I just find it to be really cool. It also got me thinkin about how I'm kinda growing up with the game .... I'm definitely gonna be some farty office worker by the time chapter 7 comes out, and I'll play it then .. and I'll probably cry or something and think: "Ooooohhhh!!! Where has the time gone!!" Hehe. But really, Toby Fox writes characters so well, his work definitely inspires me to strive for my .. ULTIMATE, KIND OF CHEESY GOAL!!!!! To be a game designer . LOL. ... But really, I'm very excited for the rest of Deltarune, I don't care if I'm some 68 year old grandpa with a wizard beard by the time chapter 7 comes out .. I'll be right there playing it day uno!!!!! UNO!!!!!

Hmm.. I think that's all I have to talk about ... besides ... MALWARE GAME SEGMENT: That Touhou Ransomware is Sooooo Cool, Ja?

March 2nd, 2024

Wowie, happy March!! Crazy, I feel like New Years was just a few seconds ago. Jeeez .. Before I know it, I'll be an old fart!!! But .. Aaahh.. speakin' about time passing, the OMORI 3rd Anniversary Concert streamed last night !!! .. Man, was it beautiful.. I really can't believe Omori is getting up there in age now, I feel like it was just my birthday, fumbling around on this sick new RPG Maker game I'd found out about like the month before. Seriously, seeing such beautiful renditions of music from an indie RPG Maker game performed by an entire professional orchestra really made me feel ... kinda hopeful, like I can make it too, yaknow? I don't think I've mentioned it on here before, but I do really want to be a game designer when I get older. It sounds so cheesy, but video games are really something that mean a lot to me, I find them to be such a unique art form ... so many different kinds of artists coming together to make one thing, you can really tell how much love and work gets put into them. BUT, speaking about the orchestra, I think MUSIC Engine's rendition of Underwater Highway is probably the most beautiful sound I have ever heard an orchestra produce .. I was studying while listening to the orchestra's live stream, and I quite literally just had to stop what I was doing and just .. listen when Underwater Highway came on!!! It was so beautiful ... So, so beautiful .. please go listen to the orchestra if you missed it, even if you're not even a fan of Omori ...! Bo en making a suprise appearance was very awesome too ... It makes me wonder why it took me so long to find Omori, because I've listened to bo en since like .. 2016 .. and I'd specifically always listened to My Time LOL . DUET was so beautiful too, like a sort of "come to life" moment, as if Sunny and Mari finally had their concert. Kawai-san's performance of OMORI was extremely heart-wrenching as well, it was so cool seeing the other members of the orchestra having that red light shine on them, like how the background for the Omori boss fight is ...

I really think music and sound design is one of the most important aspects of a video game, I think it's a part of what makes a game really stick with you ... Particularly with emotion packed games like Omori, or atmospheric horror like with Silent Hill. I remember playing Omori for the first time, tucked in my bed after having eaten some cheese cake (birthday..!), and the first things jumping out at me was the beautiful art and music ... when the Omori CD released, I jumped on it so quick even known I didn't even collect CDs at the time nor did I have anyway of playing it LOL ... There's been so many games where the sound design or music particularly drew me in, I think as I've gotten older it's something that I started to notice more that I previously overlooked as a little kid. Silent Hill 1-3, Sonic CD, Fear & Hunger 2, Omori, UTDR, Yume Nikki, Soup 0.9 .. So many more games than that ... they all have dug little holes inside my brain just based off music and sound design alone..!! Particularly with Silent Hill 2, I think reverse Lakeview Hotel will forever be drilled into my brain. It was like 12 am and I was playing in a pitch black room with my sister and she went: "Do you know about the reverse Lakeview Hotel segment?" and I had no idea what she was talking about, so she just zipped her mouth shut .. and when I walked out of that room where you find out James killed Mary, and that droning music just started up, god did I start freaking out LOL .. I WAS SO SCARED!! I remember just being completely silent, walking to where my sister told me to go, getting to that part where James picks up the headphones and listens to the doctor tell him that Mary is dying, and then getting to the hallway where Mary and James' argument plays out, and just thinking: "this game feels haunted." Sure, atmosphere and subject matter played a huge role in that, but the drone that played through that beginning segment ... I think will forever stick with me. I had a nightmare after I beat Silent Hill 2 too, and when I woke up my music box that I have in my room went off by itself LOL .. That sounds like a straight up creepypasta lie, but I swear it was just a perfect coincidence. Obviously, I wasn't all that scared after I realized nothing was there .. cause music box's strings will pop sometimes, I think especially when it's humid and this was during spring (...) but lord did my eyes shoot open faster than they ever have before!!! I thought an abstract daddy done crawled outta the screen!!!!! Hehe .. but seriously, music is one of the most important aspects in video games I think, especially if you want to strike a specific emotion into your player ... that's why I like leitmotifs so much, particularly the way Toby Fox uses them. Having a song you've played since the beginning show up in a particularly emotional part, remixed to be more somber ... TEARS, BROTHER!!!

