(This site is best viewed with eyes and a 1920 x 1080 computer display ... It's very broken on mobile ... & contains major story/gameplay spoilers for several game series...!)

  • Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (2000)
  • Bloodborne (2015)




I am Rowan Knucklehead. --> [POOP NUKEM] hahaha!!! I like a lot of things, but game things is what this thing harbors. I write about the games I played, am playing, and will play. A website of past, present, future and things of digital nature! Thank you for wiping your shoes on the welcome mat, and I hope you enjoy your visit to my room on the web.

February 28th, 2025

Hi guys. Rage and sorrow envelops my soul, clutching and twisting upon my heart as the sting of its claws travel and burn my throat. I've been playing Bloodborne, which is probably one of the coolest games ever in existence. I had Vicar Amelia by her hairy butthole, barely a sliver of health, and the moment I let the aggression up a little to heal, she healed half her health bar and I let out a really pathetic, "What.. No.. Stop!" with a breaking voice, and then died immediately. You know it's really bad when you can do nothing but whimper and laugh. I'm in a lot of emotional turmoil. It was like this I guess.

I need to go back to my baby's-first-video-game jrpgs, I'm really hurting. The fight isn't even hard, I think I'm genuinely just kind of stupid. I am physically incapable of not dodging way too early. It's like when newborns come out the vagina they kind of fake drop them to see if they have reflexes. Vicar Amelia is the doctor fake dropping me, and I was born 2 minutes ago. I'm really acting like it. Ok, anyways, I really, really love Bloodborne. I've been a little addicted over the past week or so, and it tricked me into thinking I've become a bit of a baller gamer. I played like 30 hours of Elden Ring back when it came out as my first soulslike/soulsborne game, and I don't think I've had so much trouble with a game ever in my life. I still think Bloodborne is easier than Elden Ring, per 3 year memory, but I had beaten Cleric Beast and Father Gascoigne in the same night, and it really had me out here being like, "Wow, I'm probably a professional or whatever now haha." Well, maybe not that far, but I was feeling pretty awesome. I got kind of washed by Blood-Starved Beast at first, but it wasn't so bad and I got him in a day or so. Well, Vicar Amelia... I've been on this for like 2 or 3 days, it's really hurting my heart. It's not even hard I'm just so buttcheeks at this game bro. But, it's not impossible ... Margit back in my day had felt completely impossible for so long. I should get Elden Ring again and see if I still have trouble with it, that'll be the true test. The only reason I ever quit playing it was because I got 2 kittens. Like, the animal. They are cats now.

What a perfect game to eat chicken noodle soup to. I decked my hunter out in the classic garb, saw cleaver and all. I really love the artwork and design of this game, I will never get over it. A lot of it reminds me of parts in RE4, SH2, and DMC1 & 3, it's really tickling me. At one point, I let my insight get to 0, and Plain Doll was just sitting there not saying anything. I hadn't realized it was because of my insight, and I felt like I had entered a bit of an exe game, or something. I got afraid at one point I hurt her feelings and she didn't want to talk to me anymore, or I killed her or something, I dunno. I got murdered and kidnapped, in that order, at one point as well. I got taken to Yahar'gul, Unseen Village after a little cutscene. I don't know, it's scary ... I started Eileen and Alfred's questlines since I've seen that they have many fans. Getting to murder Henryk with Eileen was pretty cool, but I hadn't realized you could hit Eileen too until my cousin told me, so I was just swinging that thing around willy nilly. I got lucky she didn't get mad at me ... sorry. I've seen a lot of Micolash fans too, I really like that he's got that big cage on his head. It reminds me of Silent Hill or The Evil Within ... which is another set of games I need to play.

Another game that is a bit gothic with themes of illness and things that I need to get into is Pathologic. I see a lot of Fear & Hunger fans also quite like Pathologic. I think I'd end up really liking it, but I'm saving my money for Deltarune ... Pathologic and Touhou will have to wait. Dark Souls 3 and Postal 2 as well, I've been thinking of those. Ahhh I wish I was rich! Berserker Khazan comes out later in March, but again I probably won't have the green for it ... a demo came out that I have yet to play, I need to get on that. But, what if I like it so much that I can't bear not to play it, and I spend my Deltarune funds ...? I can't let that happen, but I'll probably still play the demo sometime soon haha. Some little rumors I heard before I depart: Shihoko Hirata said she was recording for an unannounced game, and so Persona 4 remake rumors have been crawling everywhere. Persona 6 or Persona 4 remake, or even better, Persona 1 & 2 remakes, I don't care! It's hype no matter what we get first! I hope they keep the voice actors for Yosuke and Adachi at least, I can't imagine a different voice coming out of those characters. A new portrait for Adachi would feel uncanny too, no matter if it was similar to the original or not. I drool and jump around in excitement, I think a Persona 4 remake would be so very awesome xP ... There's rumors about another Silent Hill remake after Bloober said they're continuing to work with Konami. The only ones that'd really make sense to remake next is Silent Hill 1 or Silent Hill 4, which I think both would be really awesome. I'm hoping they remake Silent Hill 1, not because I think it needs it, but because I really need people to care about Silent Hill 1. I need to try out Silent Hill 4 again after it's been some time, I do think I'd end up liking it nowadays. Ahhh, really truly so much to play ...


February 22nd, 2025

Hi bros, I've gotten to be ill again. Unfortunate I believe, but It's ok ... I have more time to get school work done so I have more time to shart fart around haha. I'm writing this while procrastinating on an assignment actually, whoopsie poopsie. Over the past little while, I met a dude around my age who had Adachi's exact haircut. He always kind of smells like dog hair based off the two times I've seen him around. We fought together (friendly, combat sport. So sparring, really. But everytime I say spar while outside the actual sport I feel like I sound like a try hard wannabe mortal kombat styled sensei, even known that's technically the right term ...) and at the end of the fight he said "gg" which truly wrapped the mystique of this character up into a big red bow. I'm not kidding at all about his hair being exactly like Adachi's, it's not even me being a deluded Persona fan or nothing. He genuinely has the same haircut. But I just wanted to mention that guy, cause I keep thinking about how I truly hope to meet more characters like that in my life. I feel like this sounds like I'm trying to backhandedly insult this random stranger on my little blog, but I genuinely mean it when I say I thought that dude was cool. Even him smelling like dog hair I think added to it all. When you're in a sport where you gotta get all up close with strangers, I'm just grateful when someone doesn't smell like an anime convention. Trust me, I've smelled people who smelled like they rolled in pure, extracted-directly-from-the-pore, testicle hotdog sweat before coming. Smelling like dog hair is just a slightly funny quirk to me at this point. But, anyways, also over this past little while, I have been incredibly excited for Deltarune's release. I've been watching a bunch of theory videos while shaking around as to try not to puke in excitement. I was deprived of Deltarune for so long, I'm genuinely really ecstatic. Reminding myself of all the possibilities has only made me more pumped up, I really like the theories that Kris knows what happened to Dess, Kris might've died before we took control of them, and the Angel is either us or Noelle. I'm not all too sure on how plausible they are, but that kind of intertwined, mysterious, 4th wall break narrative is what im really excited to see continue.

I've replayed Chapter 2 probably three or four or five times over the years, but one thing I never played was the weird route. I remember trying at one point, but I gave up before I even really got anywhere. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Maybe one day I'll be horrible, but you're spared for now Berdly, Kris, and Noelle ... you're spared for now X - ) . But, with excitement for Deltarune, I started to think about how I should probably get into some Undertale inspirations, like Earthbound, Cavestory, and Touhou. I started researching some stuff about Touhou earlier this week, and I've gone nuts, I think. So many cute characters and cool soundtracks, I've grown to become a bit of a fan. After getting into JoJo and Touhou, I've realized everything is a reference to those two things, and It's blown my mind a bit. I had no idea Teto Territory borrowed from Cirno's theme until I was sifting through EoSD's OST and wondered why I recognized the song. Touhou even references JoJo, wow...! Before I talk more about Touhou, about JoJo references: I saw a clip from a game called Hi-Fi Rush where a character does a bunch of JoJo poses. With that, and upon learning that it's a "rhythm based hack n' slash," I've grown to really wanna play it XD (I should start using XD more) ... I actually wrote all that stuff last night, I feel like crud now, good morning. I slept horribly, I kept waking up in the middle of the night and trying to listen to some videos to lull me back to sleep as I tried to power through all dat snot and pain, and something in one of the videos that shot me awake was I learned that Xander Mobus, the voice actor for Joker in Persona 5, voiced Freddy in FNAF the Musical by Random Encounters. I just needed to mention that, it really made me lol through it all. The only thing getting me through this illness is pretending I'm a training RPG protagonist, and this is just a challenge to endure. It has me eating toast with nothing on it, what have I become? But, back to Touhou:

The Touhou games that most interested me when I saw them (cause I think they have the coolest characters) were the first three in the Windows canon: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, and Imperishable Night ... and none of those are on Steam, LOLs my luck. I've heard if you want to play them officially, you can still buy them through CD-ROM discs and download some fanmade patches to get them to work on modern Windows OS. I might do that, cause it'd be quite fun to start a CD-ROM collection. But for the games on Steam, I was stuck between playing 10 or 11 first. I heard 10 is a good starting spot, and 11 is a horrible one due to how difficult it is. I like difficulty, and Koishi seems like a sweetie, but I'm leaning more towards 10 at the moment ... I'll decide. Koishi and Satori remind me of Bedman and Delilah, also XD ... Oh, also, another cool game I found was Eternal Poison on the PS2. I don't actually know anything about the game, and I heard it's kind of poo, but the artwork is really unique for a PS2 era game. I'll have to check it out some more. I've played a bit more of Metaphor about a week ago, and the little cat in More's room is quite sweet. Little Plateau, I like the voice lines Will has when you pet him. There's this specific sound effect in Metaphor that sounds nearly exactly like the menu sound effects in MGS1, and everytime I hear them I point at the screen. I miss MGS a lot, particularly MGS2 ... I should get back to playing MGS and DMC sometime soon. I gotta play TF2 and more Sonic games also ... I still need to read TF2 comic 7 and watch Sonic Movie 3 too. Ahhh I'm lagging behind.

Before I go, as a kid, around 9 or 10 years ago, I'd always play the first Garden Warfare game. That and Little Big Planet 2 are games I really miss that I can't really go back to in the same way as before. Maybe Garden Warfare has servers up still, but I doubt many are playing nowadays. I feel a bit sad about it, I miss playing those games with my cousin and sister. But, yes, now is the time in which I must depart. Goodbye mr amigos.

February 11th, 2025

Hello friends ... young adulthood is a bit difficult, I think. It will only get harder. I still haven't had all the time in the world to play much ... especially since yesterday, but there's always the weekend. I have some things to mention though, and my website's 1st birthday is coming up, WOW! It feels like just yesterday I was laying sick on the carpet of my room trying to figure out how to center a div. If I had The World, I would've used it to figure out how to stop time for an hour or two so I can get all my school done, and then piddlefart for the rest of the day. But anyways, onto the little scraps of things I've written over the past little while: Some week over now and then, it snowed. Which, is something that truly never happens where I'm from. Last time I saw snow before recently was when I was in elementary school, which was awhile ago. But, the reason I'm mentioning this is 'cause I felt like I was Harry Mason, and it made me really miss Silent Hill a lot. I think perhaps I should replay some Silent Hill titles and get Silent Hill 4 for my PS2, since I am quite curious if I'd like it nowadays. I didn't a couple years ago when I played it for an hour or two, but distance makes the heart grow fonder. Speaking of PS2 things, I played some of GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, and it's actually genuinely fun. I mostly wanted it because I thought it looked funny, it's JoJo, and the artwork for the manual and box was fashionable, but it's actually a good game haha. Speaking of JoJo, I'm about halfway through JoJolion now, and I bought All Star Battle R. I downloaded the demo a couple days ago to see if I liked it, and it was pretty epic. It went on sale yesterday for about 10 dollars, so I bought it and I been playing it in little increments when I go on break. I been playing as DIU Josuke, and I think just the roster alone makes the game worth it if you're a fan of JoJo. The game is still fun to play against COM, so I think ... even known the netcode is puke, if you're a fan of JoJo and just want something fun to mess with, either by yourself or local co-op with friends, I say buy it on sale.

Persona 3 Reload's 1st birthday was earlier this month, and a sweet anniversary drawing with Makoto and Aigis was posted online to celebrate it. I really miss Persona 3 particularly, I need to play FES and Portable sometime soon ... I wonder when Persona 6 will be revealed, I'm starting to eat at my fingers like Kira during that one time he beat that kid's head in. Same thing with the next Deltarune chapters, everyday I wake up and wonder "is today the day?" ... It's kind of crazy to me that Undertale is turning 10 this year, it doesn't sound right. But, about Toby Fox, I found out that he's composing for the new OFF remaster, which makes me incredibly excited for it. The original OST will always be in my heart, and I think if it was anyone other than Toby Fox replacing Pepper Steak, I would be mad. But, OFF is another game I quite miss from childhood, so I'm gleeful to see it come back with a fresh coat of Toby Fox paint. Another thing I heard is that the MGS3 Remake got a release date for August 28th, which is quite exciting as well. A new trailer for the Guilty Gear anime came out recently too, which is another exciting thing! I quite miss Guilty Gear, I need to get to playing it again. Something poop that happened, though, is that all the Parappa tunes on Spotify got removed ... my playlist has a horrible lack of Parappa now. I hope it comes back soon, I really need to get the OST for the games on CD. I was watching a video that was about video game references in songs, and Childish Gambino once referenced ToeJam & Earl in "Bonfire," which is a game I've never heard of before. It's an action game for the Genesis about alien rappers, which tickled my fancy, and I've grown quite a desire to play it. Other things I've grown a desire to play is the Ninja Gaiden series, Gitaroo Man, and Katamari Damacy. All that new stuff is coming out for Ninja Gaiden and I'm getting a serious case of fomo, and Gitaroo Man just looks cool. But, with Katamari, I actually have a sticker of it on my computer because it came free with a Fangamer package, so I probably should stop being a fake fan.