Anywayz, I think that's all I wanted to say today ... Ooooh you're wondering where I talked about malware games at..?! Well, I didn't..!! Maybe I will .... LATER..! ... It's my blog log not yours teehee B - P

February 29th, 2024

Heh... Nooo... that date isn't wrong... heh.... it's LEAP YEAR!!! YAY!!! HAPPY LEAP YEAR!!! .. I've been listening to Malice Mizer today, I think maybe I'll make a page to this site for Vkei stuff, or maybe just my CDs in general. But, anywayz, for such a strange day, I thought why don't we sit around the campfire and talk about strange games ... One that particularly comes to mind is Soup 0.9 ... I thought it was far more popular than it is, but I think it's just got a niche subset of fans in the surrealist artsy fartsy video game community .. It's quite short, and I think may have just been made as a fun little project to just show off some music, but it is something quite interesting ... the music in particular is really good, I always find myself listening to it whenever I'm writing or drawing ... I'm listening to it now!! Hehe!! But, seriously, it's such a sweet little game that you can tell someone who just wanted to have fun making something made, I really love it a lot (...) The facet at the beginning of each day is a nice touch too, I always like it when video games incorporate real life images .. so cool (...) Speakin About video games that I think may have just been made as a sorta visual showcase for music .. there was this one game that my sister showed me about a year or so ago that I can't for the life of me remember the name to, but It was like ... I think it may have been either monkeys or people just super brightly colored in some strange LSD hellscape ?! Some nice music was playing too .. and you couldn't really do anything but switch between these different LSD-like screens, I completely forget everything else about it but those things, and even then I'm not sure if I'm misremembering .... truly the most mysterious game of all .. .. Hehe, but another strange game I played with my sister is Fatum Betula, I think she had just found it on the Xbox store one night and we played some, then while I was sleeping, she got all the endings and showed it to me when I woke up. I still think about that game ... I remember finding a weird little angel baby under the water, or something like that .. I love it a lot when modern games emulate PSx graphics, bonus points if they keep tank controls LOL ... Yaknow, after I got used to tank controls, it's actually a pretty fun way to play games ... I'm a tank control defender ...!! Sorry!!!...

DRIFT BACK! Obviously everyone and their gruncle uncle likes Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator ... everyone does .. You can't be a fan of artsy fartsy surrealist exploration games and NOT like Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator. I love both those games to death ... But I don't have much to say about them that everyone hasn't said already, besides Monoko is the best Yume Nikki character..! ... I think what makes these games so facinating is that it's a bit difficult to say something coherent about them, I'm struggling to write right now because there's nothing to describe these games better than playing them yourself .. So .. I implore you .. please play these games, even just for a little bit ,, I'm fumbling my vocabulary..! It's like when you try to explain a dream that you only have a hazy memory of, you have to have the dream yourself to get what I'm talkin' bout' ... But, I'll continue in describing ... there's this one game that .. again, I can't remember the name to, I just remember it being an old Playstation game with a pile of bodies on the front ... GAH THAT'S GONNA BOTHER ME SO BADLY NOW (...) I watched a video about it forever ago, I completely forget what the game was even about besides it being very strange and only in Japanese ... Man, this happens to me too much. I forgot about Cooking With Huck Botko for years and years, vaguely remembered the existence of it randomly one day, tried looking for it and couldn't find it, and didn't find it for years LMFAO .. You know how happy I was when I found that video again?! And then immediately disgusted all over again?! ... You'll never know ... But, let's go dooooown memory laaannnee....

FLASHBACK! Does anyone remember Proteus? ... I had it on the PS3 when I was little and it kinda freaked me out cause I could never for the life of me figure out what to do, I still don't know if that game has an ending or not .... Same thing with Flower , I hope people remember Flower, too LOL. That's another game I only had a vague memory of to work with and was trying to find for years ... I kinda hate and like those kinda memories, it's always awesome to find the thing you were looking for again, but you're kinda just working with crumbs until then, LOL ... Oh, weird-ish game I want to play desperately ?! BAROQUE... YOU KNOW HOW BADLY I WANT TO PLAY THAT FIRST BAROQUE GAME FOR THE SATURN ..?! So badly, man. I've seen clips of gameplay and have heard vague murmurs of it .. but lord terry does it look like a game I'd LOVE..!!! It reminds me of Shadow Tower ... that's another game I need to play. Jeez ... too many games I need to play ... I need to find a download for the english patch for Baroque, I found like 86 different ones and I'm not willing to test which one will give me a virus LOL ...! OH, OH! Another weird game that's in that same camp of need-to-find-link-to is the Lain PSx game, I heard it's really dialogue heavy and makes not a lot of sense ... sounds like it's up one of the alleys I set up shop in ... Oh, but more about Baroque, I found a neocities site that has LOADS OF DIFFERENT BAROQUE RELATED STUFF .. like, LOADS. It looks so cool .. I'll have to find it again and put it in my cool links page. Theres interviews, art books, EVERYTHING. ...... I want to play Baroque so bad grrrrr....... I'll go diggin ... grrr....