OK that was just a short little update so it wouldn't be so long with nothing. I must depart, goodbye good amigos.

January 20th, 2025

There's blood coming out of my mouth, my eyes are crusty and bloodshot. My hair is disheveled and I look like I've crawled out of a cave. Happy belated new year dear folks, I've been so horribly captivated by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure that most of what will be written today is a near month old. I have limited free time since school began again, and a good gulp of it has been sucked up by JOJO! Nothing but JOJO! I think I might be going crazy. If you have been reading my logs for a little bit, you may remember quite the gap in logs around spring time when I got into Dungeon Meshi. It's happening again, but better now because JJBA has video games for me to slobber on. I want to play All Star Battle R and Eyes of Heaven so badly, even if the netcode is booty poop. [About fighting games, I heard Venom got delayed. Boo...] I finished Vento Aureo last night, the ending was quite insane and I think Giorno has become a favorite JoJo alongside Josuke ... and Joseph, I guess. Diamond is Unbreakable is probably my favorite part, but speaking about Vento Aureo ... In 2002, a PS2 game that retells the events of Part 5 was released in Japan. It was called GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, and I thought it looked quite bizarre. I bought it, but it has yet to arrive. I await impatiently, I want to play it on my CRT. The manual and box art I thought were quite stylish, the disc is golden and is decorated with Bucciarati, also. Even if I didn't want to play the game, I think I'd still buy it just to have something cool to look at. There's a 1998 fighting game that I saw as well. It released on the PS1 and seems to have a focus on Stardust Crusaders, which isn't my favorite part ... but I thought it looked quite fun and I'm thinking a bit about buying it too, since it's equally as stylish and cheap-ish as the GioGio game. I'm not sure if it was just me being really antsy to get to Part 4 or what, but Stardust Crusaders I think was really good at the beginning, then horribly boring for the majority of it. But, by the time gamer D'arby and Vanilla Ice showed up, it picked back up and got glorious again. DIO using The World during the opening, the entire ending fight, and just Polnareff in general made watching Stardust Crusaders worth it.

Now I'm revealed to be a faker. I decorated my website with Steel Ball Run but I'm still on Stone Ocean ... Haha, I'm just anticipating it, obviously I quite like cowboys. My username is a reference to Cowboy Bebop and space western in general, actually. That's a fun fact ... Anyways, yes, now time to take a bit of a dive into the past. I haven't been playing much at all recently, except for a day long roblox session with my roblox bro yesterday, in which was quite fun. I miss my PS Vita, JoJo gotta hurry up LOLs. Before I dive deeper, I found this Nancy Drew game that has quite the cool cover to it. I know nothing of Nancy Drew or even what type of game it is, but it's called Nancy Drew Shadow at the Water's Edge. The cover reminded me of an old survival horror game, something of Clock Tower, Siren, or Fatal Frame types. I beat Silent Hill 2 Remake on ... the 28th I believe. It was foggy that entire day, I think it was a rather appropriate time to beat it. I really loved the final bosses, I've mentioned this numerous times, but the way Bloober changed the boss battles really tickled me greatly. This remake, despite some flaws, I think really nailed it and completely improved on faults of the original. Though ... nothing will replace the original in my heart for being the game to scare me so bad that I had a nightmare after beating it. I somehow got the Leave ending, and I looked at the other endings on Youtube. Stillness and Bliss are some new ones exclusive to the remake, and I think they fit quite nicely in with the others. The change to the UFO ending made me laugh quite greatly, but I do miss Harry. I hope they remake Silent Hill 1, so people actually start caring about it ... In the Maria ending, the tone that James had when telling Maria to do something about her cough was quite haunting, very cold. It's just something that stood out to me, I think Luke Roberts did a really good job with portraying James. He sounded almost like he was threatening her, and with the context of what he did to Mary, he likely was. Lastly, I really like how, in the dog ending, James speaks Polish instead of Japanese. Quite the silly nod, it made me laugh.

I started playing Bloodborne as well. I really missed soulslikes, and the aesthetic is quite wonderful. I really love Plain Doll, her dress and overall design is beautiful. I named my hunter "Louis Ingrid III," originally dubbed Fart Guy. I wanted to go with something more on theme, though, so I picked some random gothic European sounding names, or whatever. Should've been Fart Guy, I regret it now. I started playing Metaphor also, another quite European game, in which I'll detail in one moment. But, last log I talked about how I fixed the PS5 that was originally in the living room. Well, I lied ... While playing Metaphor, it shut off and died out and I was so terribly determined to make it work that I tore the entire thing apart and cleaned the vents to the power supply, which I forgot to do before. It would shut off after playing around 3 hours of games specifically, and I haven't played Bloodborne or Metaphor long enough to see if clearing the dust from the power supply did the trick. At least it turns on still, I was really sweating about the ribbon cables. I would watch GameBoy repairs all throughout childhood, and every single time, people would desperately stress being careful with the ribbon cables. I suppose that never left me, even if it isn't a GameBoy. Anyways, about Metaphor: I really like the main character. Coming from Persona, it's a pure treat to hear him completely voice acted. Though, I find the name "Will" to be odd for him, he just doesn't strike me as a Will. The enemy designs are insanely cool, and I'm quite excited to learn more about them being humans. The 4th wall break at the very beginning makes me quite curious as to what may be coming as well, it reminded me of quite the similar occurrence in MGS2. I mention that Louis reminds me of Griffith, and that I quite like the voice acting of Gallica, as she sounds quite casual, if that makes sense. Metaphor borrows a lot from Persona, I noticed. With More and Archetypes, it almost feels like I'm playing some "Persona 0" game, or something.

Something I quite dislike, though, about newer Atlus games is how easy they are on normal. I understand that you can change difficulty throughout the story, and I don't think the entire game neccessarily has to be difficult, but final bosses should always pack at least a little bit of a punch. If not final, then second to last. And if they aren't difficult, then narratively driven out like Nyx in Reload and a couple fights in Royal. Otherwise, I don't feel like there's truly any pay off in beating them. You don't feel excited or relieved, it's more like: "Ok, what now?" Innocent Sin is one of my most favorite Persona games, but I think it particularly, at least for the PSP version, struggles with this. The final bosses were excruciatingly easy and short, with nothing unique to add compared to every other boss. I just don't think it let the ending really shine through and left a bit of a sour taste to an otherwise excellent game ... I don't feel like you should have to change the difficulty manually to feel the payoff of a final boss. But, about Persona:

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 6: I haven't played barely nothing, again cause of JoJo, but let me detail what thoughts I have so far about Eternal Punishment: I thought it was quite funny that the Persona 1 characters have their localized names from Revelations, [Saeko is Ms. Smith], and then everyone else kept their original Japanese ones. The battles are quite unique, I like how each party member is moving around the battle area, and how the attacks look quite impactful. I feel like it's what a turn-based JRPG fight in real life might actually look like. Maya's original voice sounds quite strange, and the bleeping of Ulala's swear made me laugh greatly. I like Katsuya a lot, but why did Katsuya and Tatsuya's parents do that to them? Why did they name one Katsuya and then, many years later, the other one Tatsuya. It's like naming your kids Ron and Don and they're 8 years apart in age. You couldn't think of something new in that time frame? Anyways, Tatsuya showed up at the clock tower in his ugly tracksuit, and I clapped in excitement as it seems he has turned into some cool delinquent vigilante. Later, Maya burns the emblem ... which feels a bit stupid to me at the moment. But, overall, I really like the scene where they're all at the dinner table, I do quite like Baofu. Mifune trail's music was so nasty that I had to quit the game out and cry, it's so beautiful. It doesn't sound like a song that would play in the woods at all, but I really don't care. I'll twerk to it.