Hmm.. I think that's all I have to write about for now, I need to dive back into surrealist games n' find some more, I bet theres several I forgot to mention LOL. ... What about that Roblox game that recreates a bunch of those weirdcore pictures ?! That one is really cool. I went through that one with my sister, it was really fun to explore ... count how many times I say cool in this blog LOL . My brain is poopin' itself cause I just finished a project for school, but I wanted to talk about weird games on such a weird day .. February 29th..! Happy 2nd birthday to all those 4 year olds born in 2020. ... I think I'll write about .. malware video games next..?! I like those .. maybe I'll write about those next .. heh .... STAY TUNED..! BYE!!!!!

February 27th, 2024

It's late when I'm writing this!! I wanted to write some stuff bout Little Big Planet ... the PS3... some things here and there .. and I boot my computer up and explorer just REFUSES TO LOAD!! I had to restart my computer like 86 thousand times!!!! It isn't even old but it's been having so many issues after SOMEONE (my cat, named dog, pronounced dee-oh-gee) decided to THROW IT OFF MY DRESSER WHILE I WAS SLEEPING ... TWICE!!!!!! Urrrghhhh.... tsk.. Whateva, it still runs stuff well there's just waaay more hiccups than b4.... especially with my fans ... grrr..... I'll have to start saving up for a new one ... keep it away from that stinky man.... who I love very much despite his mischevious actions. You know how many posters I have on my walls that don't have any bottoms to them cause he ripped them off LOL?!! I don't even know why he does that ... OK . VIDEO GAMES!!!! Speaking about technology breaking and pooping on itself, I've realized the Playstation 3 is crazy durable LOL. I always had a PS3 in the house when I was little, I loved that console so much and .. I still do.. the PS3 is still my favorite console ever .. ITS WHY I GOT ONE STILL!! But, what I mean when I say it's crazy durable, is that I realized that I'm pretty sure the PS3 I have now is the same one that we had since like 2014 LOL .. AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY!! Besides the disc drive being broken .... but ... urrr.... ignore that... The PS3 that I have now was a hand-me-down from my sister, she swore it was broken but I wanted to see and .. look at me noooww.... but I'm pretty sure that PS3 that my sister had and gave me was that same one we played Scott Pilgrim, LBP2, and Minecraft on back when we were little .. which is pretty cool when you think about it. Old hardware just lasts so much longer for some reason ?! I had a phone with loads of my drawings on it that broke after 4 years, then I have a Gameboy Advanced SP that I've had since I was 9, and the Gameboy being way older than that, that I just beat Nightmare in Dream land on ..! Anywayz, about the PS3, we had a PS3 in the house for so long that I hadn't even realized the PS4 released when it did. For the absolute longest time I thought the PS4 had released in 2016, but it was really 3 years earlier .. LATE TO THE PARTY..!

The PS3 really has some crazy good games on the store though, I need everyone to go and spend their well-earned like 9 or something dollars and buy SILENT HILL 1 NOW!!! ... They also have like .. every mainline Resident Evil up until RE6. So cool .. really good retro game selection imo n' if you're not a super big fan of piracy or emulating or nothin', then I recommend getting a PS3 and gettin stuff off the store while u STILL CAN!!. .. bbuuuttt ...FLASHBACK.....! I mainly wrote this cause I was feelin' nostalgic ... before Scott Pilgrim got delisted off the PS3 store, my sister and I had downloaded it for.. some reason..? We weren't Scott Pilgrim fans, I don't even think I knew what Scott Pilgrim was until I was like 13 or something, but I guess .. We thought it looked cool?! (april edit: My Sister told me we never downloaded it , she said it appeared one of these days, how mysterious .dad probably did it. thank you editor.....heh) But, fun fact, we could never beat it ... we didn't actually beat that game until recently, after like 10 years LOL.. Full Circle . Minecraft for PS3 held lotsa memories too , lots of copying Stampy's lovely world and making pixel art of FNAF characters. We got griefed once by some kid that we knew's friend in like 2014, I think I cried . Lava .... everywhere .... I'm thrashing ...... sweat is on my forehead ... eek..... but obviously the highlight was LBP2, come on man... It's really sad to see the state that LBP is in right now, it's just .. dormant.. the servers for LBP3 on the PS4-PS5 went down recently and haven't come back up and it makes me .. SAD, DUDE!! Not just cause of nostalgia, but also cause I still played from time to time T_T ... I wonder how many levels have become lost media now . Sigh ... But, LBP2 was def the best LBP game, the shark and bomb survivals .. the dress up photoshoot levels with Kingdom Hearts music in the back .. creepypasta levels .. how fast can you press X (I would get whooped so hard in that one it was crazy) ... Jeff the Killer ... swimming levels ... sigh ......... I'll miss you ..... I wiiilll!!! I remember before the PS3 servers for LBP2 went down .. like right before .. my sister n cousin n I went back to play some of the scary levels we played on when we were little, and I remember thinking: "I feel like these used to be a lot scarier." And I felt really old in that moment . But ... sniff .. whateva .. As an LBP player once said: "Simplistic but poop is always funny. Did you know that when you say the word 'poop' your mouth does the same motion your butthole does when you poop."

FLASH FORWARD ... I've been playig RE3 OG on my PS3 recently and it's so unfair bro LOL I keep losing the same like .. hour of progress trying to get all the materials to fix that stupid train thing ... but that's just the way o' the RE life, boy .. But I will say, Nemesis is scary as hail in that game dude. Insane. He full on sprints towards Jill going S.T.A.R.S .... S.T.A.R.S .... People like to say a monster is scarier if it's trudging like a dad boutta beat you, but I have never clenched my buttcheeks harder than when Nemesis first started SPRINTING at me in his full 2 polygon beauty. It's like zombie apocalypses, if its them normal zombies that are just like ooouuurgh that disintegrate if you cough on them then lemme just move out to a rural field and I'd be good. But if they're them mfs that RUN and they're like GWAAAH GWAAH COD zombie style?! I'm killing myself! I am not gonna even attempt that bro! ... Anyways, I feel like RE3 is the ugly cousin of the early Resident Evil games and I dunno why .. it's awesome as hail so far, but I feel like everyone that talks about it goes: "I never played it." ..! I guess cause it's sandwiched between RE2 and RE4, some of the most highly regarded RE games, but I mean.. come on man!! RE3 deserves more love ... but maybe that's just my perspective and there's actually like an entire cult for it, I dunno . But I was really shocked when I found out Jill could just walk up the stairs without pressing X. Revolutionary tech. ... also I really like Carlos so far he so silly . ... Also, I've been thinkin , there are a lot of iconic game series that I've never played before . I've never played a Final Fantasy game before, but I have FF7 and FF8 on my PS3.. unsure which to start with ... I know it doesn't really matter but ... they both look so cool ... Sigghh ... and I can't pick on whether I should play Fatal Frame or one of those Final Fantasy games after I beat RE3! So many choices!!!!! ... Another series I've never really played is Zelda, which I feel like is weird . I feel like I would really like Zelda ... Zelda and Link seem so sweet together .. why have I never rly played one b4 ?! I have BOTW, but I'm not a super Huge fan of open world games that aren't surrealist ... But there's exceptions ..! I love Elden Ring .. I really wanna play Bloodborne too . GAH! So many games ...!!!! ... Twilight Princess looks awesome though, I really would like to play that one .. but since I actually own BOTW, I'll probably play that one first LOL . ...

Mentioning Elden Ring made me think of all the hard bosses and games I've played .. the memooooriiiesss ... painful memoriess..... Elden Ring was my first soulslike game, so obviously I had lots and lots and lots of trouble LOL . I had beat Margit after a straight like .. 2-3 weeks of trying every single day, it was absolutely crazy when I beat him !!!!!!! It sounds absolutely very lame when I describe it but I started shaking, I was so happy LOL .. my mom made me a little cheese naan too. What a good day ... .. I think that was the most insane boss I've ever beat, but sooommmeee honorable mentions: Both Jevil and Sans whooped my butt crazy .. but I'm a master now, brother ... I've beat Jevil like 3 times..!!! IM A GAMER .. snort .. heh.. ... ... but actually , ... when I was playing Fear and Hunger 2, I wasn't feeling well and I had felt so defeated after losing a salmonsnake rune cause the woodsman's face hugger penis injected Levi with .. with ..... with ....??? that I fr just sat there and started crying bro. You know the last time I cried over a video game? When I was like 6, and lost in a cave in Minecraft. I thought I was a goner bro. I thought I was food for Herobrine. Yet there I was, many years later, staring at that death screen for the wiener rpg maker game, crying ........ crying ..... I wasn't even really upset . I was just crying bro . That's where my love for Fear and Hunger 2 started .. It's high up there in the 80 billion games that are in my 2nd favorite spot. High up there . Daan so kawaii ...? What..??? I haven't cried over a video game since then, and for a long time before then ... I need everyone to play Pleeeasseee It's one of the best I've played Pleeeaseeeeee .....? ... Levi and Marina kiss under the moonlight, brother . Decapitated, brother . ... Also Marina is really good trans rep ... All the characters are so likable, too .. I don't think I have any character from Termina that I hate .. And the battle system for both Fear and Hunger games is so unique .. I love rpg games with unique battle systems like UTDR and Fear and Hunger .. It makes replayability go up like crazy. ALSO I REALLY LOVE THE SILENT HILL REFERENCES IN FEAR AND HUNGER 2 . I LOVE IT SO MUCH . I just need everyone to play Termina Please it's such a good game .

OK ... It's bout midnight now, I should be snoozin'!!! Peace Brothers (...) ! (also ps: I really love the themes you can have for the PS3 . I have SA2 and SH2 ones, they're baller)

February 25th, 2024

Wow... Back so soon... hehe... I ain't feelin' too well today, so I wanted to talk a bit about the games I'm excited for : - P .. PARTICULARLY, Deltarune. Man, there's only 2 chapters of that game out and I will admit it's probably my number 1 favorite game. I've never been able to make a list of favorite video games, cause I have so many that share the number 2 spot, but Deltarune will always be my number 1 favorite... Maybe until Toby Fox comes out with a cooler, awesomer game but ... is that even possible?! OK, but seriously I can't express how excited I am for these next two chapters ... I have a feeling they'll release within the next few years, I smell them on the horizon ... But last time I said that it was 2022, and now it's 2024 ... so... don't count on my sense of smell. I'm patient though, probably, so I ain't rushin' or nothin' ... I just feel my skeleton jump out of my skin when I think about all the cool possibilities of all the next chapters... EEK!