Ok, that is all amigos. But, PS: I was thinking a couple days ago who would win in a fight, Kira or Adachi? Bites the Dust and Sheer Heart Attack are quite impossible, but I feel like Adachi has speed and range on his side. I think someone should make them fight in Mugen, if not already.

December 28th, 2024

Hello buttholes, my birthday was yesterday and it was so very awesome. I ate carrot cake [my favorite], got a bunch of cool and nice things, and I started watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, which I find myself quite liking ... I don't think that's a surprise, I like Guilty Gear and Persona and anything with ridicuously buff dudes beating people and or things up in really epic, yet kind of ridiculous, fight sequences. I finished Part 1 yesterday and started Part 2, I'm quite the fan! It reminded me of Fist of The North Star at many points. I got some game magazines yesterday also, which I'll detail in my collections page sometime soon, there were a lot of really awesome surprises when I took them home and flipped through them. I got some CDs resurfaced at a store also, which all were quite beautiful and played nicely afterwards, except for disc 1 of that Omori CD, and it still skips ... I suppose the scratches are too deep, and it's beyond saving. I guess it's okay, it is just one track, but I was a bit bummed about it. I'm really curious as to how it even got like that. I'm usually very careful with my CDs, I swear! But, hey, it adds character to the collection, or something. LOLs. I also got a Kirby blindbox yesterday. I was hoping for Meta knight, but I got Bandana Waddle Dee, which is glorious as well. I feel like I don't mention Kirby enough, I really like Kirby. I got some games yesterday too: Bloodborne, Metaphor ReFantazio, Ace Attorney Trilogy, and Persona 3 FES. But, hey, wait, how'd you get Bloodborne, I hear someone out there say something? A couple days ago, the PS5 that's normally in the living room started shutting off randomly while playing games, so my dad gave it to me, and I took it apart to see what may be wrong with it. I thought it was probably the fan being clogged, since shutting off randomly in the middle of playing games for awhile sounds like overheating, and I ... I think I was right about that ... it was plumes of dust, my eyes hurt. But, hey, it was fun taking it apart and cleaning it, and now I have a PS5 in my room. I'm very excited about it : - 9 I think I'm going to buy TLOU Part 2 on my account whenever I have the money and just replay to the point I was at before, it's been so long ...

Do you know who else's birthday is December 27th? Goldie from Animal Crossing. I don't ever mention Animal Crossing, save for the villager at the bottom of my page, because ... for some reason I feel a bit embarrassed about liking it. I don't really know why, but I'm making it a goal to not care about stuff like that anymore, so I'll commemorate Goldie's birthday 1 day late. She's my favorite villager, because we have the same birthday, and because she is quite cute. I haven't played Animal Crossing in 4 or 5 years, I miss it sometimes. But, I want to get an older title to play, perhaps Wild World? New Leaf was my favorite to play on for a long while, it was the one I really grew up playing. When birthdays pass and you're reaching a certain age, it's quite common to feel a bit nostalgic. I realized that the old Minecraft and Sonic videos I made with my sister when we were kids turned 10 years old recently, and the FNAF ones will turn 10 very soon. It's very absurd to think that there were people born when FNAF 3 was coming out who are full on sentient and in school now. It's disturbing, almost. Despite playing Minecraft quite often on a PS3 for 99% of my time in elementary school, I never remember beating the Ender Dragon or even getting to the End Poem screen. So, a couple days ago, I sat down and listened to a video where someone read it. I feel like if you read the log I wrote after beating Persona 3 Reload, you know how I felt LOLs. Sandbox games always have really beautiful poems tucked away somewhere in them, even if it's not exactly written. I sound pretentious saying stuff like this probably, but I think it's easy to forget the beauty in a lot of games, because they're really simple or meme'd on a lot. Yesterday, I was in that game store [the one I mention on occassion] with my mom, and she was pointing at various NES and SNES games and telling me some memories she has about playing them as a kid with her mom. I don't really know how to describe what I'm thinking, but I just find it really wonderful that games can be a catalyst of sorts in bringing you closer to the people you play them with.

I don't celebrate Christmas, but I got a gift anyways. Coryxkenshin played Mouthwashing! I was really happy, it was a game I wanted to see him play quite badly, so I cheered when I saw the notification. I been playing more Silent Hill 2 Remake, last I left off was Reverse Lakeview Hotel, so pretty much near the end. Reverse Lakeview Hotel is my absolute favorite part of the original game because of just how haunting it is, so it was a treat to get to hear the ominous drone once more. But, I will say, I do think the original segment was better, since the actual reverse part didn't start until you left 312. I feel like the sudden and abrupt change when you opened the door made things more impactful, because it set up expectations that the hallway was going to remain as it was before since 312 was normal, only for it not to be. But, I will say, the remake's take on it is still quite horrific, and it's making me want to replay the original quite badly LOLs. Anyways, I found this game called Narrenschiff, which doesn't seem to be released on Steam, but is on Itch. I thought it looked really cool, I want to play it sometime ... While I was writing this log, my sister sent me a playthrough of a game called "Abyss Boat" which she described to me as a highly rare Japanese PC Resident Evil clone. I always like to write about obscure games I find, because whoever reads these may take a look into them, tell their friend about it, and one day the game will no longer be obscure. The music of Abyss Boat seems to be quite atmospheric, I would like to look into it more.

I haven't been playing much Eternal Punishment to write a progress segment, so I'll leave it here. Adios Amigos, it's almost the new year.