FLAYED! After beating chapter 2 back when it came out, I remember going on a theory binge to hype myself up crazy-time for what there may be to come ... Honestly, main theory that I hate though is the 'Kris is the Knight' theory. That one sucks .. does anyone believe that still?!!!!!! Watch me eat my words lol. I really love the theory that Toby Fox ain't fibbin' about there being only one ending, and the whole "your choices don't matter" thing still holding true ... No matter if you choose normal or weird route, the ending will end up the same ... just the context of that ending will be crazy different. It's so exciting to think about, cause isn't the ending based off a dream Toby had, too?! So many possibilities!!!! Gah!!!!!! I probably love that theory so much because of this incident that happened when I played Omori... Shall I tell that tale?

I had played Omori 2 days after the release, because it was my birthday that day and I had some birthday money and thought: "Whale, why not? It looks cool ..." I wasn't one of those people waiting for it while it was in development hell, I'm a fake fan! But .. urgh... I've played Undertale since I was in embryo (exaggeration) and it forever affected the way I play video games .. I try so hard to tip toe around a choice I think might give me a bad ending, and that choice was not OPENING THE DOOR FOR KEL!!!!!!!!!! LOOOLL!!!!!!???????????? So , yes, I played the Hikikomori route first when I played Omori and then only found out at the end of 24 hours of gameplay that I wasn't on the main route after getting the most anti-climatic ending ever lol. And ... I wouldn't be so mad about it 3 years later if I hadn't gotten that ending and realized I was on the wrong route and went, "man, I am not doing all that again," AND LOOKED UP FINAL DUET ON YOUTUBE ...... LMFAO......... So if you wanted to know my reaction to finding out that Sunny had killed Mari, it was: "Oooh okay, so thats what happened." EFF MY LIFE. I'm still so mad about it bro PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Don't blame me I was a fresh teenager with no guide and feeling very upset at what I thought was the real ending to the game....... Sigh. Man, but what makes it so much worse is that I have never ever seen anyone make the same mistake as me .. NEVER!!! Do you know how confusing Hikikomori route is with absolutely no context from the main route?! SO CONFUSING!!! ... don't worry, I did go back and play the main route like 2 days later like I SHOULD HAVE INSTEAD OF LOOKING UP THE ENDING!!!! GOD!!!!!!!! Whatever... tch... tsk.. my eyes turn red..... whatever..... urgh...... But anyways, I was forever traumatized by such an incident so, like how Undertale has forever affected the way I play video games, so has Omori ...

It's kinda funny looking back on, I bet I had the most unique experience while playing.... lol... coping ... still... 3 years later..... help......... But, obviously I like the one ending theory for Deltarune so much because I think diarrhea would start coming out of my eyes if that same Omori Incident Of 2020-2021 happened to me again. I mean, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the game, I still had fun playing (and have like 80 hours logged)... but bro I would've cried so hard my liver would fall out my butt if I had gotten that true ending myself and not SPOILED IT!!!!!!! tch... whatever..... tsk .......... OK.. enough about recalling painful memories ... back to games I'm excited for ... I really hope Deltarune has more 4th wall break type stuff, I can't express how much I enjoy 4th wall breaks in video games LOL. Obviously it likely will, one of the main themes is the relationship between Kris and the player/their world and our world, but it's just so exciting to think about all the different kinds of ways the 4th wall May Be Broken..?! I think prime-time example of a really good 4th wall break game is OneShot .. I need everyone to play OneShot. It was like RPG malware simulator. I loved it so much ... I remember my wallpaper changing in the middle of the game and it scaring me so bad : - P .. I'm also real excited to see how the weird route develops, is Berdly actually dead or just passed out ... what's gonna happen if he's dead?!! Only time can tell... I'm too weenie to play the weird route right now actually so you guys can find out not me ....... I'll play it one day though .. :evil:

I'm also real excited to see how the relationships between the characters develop. Obviously Susie and Noelle need to hold hands and share a piece of fruitcake together on a Christmas morning, but does anyone remember people shipping Kris and Berdly together after chapter 2 released LOL?!! ..... no...? Too obscure..............? .... Whatever... tch.... WAIT! I remember another theory I hate . Ralsei being Asriel theory ... goooooaaadddd I hate that theory. I'll be so mad if it turns out true .. Cause, I mean, think about it logically: Why in the world would Toby Fox make it obvious enough that Ralsei is Asriel through making their names anagrams of eachother and the same species..?!(that is really all the two characters share lmfao) There's absolutely no plottwist there, there would be no reason to hide Ralsei being Asriel if he had made it THAT GLARINGLY OBVIOUS. And .. come on man, we're talking about Toby Fox here... he is not a stupid writer by any means ... I really like the theory that Ralsei is Kris's old red horns headband though, it's so sweet and I think it'd explain why Ralsei is more familiar with Noelle than she is with him + the fondness Ralsei has for Kris. THAT'S ANOTHER THING.. you'd be crazy if you don't see that Ralsei has some kind of crush on Kris bro. ACID TUNNEL OF LOVE..?! Come on now..... why in the world would Toby Fox imply romance between Ralsei and Kris (you cannot deny Acid Tunnel of LOVE, BRO) if they were meant to be siblings :skull: :skull: :skull: ............. I sure as hail hope Toby Fox wouldn't pull a 12 minutes on us, JEEZ..!!! That would be so awful my god .... shiver...... away from that topic ... This little blog post has turned into more of me ranting about Deltarune and my terrible Omori playthroughs than about the games I'm excited about , LOL ... so lemme speak Upon Another Title ...