December 21st, 2024

Hello good amigos. Today has been pretty funny, I finished reading Dandadan yesterday, my birthday is around the corner, and I'm finally on winter break. I say I'm having a good time ... I have a lot of notes this time that I've pent up, so let's stab the cyst and let anecdotes flow. I noticed a couple days ago that the same lady draws the manga adaptations for both Baroque and Persona 1. Shinshu Ueda and slightly obscure first person 90s dungeon crawlers, I swear! I've yet to read both all the way through, but I hope to soon. Sonic 3 and TF2 comic 7 came out yesterday, also. Even more things to catch up on ... It's been so long since I read the TF2 comic, I done forgot where it even left off at. Some strange technology related things happened as well: I dropped my Xbox controller a few more times and the d pad is normal once again, so all is fine on that western front. Whenever something doesn't work anymore cause you dropped it, just drop it a couple more times. Works like a charm! Anyways, a couple nights or so ago, I turn my ps vita on to play some Persona, and it said updating database. When it finished, all my modded stuff and games were completely gone from the homepage. I just stared in complete defeat and confusion. I tried the ol' turn it off and back on again trick in desperation, and it actually worked. When I turned it back on, everything was back, but completely disorganized. I have no idea what that was about, but after looking around, it seems to actually be rather strangely common. I thought it was horrifyingly funny ... you don't know fear until you think the save data of a game you were near the ending for got deleted. Steam year in review came along, and to the surprise of no one, all my most played games were Persona titles. The genres I played most were JRPG, horror, and action, and the "Not all Jokers had a rough 2024" under Persona 5's chart really tickled me pink. Speaking of Steam, OFF is coming to Steam! That's truly exciting, OFF is a game I was really obsessed with as a kid but never actually played for myself. I'm quite ecstatic to see OFF get a little spotlight once more, I feel like people start to remember it again every 4 years.

I finished Innocent Sin today, which I'll detail in a second, but I have finally concluded that Persona 2 and 3 are my favorite Persona games. Chidori and Eikichi both would listen to Malice Mizer, and that's the only reason why 2 and 3 are the best in the series. With the beating of Innocent Sin comes a dilemma with Eternal Punishment. Since the PSP remaster for Eternal Punishment never came out in the US, and since I'm too lazy to mess with the fan English patch, I decided to play both the PS1 and PSP versions of Eternal Punishment. Half cause I'm lazy, and half cause I would like to play a PS1 era Persona game. I'll play the PS1 version first, since that's in English, and then I'll play the PSP version afterwards, if all goes smooth. But when have I ever followed a plan I made?

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 5: Most of what I wrote down was actually scrambled thoughts and fears that I scribbled mid when-thing-was-happening-in-the-story. Which, is normally how I roll, but I can't comprehend these walls I wrote. I will try. At that point where you need to find Eikichi in the womens' restroom, for some reason I had such terrible trouble trying to find him. Eikichi was a good handful of levels behind everyone else for awhile because of this, he was constantly the first one to die at many points. It's always the most wonderful characters who are so very bad in combat. We find out the reason why none of them could remember each other: they had worn masks as children, something something, repressed memories. This is at least ... from what I gathered. I was a bit lost at some points, I'm lost all the time. We find out Jun is Joker for sure, which it surprised me that the reveal was so early. Then, I go on for 3 paragraphs in fear that Maya has died and we've been hangin' with a ghost this whole time, but she's A-OK and we fight her shadow. This fight was kind of tedious because of the horrible personas I had, but I mention how I like it. As opposed to Persona 1, if you have bad personas before getting into a fight, not all hope is lost. You need to think and manage more carefully, and it'll take longer, but you aren't completely guarenteed a whooping. Though, I do feel like this game was way too easy at some points. Cough, there's an elephant standing around I haven't mentioned yet. This game has Hitler in it ... I think it's kind of shocking sometimes to see uncensored depictions of Nazis or Hitler outside of the context of historical media. Well, actually, I guess they did censor it with the sunglasses. It's just so absurd, I really can't think of any other word to describe Hitler with sunglasses being in Persona other than absurd. It was nice beating up the Nazis, though, I will say. There's more to mention about this later on, but for now let's continue with this very, very weird game.

We find out Jun kept the watch as Tatsuya has kept the lighter, and an intense beef stews between Lisa and Jun over Tatsuya. The occasional showing of this rivalry made me laugh everytime. I make a little mention about the style of the game: the FMV that plays when you stay on the main menu for too long and the way character sprites show emotion are two things I made little points about in this dear digital stack of notes. I was quite happy to see Eikichi and Miyabi make up, and I have a whole paragraph loling about Maya failing to drive the boat. I also mention that I took a liking to saying, "get 'em boys..." as I started every encounter, which is true. I'd mumble that every quarter of a time. But, ok, about the ending: I think I was too distracted by the fact that Hitler ended up being an all-knowing evil chaos god who impersonated Jun's dad and had been watching over them all this whole time (I think) to have any other reaction other than: "What?" ... I think this plottwist takes the cake for one of the weirdest out of any game I've played. One thing I'll say, though, is the final bosses felt way, way too easy. I really think the difficulty should've been ramped up a bit on normal. Though, I suppose it was nice not getting stuck on any boss or dungeon. I hit Philemon, and we now have forgotten everything ... I also feel like the ending was a strange "too much, too fast" type thing, like all of this new information is recieved all at once before immediately forgetting it all and starting over. but Eternal Punishment still lies in wait, there is still more to this than what lies within sin. For now, Persona 3 still takes the cake for having the best story for me, but I wonder if Eternal Punishment will skew this. Anyways, I wouldn't say I'm disappointed with this ending, just that it was not at all what I was expecting, so I feel a bit absurd and lost. I will say, Persona 2 is still one of my favorites based off the characters alone. Wonderful bunch, those are.

Ahhhh slumber is calling me. Goodnight and adios.

December 14th, 2024

I thought yesterday would be quite normal, and I was going to write a log, but Coryxkenshin came back after an entire year with a whole manga he wrote. It shocked the words out of me ... I've watched this guy for nearly 10 years, it's insane sometimes to see how far his content has come. The Game Awards was this past Thursday. Some new things were shown: a new Naughty Dog game, the Witcher 4, a soccer/football game made by the SIFU folks, Elden Ring Nightreign, an untitled game by the people behind Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, Virtua fighter, Ninja Gaiden, Project Century, a Berserker Khazan trailer, Double Dragon [Arcsys!], an Okami sequel, lots of nominations and awards for some cool games, and no Persona 6 or Resident Evil 9. People lie on the internet?! That ain't everything, but the things I noted down while watching. I'm really happy Silent Hill 2 remake got nominated in multiple categories, but I feel like it should've at least won the sound design related awards, how robbed I feel. I was also kind of shocked to see Persona 3 Reload wasn't nominated for anything at all, or even mentioned. I guess cause Metaphor was there, Atlus didn't want to steal its spotlight. My prediction was correct, Astro Bot did indeed win GOTY. Which, I will say, Astro Bot is cute and most of my hate against him is pure grudge and prejudice, so I'm not mad about it. After this show, I feel the need to watch Arcane, play Metaphor, play Okami, and maybe put my hate aside to play Astro Bot. I'm a bit afraid to watch Arcane, because everytime I watch or read something based off a game, I always end up getting into the game it's based on. Which, I don't think I can afford being into LoL when I'm already a fan of Persona, LOLs! But, one thing I wanted to mention was that Catly game. I find it really shameful that Geoff says how much he cares about the layoffs happening in the game industry, going as far as having an entire segment dedicated to it and awarding Amir Satvat for his work, only to have a game that's likely low-effort AI puke be shown in his awards ceremony. I thought the game looked cute at first, but digging even a little deeper, things start kind of falling apart. It's just disappointing, but I suppose I'm not surprised. There's no passion or human touch to something made purely or majority from AI, I will never understand why any company executive think it's a smart idea to make a game or show so obviously from AI. It's shooting yourself in the foot, anyone who is a fan of video games knows how important the people behind it are, and no one who is a fan of video games is going to want to play something so obviously not made by people. The only people who I've seen like careless, sloppy, soulless AI media are billionaire CEOs and crypto bros.