OD!!!!! When it was announced, I was in the shower so I had to step away from the stream for a bit, and when I came back I asked my cousin (who was watching the stream) if anything interesting was announced, and he said: "No, nothing really." And I only found out like 2 days later that a new HIDEO KOJIMA HORROR GAME WAS ANNOUNCED...?! What do you MEAN nothing really..?!! THIS IS CRAZY!! I'm a huge fan of PT Silent Hills, obviously .. I think everyone and their mother and brother and sister and grandma are fans of PT. Sometimes instead of listening to music, I listen to the radio from PT ... that sounds sadistic but I really love the voice acting of the radio guy in that game. But, back to OD ... I'm so extremely excited for it. Hideo Kojima made the scariest horror game I have ever seen in my entire life with a short little TEASER... IMAGINE A FULL GAME!! I really hope some of the ideas that got scrapped with Silent Hills' cancelation come back with OD ... I suppose there isn't much to work with besides hungry purple dinosaur and the naked guy's leak. But ... The Silent Hill letters in the teaser trailer and Kojima coming out from the PT door at the awards makes me hopeful... but also suspicious, because it's Kojima ... probably trollin'... Seriously though, no doubt in my mind this game is going to be huge, and amazing ..!! Another thing I'm super hyped for is all those Resident Evil games that got leaked .. I think there's 5? I'm pretty sure the only one confirmed is RE9, and the rest are just speculated on but I think we can pretty much guarantee atleast 2 of those 5 games are RE5 and Code Veronica remakes... I mean, duh with RE5 but everyone has been begging for a Code Veronica remake since forever, it'd be stupid of Capcom not to make it!! Yaknow, I've never played the OG Code Veronica.. But I've been wanting to, it looks super cool and is obviously a favorite LOL. I swear, I really want Leon back in RE9, we haven't seen him in a mainline game since RE6 !!! .. I think the main characters will either be Chris and Jill, Leon and Chris, or maybe even JILL AND LEON?!! Now that would be crazy awesome. Or maybe there will be separate campaigns with Chris and Jill and then Leon and Claire maybe..?!! I just want to see them all together, it would be so awesome LOL ... But ideally, something I doubt will ever happen, I want Ashley back as an agent. Do you understand how awesome that would be?!! I mean, it isn't crazy impossible, Ashley just got new characterization with RE4 remake and gained loads of new fans, AND Sherry showed up in RE6 after having not been in a mainline Resident Evil since RE2 ... So it ain't crazy....!! Let me hope ... sniff..... But seriously, I hope we get a RE9 teaser this summer, cause if this game follows the release date pattern recently .. then it should be releasing next year..?! GAAH!!!!!!! So exciting....!!!!!! I do really hope Leon, Ada, Jill, or Ashley is in it ... we were supposed to get Ada in RE8 and we didn't.. travesty .... But especially Leon, the internet would implode. I need to see everyone running around like headless chickens over old man alcoholic Leon PLEASE CAPCOM LOL!!!!