There's no fun in playing a game that wasn't made from passion or love for the medium, there's no fun in playing a game that wasn't made by so many kinds of artists. I will never, ever understand people who want or hope for AI to replace artists, never. AI being used as a tool or gimmick I've seen be done, like AI Minecraft or Death by AI, and it feel more like a strange showcase on strange things computers can do, but to have an entire piece of art be completely not in the hands of people, also stealing work from real people, just feels so wrong to me. Not to mention, often these companies do not disclose that it's made from AI, it's dishonest. Phew, puffs out a big breath, away from that beast and onto greener fields: There's so many DS games I want to play, I realized. I might just thug out the horrible touch controls on a phone and get Delta because of how expensive physical copies are. I'm pretty sure you can connect a controller to your phone and play on Delta that way. But, my Xbox controller has a mushy up on the d-pad after one too many droppings, I'll have to fix it or get a new one. But yeah, Pokemon Black and White, Solatorobo, and The World Ends with You. I also have been really wanting to play Ace Attorney and Apollo Justice, I think I'll really like them. They're on Steam, I just haven't gotten them. Half because I dont have 100 something dollars laying around for all the trilogies, and also half because I wasn't sure where to start in the series. I looked around and found a couple of lists, so I think I have a greater idea now. I think I'll particularly like Apollo Justice, that Klavier guy is a rocker! I been thinking about Zelda more recently after watching Mononoke, since I feel like the medicine vendor looks like he could be from Zelda, and I so badly want to play Twilight Princess still. I love elves and fantasy with a bit of a darker aesthetic, and wolves are awesome, so I would love it so dearly. A couple days ago I watched this video about this game called "Date Everything" where you, per title, quite literally date everything. I thought it was a funny game concept, and I was horrified once again by Bryce Papenbrook being in another game I found interesting. Once you were a Danganronpa fan as a preteen, it's like every subsequent media you get into throughout your life will have Bryce Papenbrook at least 45% of the time, and you won't be able to escape that Nagito-esc tone. But, yes, Date Everything hasn't released yet, but I thought perhaps I may play it once it does. I quite like when the visual novel genre gets satirized, for some reason it's very funny to me.

An interview Gene Park did with Johanna Kasurinen on Mouthwashing came out recently. I haven't read the entire interview, but this one snippet of it I really liked: "... so crude and direct: 'I hope this hurts.' Who is saying this? It's another detail up for debate. Kasurinen calls it the 'instigating concept' of this cutting tale. 'At the risk of sounding pretentious, the medium is the message,' she said. 'I hope certain people in the gaming industry play this game. I hope they see themselves. And I hope it hurts. I hope it hurts, hurts, hurts.'" It just stuck with me, I really like it when a message or dialogue in a game applies to not only the character that it's addressed to, but the player as well. It's just an example of how impactful of a message a lot of games can send, and how these stories can affect the real people who play them, and the real world they exist within.

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 5: I've played a good half of a chunk or so of Persona 2, so I think now is the time to write a little log. I was really excited to start the game up, I was jittering and laughing, my dream of several months had finally come to fruition. My first impressions were that there were immediately connections with Persona 1. Coming off from modern Persona games where the callbacks are more fan service or easter eggs, it's really insanely cool to see so many characters from Persona 1 play actual substantial roles. Yukino is a party member, Elly helps us out, we fight Hanya, Saeko is at Sevens' now, Tadashi and Tamaki are at the detective agency, it's just all so cool. I think I mentioned this before, but everything that a lot of Persona fans wish was in a modern Persona game is, in some way, in the Persona 2 duology. Adult characters and protagonists, a gay romance option, older characters making appearances again, that stuff. But, I feel like not a lot of people know about it because of how shuffled aside Persona 1 and 2 are. I didn't even know about it at first, I wrote a log talking about how I wished older characters came back to mentor the new Persona users, only to find out that literally does happen in Innocent Sin, LOLs. Some other first impressions is that the art style of the game reminds me of Pokemon Black and White and I like it a lot, the menus in the alleys for some reason remind me of Nintendogs, the character designs are insanely cool, I really like that I can save pretty much anywhere, negotiations are pretty difficult but insanely hilarious and fun, the voice acting is a treat, and the battle system and encounter rates are a lot better in this than Persona 1. I really, really like the characters in this game. Eikichi is ridiculous and absurd and a ROCKER! Tatsuya is insanely cool and has a wonderful love for motorcycles. At first, I was mistaken that Ginko was a weeaboo. But, I quickly found out she is in fact a chinaboo, and her father is actually a weeaboo. It made me laugh really badly. Eikichi's random white girl hate made me guffaw as well. Eikichi's dad is also a bit absurd ... being able to actually meet the parents of the characters is really cool, and kind of goes against that jrpg trope where the 10-16 year old either lives by themself, or goes on a journey to save the world by themself with no appearance of their parents throughout the game at all. Maya also is quite jolly, the scene with her room and the scene where Eikichi gave her a gun made me laugh a lot ... I quite like her. I also quite like Kozy. Where I'm at in the game, she hasn't shown up in awhile, but I hope she shows again later and Eikichi apologizes to her. He seems to really care about her from what I gathered.

At one point, we had to go to a clocktower, and I felt a deep pain in my heart. Everytime I hear that word, I get terrible flashbacks to the original Resident Evil 3. That Nemesis clocktower fight ... I remember I started dreaming about killing Nemesis when I'd go to sleep at night, I'll never forget that boss. That scene where Tatsuya smiled and blushed [woah.] at Maya made me shout really loudly in surprise ... I didn't expect that from Tatsuya! Or any Persona protagonist! I was shocked! But, with the story, I'm unsure what is meant by Joker being shocked that we don't remember whatever he was talking about. I know Joker has a connection with Jun, but what in the world is going on?! I heard that the main group are childhood friends, but none of them seem to remember or know each other. Those dreams Ginko and Eikichi keep mentioning too, it's just so strange. The watch and the lighter were swapped between Jun and Tatsuya as kids, and Jun mentioned a dream ... and if I remember right, I think Joker said something about something being stolen from him and Tatsuya had something to do with it? I'm pretty sure either Joker is Jun or they are otherwise somehow related, but what happened to even cause that? Why can't they remember each other? It's just so very odd. I'm extremely excited to see how the story plays out, because I really have no idea. Jun hasn't shown up yet at the point where I am, so I think things get progressively more clearer when he does.

Ok, that is all, I must depart. Adios amigos!

December 8th, 2024

It is now December, the year is coming to a close ... and my birthday is soon. I watched Mononoke [not the Ghibli film], played with legos, and got beat up by school over the past week or two. By school, not at school. I mention Mononoke because, after finishing the 2007 series, I watched a bit of the new movie that came out recently, and Lotus Juice was in one of the songs. I feel like he's everywhere ... I need to finish that movie. Anyways, what's this website supposed to be about? Video games, yes. I saw my little brother playing a Puyo Puyo game a week or so ago, and I quite liked the character designs and art style. It caused me to research Puyo Puyo history and things, and I downloaded a bunch of the games on my PS Vita. I quite like Lemres, and I found out Madoka Magica collaborated with Puyo Puyo at one point. After a month of rest, I started playing Silent Hill 2 remake again with my sister, and it really can't be good for my heart. The sections in the Labyrinth made me squabble in fear. At one point, in the section with the water and the ladders, I started hearing pounding footsteps. I didn't see anything, so with slight fear and panic, I just assumed it was frightening ambience. I ran around a bit, still not seeing anything, and then I turn around to be faced with Pyramid Head, who was turning the corner towards me. I clenched my cheeks so hard that the fresh turds that had just been laid got sucked back up and came out the other end. I don't think I've screamed louder. Nay, that's a lie, I definitely have, but you get the gist here. Anyways, I'm now on Eddie's boss fight, which I found to be pretty hard out of the times I tried before giving up for the night. My sister fell asleep at that point.

One thing I was displeased to find out is that disc 1 of my Omori OST CD is scratched and won't play track 50 ... I was so desperate I started smearing toothpaste all over it for, like, an hour. It didn't work, but the CD still smells minty at least. It was fun playing with toothpaste, also. But, not all hope is lost, I think I will take it to a store to resurface it. Hopefully that works, because I am not paying those big bucks for a new one. I don't even know how it got scratched, but all 3 discs have the same type of circular scratch around the outer edge. Which, looks like it could be from the player, but I use the same PS2 and portable CD player for all my discs, and it's only those 3. I'm thinking, I must've been playing with the disc in the case when I was younger, and the plastic of it scratched it somehow. Or maybe I did it when I'm older, and I am just a dimwit. That is plausible too. But, whenever it occurred, I didn't notice until recently, and it's truly horrible. Hopefully I'm able to fix it ... But, oh, you're wondering about Persona progress?

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 4: I beat both SEBEC and Snow Queen Quest since the last I wrote! I started Persona 2 immediately after, cause I've been slobbering to play that game since September or October or so, but those first thoughts will be for the next log. For now, let me detail my last adventures with Persona 1: I ended up having to leave the dungeon to grind for the Pandora fight. But, really, all you need for that fight is max rank ultimate personas for Naoya and Maki, and a whole boat load of consumables. After you get those things, it's quite the easy fight, maybe a bit tedious. But, the boss theme makes it all worth it, I really do love the PSP OST for Persona 1 so much. Nanjo, Mark, and Brown were really only there for support and to take damage, but they're appreciated nonetheless. After, Maki gave Naoya a little kiss [imagine I said "little kiss" in a peculiar voice], and Philemon shows his wonderful mug before dying ... or something like that. The end credits play, which I think Voice is a wonderful choice for an end credits theme, and I found a lot of joy in reading the descriptions of each of their futures. I thought it was nice that Brown kept up with what Mark was doing. After I beat SEBEC, I immediately dove into Snow Queen Quest, and it was quite the joy to figure out all the personalities of the characters that weren't in the SEBEC route. Except for Brown, I recruited Brown twice ... he's funny! I thought Ayase's insults for Hanya were quite humorous, I feel like I don't hear chromedome or cueball enough.

Snow Queen Quest made me cheat, though. I never touched the save states until I got to Thanatos tower. I was fine with Hypnos and Nemesis, but Thanatos seriously hurt my heart and stomach. I cheesed my way through the last three bosses, also. I'm serious, I would just leave everyone dead and give Naoya Lilim and slowly chip away with attacking, 8 damage points at a time. When I did this against Thanatos and realized it was actually working, I started laughing so badly in disbelief because it was truly a last resort. I was so underleveled with terrible personas, but I really did not want to go through Thanatos tower again. So, I sat there for 30 minutes or an hour, just watching and occassionally healing Naoya. After I beat Thanatos with this method, I felt quite lazily powerful, and continued doing the same thing to the last 2 bosses. I'm sorry, it was just really funny, and I was terribly desperate to play Persona 2. At one point, I ate a piece of cheese while doing this, just to commemorate. Save states really saved me, though. I don't know how anyone sane could get through that Ice Castle maze without 20 thousand save states and careful studying of a map I found off some person's website. But, in the end, despite how miserable this paragraph may sound, I had a lot of fun playing through Persona 1 and I truly wish more Persona fans would give it some mind. Stop scaring people off with the random ecounters, they're really not that bad. I still think random encounters are extremely annoying, but I think Persona 1 warmed and toasted me up to them just a bit, I'm not afraid anymore!

OK amigos, that is all, adios. Until next time ...

November 26th, 2024

I'm under the weather whence more. I used to get sick once a month, but now it's once every two months! I started taking vitamins. Over the weeks, I saw cowboys riding horses down the street, I watched Dandadan, and I finished Death Note after 4 years. Cowboys and aliens for this introduction anecdote ... But, onto video games: a cover by The 8-Bit Big Band of Last Surprise from the Persona 5 soundtrack was nominated for a grammy, which is always exciting ... It's nice to see a song released nearly 10 years ago still get acknowledgment through both performances by fans, and awards given. Speaking of awards, TGA is soon, and GOTY nominees were revealed recently. I think this year will be really close, but I'm placing my bets on Astro Bot winning, despite my prejudice ... He has the most worldwide appeal, it's the game even yo mama would play, yaknow? Ah, ignore the glint of a tear going down my face as I remember that LBP, too, was a game even yo mama would play. I've seen a lot of arguing about these nominations, especially with Silent Hill and Persona fans. Elden Ring is awesome but ... with thought, it is quite strange they nominated a DLC for Game of The Year. Oh goodie, it is great to see such a turn in the attitude towards the Silent Hill 2 Remake. If you told Silent Hill fans last year that there would be a good amount of people upset that the remake didn't get nominated for GOTY, then they'd think you were fibbing straight through your pearly yellows. One game I've never heard of that got nominated, though, is Balatro. It doesn't really look all that interesting to me, but if it got nominated, I must be missing out.