Oh jeeeezz... I look around nervously ... should I talk about my opinions on Silent Hill 2 Remake.... Gulp..? .... I think the combat trailer looks good .... noooooooo...... don't throw me to be eaten by the pigs please everyone .. please calm down.. Maybe cause I'm a fan of remakes and a fan of combat, but I was so hyped seeing the combat trailer at State of Play that I started pacing around my room in excitement LOL.. I really thought everyone would be super excited too but .. but NO!! NOOOOO.... Noooooo..... not at aaaallll...... hehehe.. I know Silent Hill isn't about combat, but I feel like you guys are just being picky Silent Hill purists at this point, man ... I don't understand what people were expecting with a modern remake of a game from 2001, I saw a lot of people acting like they wanted the clunky controls of the original yet going and complaining about how the trailer looks clunky LOL .. Like, I dunno, combat in Silent Hill isn't something that's optional, but obviously you don't play Silent Hill to batter up some mind monsters ?! So I suppose framing the trailer as specifically a combat trailer was a bad choice on Konami's part (because it's Konami in charge of marketing , not Bloober ... and we know how awful Konami is...), but I don't think improving the combat to be more inline with modern survival horror games was a bad choice if the goal for the remake is to bring more fans into Silent Hill 2's story. Obviously this opinion is crazy unpopular LOL .. I feel like I'm the only one really excited and pleased with the change I saw in the trailer, I really do think this game will atleast be GOOD .. Because it's obvious Bloober are fans of Silent Hill and Konami is screwing them over big time, so I wanna have hope but everyone throwin slop at it before we've even seen more than 2 teaser trailers is makin' it dissipate a bit LOL .. But really, I think some critques are valid but lots are being picky for the sake of it, just cause they don't like Bloober team and already disregarded it the moment they heard it was bloober developing it LOL .. and also because Silent Hill 2 is put on a crazy pedestal and every critique I have seen get made about Silent Hill 2, most often the reply is: "It makes the game better." Which, I agree with on some parts, like the voice acting, but I don't think combat is one of them ... Not particularly the combat with common enemies, I think the clunky controls and fixed camera angles make the game more frightening, but with the boss fights I just found myself less scared and more frustrated as a frog cooked on a stove ..!!!!! But, again, I don't think the game suffered for it because you don't necessarily play Silent Hill 2 for combat LOL ... you play Resident Evil for that. But, I mean .. you can't really have those old controls and combat for a modern remake without the game ultimately suffering and Konami, being the money-focused greedy company that they are, canning everything to do with Silent Hill. I dunno, I'm just happy to see a change made to something that I didn't really like in the original, and I really do have hope that Bloober has nailed the atmosphere AT LEAST..! I mean, Bloober knows that if they mess this up then it's game over for their entire careers considering how INSANE SILENT HILL 2 FANS ARE...!!!! I just have hope in them, they know the weight of it and they seem to really be fans of the original game ... I just think Konami is screwing them over if the mischaracterization of the SH2 Remake rumors are true ... Which they likely are, considering its Konami... Also I think the melee animations look awesome, I just wanted to mention that cause it's something that stood out to me LOL ... But really, if this game sucks when it comes out then it sucks when it comes out, but I ain't gonna listen to NO ONE!! IM PLAYIN IT FOR MYSELF!!!!! Cause I really think, even if the game ends up being good, if it's in any way different to the OG then people will dookie AAALLLL over it ... even if it's not different, It's obvious way too many people have already made up their minds LOL.

Aaaaanyways, I had fun writing this and I feel better now than I did at the start of writing... so twas is a good thing.. Imma go eat lunch or somethin now. BYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAIT! PS a few hours l8r: Another thing came to mind... Combat in the original Silent Hill 2 isn't always completely avoidable, theres several narrative boss fights that you need to beat in order to progress and you can't just run around every enemy every time... and the complaints I'm seeing where people are like: "There's too much combat!!" Or acting as if Silent Hill 2 never had combat in the first place, or just the fact that James is holding a gun in the remake makes it action horror or a resident evil clone ... I feel like those people have only ever watched video essays about Silent Hill 2, and haven't actually played the game for themselves ... hehehe... Watch this happen: theres gonna be the same amount of enemies in the same places in the remake as there are in the OG, and people will complain about how there's too much combat .. Mark me words! Silent Hill has never had the focus be on combat, duh, no one plays Silent Hill to defeat enemies, but to act as if there has never been combat in any Silent Hill game ever and it's always optional and a complete irrelevant part of the game just seems so silly to me... I mean, heather gets a samurai sword. That's baller. Just BASICALLY: I think an improvement on a previously not that great part of the OG is good, especially because it will bring more people into the story of SH2.. which is absolutely a positive, and you guys are ... a little bit of party poopers! Critique it validly, but to act as if Silent Hill never had combat isn't really a part of that. OK .. bye for realzies this time... I had pancakes for lunch, btw, if you're wondering .....

February 24th, 2024

First little blog post! I've been wanting to make a site since ... well, since whenever I first got into old web, (forever ago) but I just never really knew where to start with it. But, I'm in a tech class in school and we finally learned some basic HTML this week. I found myself going way beyond the requirements for the assignment, thinkin': "Man, I really need to make my own website now, this is really easy." It is not really easy ... I spent like an hour yesterday trying to figure out how to center a div www ... But now I have a semi-functional website to vomit all my thoughts about the video games I like on ... So, Yippee!

Recently, I've made it this sort of passive goal for myself to beat all the games I have on my laptop and PS3, and I'm really enjoying everything so far. I'm focusing on the games on my PS3 at the moment, so I suppose I'll talk about those ... The most recent one I beat was the original 2005 Resident Evil 4. I've been a huge fan of Resident Evil for a few years, so obviously no surprise that I really enjoyed playing LOL. I played the remake for RE4 back when It came out, and it still remains my favorite Resident Evil game, but after beating the remake I found myself too nervous to go back and play the original because I heard everyone spouting about how difficult the game was with Ashley's terrible AI and annoying personality ... YADA YADA! Everyone who says those things are wrooongg! So wrong! The remake was so much more difficult for me to play ... you barely even have Ashley with you in the original through the amount of times she's captured in stupid ways LOL. The water room/water hall in the remake had my eyes popping out of my skull and vomit coming out of my ears because of how hard it was, yet I got it on the first try in the original ... let me humble brag ... It shocked me so badly. (Side Note: Ashley is barely annoying, I'm number one Ashley defender until I die... B - P)

I generally think the remake is a lot better than the original though, despite all the times I laughed at the silly one-liners or stupid ways Ashley got captured when playing the OG. The original RE4 is an already amazing game, and the remake took everything it did and improved on it tenfold ... I really believe that. Is that an unpopular opinion? I don't even know ... I don't care actually, this is my little doo doo site I can write about my unpopular opinions IF I WANT TO! (And I will, maybe I'll write about my Silent Hill 2 Remake opinions ... I got real hot takes in that department.) But, the RE4 remake especially improved on characterization, particularly with Luis and Ashley. Luis plays a bigger role by far, and Ashley is honestly far more likable than she is in the original ... even if I'm still an og Ashley defender. I just love the RE4 remake so much, even if I do wish Leon had his funnier lines back.

Anyways, I suppose I'll go backwards in the order of when I beat the games ... Sonic Adventure 2 is next, brothers! I actually have owned this game for like 2 years on my laptop, but it ran so poorly that I never played it for more than 2 hours despite really wanting to ... I'm a Shadow fan, of course I wanted to play SA2. But, I got it on my PS3 recently and played through all the stories, and all I gotta say is: Shadow is the coolest sonic character, the last story is hard as hail, and the finalhazard fight is literally the definition of coolness. Seriously, I think the finalhazard fight is the most hyped I have ever felt while fighting a boss. You just got done fighting the most unfair boss in the world, pure relief is all you're feeling, and BOOM! Sonic and Shadow go super?! And the song you've been hearing since the beginning is playing?! And it's like Sonic, but Touhou edition?! (I've never played Touhou) ... Just, man, it's such an awesome fight. Also, the Chao garden is where world peace is achieved. I forgot all my Chaos' names besides Rocky and Wow. I miss you guys... even the ones I forgot the names of... Maybe I'll draw them all and put a little picture on here sometime. You will just have to wait and see..!

HENCEFORTH! I beat the original 1998 Resident Evil 2 the same day I beat SA2 ... Because I was on Leon B route, stuck on that stupid last part where you have to kill Mr. X and then Birkin back to back, and I was getting so tired of it that I just decided to go and play SA2 before coming back to it. Also, I ain't gonna lie, it took me nearly a year to beat this game LOL ... I started it in the spring last year, and I got stuck for months on so many parts in Claire A route, and when I finally beat it ... Leon's route only took me a few days to beat Hahahahaha... But, I really do love this game, I honestly think the story and the different routes are way better in the original than in the remake, but obviously the remake is far scarier ... especially with Mr. X roaming around ... Jeeeez... Anywhooooo, I'd say the og RE2 is probably my second favorite Resident Evil, it really is enjoyable to play despite all the times I got screwed because I wasted all my ammo before getting into a boss fight. That is one thing I noticed between modern vs. old survival horror games, the fact that old ones really don't hold your hand at all LOL. Never ever only save in one slot with old Resident Evil games, cause if you have no ammo before a boss I swear you're just soft-locked out of the game !!

AND.. DRUMROLL.... LAST BUT NOT LEAST... Silent Hill !!! Yay!! ... I beat this game forever ago (like 10 months ago) so let me search my cranium. I actually played this one after beating 2 and 3, weird order but it's ok ... It's in the past now ... But, I really think the original Silent Hill is crazy underrated compared to its brethren in the trilogy, and I find that real unfortunate cause ... I think it might be my favorite Silent Hill game..?! It's hard to say, because Silent Hill 2 is the game that has scared me the most .. not even the Silent Hill game that scared me the most, just the game in general ... But everyone says Silent Hill 2 is their favorite, and obviously I'm a hipster. I'm writing this on my lovingly crafted NEOCITIES SITE! Whatever, Harry Mason is my favorite Silent Hill protagonist, that's close enough. But seriously, I love everything about the original Silent Hill, from its characters, to its dream-like nonchalant voice acting, and I especially love Claw Finger ... I love Claw Finger. I just stood in the church listening to it for a while before actually moving on with the game LOL. I think I'm so hopeful for the Silent Hill 2 remake because I subconsciously want a Silent Hill 1 remake. Not 'cause I think it needs one, just because ... think about how cool it'd be to see high definition 4k ultra HD Harry Mason?! It would be very cool. Man, and the results screen music, I remember just sittin' and jamming to that too. All Silent Hill games have wonderful music... Akira Yamaoka's art is so cool. Also, the final boss in Silent Hill is so awesome too, especially design wise ... I remember I cheesed my way out of that boss though by doing that no ammo glitch cause I thought it was too hard LOL. Also, that side quest you have to do with Kaufmann to get the good ending I remember having almost missed, so I had to go back to an earlier save and redo it because I realized and didn't want to get a bad ending ... I think my favorite ending is Good though, I don't think Cybil should survive Silent Hill :evil: ... Last .. Last..l....y..... I am Harry Mason fan #1.

Anyways, I'll end this like a school essay. In conclusion, In summary, To conclude, I REALLY LIKE OLD 90s-2000s GAMES! COULD YOU TELL?!