I've heard a lot of rumors about Persona and Resident Evil news being revealed at The Game Awards. I really hope they're true, I will flip marbles and lose tables if anything about Resident Evil 9, Persona 6, or anything about a Persona or Resident Evil remake was shown. Atlus would be balling if they chose to show anything about Persona. A GOTY nomination with Metaphor, and hype surrounding a new Persona game?! I'd crap myself! But, let us wait, 2 weeks is upon soon. Recently, I also found out about Toro to Kyuujitsu, which seems like a game where you just walk around Japan with Toro, who occasionally sneezes. There's also a rumor about a terrifying ghost haunting the game. Which, makes sense, as the night segments do feel a bit frightening. The game is quite cheap online, I've been thinking about buying it to play on my PS2, even if I can't read. While being a little nostalgic, I went through some of the old pet sim games I had on the DS when I was younger, and I took a gander at Petz Catz 2. It actually has a really good soundtrack, I didn't remember the wonderful tunes. But, now everytime I hear about any Petz game, I just think of Noelle Holiday, and I miss Deltarune. I've been thinking about Pokemon Black and White on this fine evening, also ... I actually used to own a copy of either Black or White when I was pretty young, maybe anywhere from 6 to 8, but I got rid of it because, apparently, I had thought it was boring. Such a decision is making me clench a fist, because I honestly really want to play BW on my old DS. But, Pokemon games seem to have become more expensive over the years. I own Crystal, Red, and LeafGreen on cartridge because they used to be, like, max 30-50 dollars from my memory. Makes me a little bit sad ... I always like to play older games on actual hardware, or emulate them on hardware similar to the original, so whenever a game I want to play is so expensive to buy, I feel like kicking a rock. Maybe a boulder this go around, since I had that game in my hands at one point, all those years ago ... But, I suppose there is no getting around it, I'll have to either cough up the green or figure a DS emulator.

Speaking of emulation, I lied a bit, because I do fancy a PS1 game or two on the PS Vita TeeHee. I just like the PS Vita too much for my "I like playing on original hardware" rule to stand too harshly. Anyways, I found out LSD Dream Emulator was avaliable to play through Adrenaline, which got me twirling about quite excitedly. My dad used to download emulators and ROMs on little cheap smart TV boxes when my sister and I were younger, and on that we had played about an hour or so of LSD Dream Emulator. Ever since then, I wanted to explore around that world a bit more, and now, I can dig into it whence again. I've been also meaning to play the Lain PS1 and Bootleg game, which I believe are actually available to play through a web browser. I know the PS1 game is, at least. I've been wanting to look into SNES emulation on the PS Vita also, I'd really like to play Earthbound. I played a bit of it once a couple years ago on the Switch, but I got stuck in a cave and then that stupid Nintendo subscription ran out &_& ... Jeez, so many things to play, it's a little overwhelming! But, away from that, I have continued my Persona journey into the depths of the cavernous caverns:

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 4: I'm on the final Pandora boss of the SEBEC route, but I have to grind to terrible degrees. So, therefore, I will be on the final boss for a good while. I really dislike how Persona fusions and obtaining spell cards works in this game, especially with the way experience is distributed. If only one of your party members is underleveled, it brings the entire average of the party down, and therefore makes it impossible to get spell cards in whatever dungeon you're in until you level that party member up. But, the way experience is distributed is through how active/how much damage that member gives in battle. But, if they're underleveled, then they die quite quickly/don't do much damage, and if they die in the beginning of the battle and stay dead, they'll only get crumbs of experience comparable to yo daddy's belly button lint. Look, I love this game, and I really love Mark and Brown, but how in the world did they both end up still being level 30 something with the rest of my party pushing 50-60?! I'll tell you, they both were dead for the majority of the Kandori boss fight, that is how. Mark loves PaRappa and Brown is a poop dweeb, but they gotta get the boot, man. The demons don't like me because of you two. They say I'm wimpy and feeble. Anyways, I lol'd when they revealed that Mai and Aki were figments of Maki, because who would have guessed the two little kids named Mai and Aki were figments of a girl named Maki? I got whooped hard in Alaya Cavern at first, because I wasn't prepared to be put into a dungeon with only Maki, and Nanjo had all the good personas ... I had to go back to an old save file, it was that bad. But, in here, we find Naoya's shadow, and he straight up was playing Groove on Fight. I clapped and giggled and slobbered like a baby with one tooth when I read that. The last thing I was expecting in my Persona game was a Groove on Fight reference. But, with knowledge that Naoya apparently likes Groove on Fight, I will officially come out and say Naoya is the coolest Persona protagonist. Anyways, I forget if I've ever mentioned this, but the opening cutscene and the transition portal scenes are some of the coolest things ever. They're oozing with this style that's nostalgic for a year I can't place. It's like "I had a shirt or a notebook in 2013 that was reminscent of this" type feeling, or something. Oozing is a gross word. But, last thought before I adios: Pandora looks a lot like one of the phases of the God of Fear & Hunger in Fear & Hunger 1, very eldritch ... I wonder if Miro was inspired by it, I'll have to take a gander into that.

And, now comes the time in which I may depart. I would say to grind, but truthfully I am just going to lay in bed. I am ill. Guten bye dear readers!

November 13th, 2024

Good morning, I'm dancing right now! I have felt a bit gloomy the past week or so, but the sun has finally come out again after an extended period of some pretty dreary clouds, and now I'm listening to a cool playlist I found on Youtube with Mikage Sakura (Ukagaka) as a cover, so I'm dancing! I played fetch with my cat also, who is named dog, but it's not pronounced the same way. That has me in high spirits too. He's trying to step on my keyboard as I write this. Anyways, onto video game stories: I found this game where this monochrome anime girl talks about things, and you can kill her if you draw white all over everything. I think the game was literally just called White, and the guy who made it used to have a website on Geocities. But, I liked the art style, so I wanted to mention it. I will always be a fan of weird games that are barely games, they always have mysterious people behind them. While scrolling on the points shop in Steam to find some new things to decorate my profile with, I found some mini-profile backgrounds for Yuppie Psycho, and I thought: "What?! They made a game from that movie?!" There is no movie. For some reason, for probably as long as the game has been out, I thought Yuppie Psycho was a classic film bro movie akin to A Clockwork Orange or Fight Club. I think what must've happened is I saw fanart for Yuppie Psycho and got Brian mixed up with Herbert from Reanimator, and then I mashed that together with Psycho, the movie, and American Psycho, the movie. But, to find out Yuppie Psycho is actually a semi-anime style video game genuinely made me feel like I stepped into another timeline, cause if you would've asked me what Yuppie Psycho was a week ago I would've said: "The movie, right?" with full and absolute confidence. I have no idea, but now I would like to play Yuppie Psycho. Another thing I found out is that a Death Note social deduction online game released recently. It honestly looks kind of fun, and I really like the models for L and Light. It's been so long since I last watched Death Note, 4 years I think by now. I stopped watching after Mello and Near appeared. But, the game has sparked a Death Note shaped flame in my heart, so maybe I should get to watching it again.

With playing Persona 1, which I'll detail the details about in a minute, I've taken a gander around the stuff fans have made for it. Persona 1 isn't necessarily obscure in the sense that no one knows about it, because everyone who knows anything about JRPGs knows Persona 5, and to have a Persona 5 you need a Persona 1, but something more like how the first Silent Hill game is. I think both Silent Hill and Persona are not as popular as they seem as franchises, but both have extremely popular titles within them. So the older, jankier entries end up not getting as much love because of either being locked to older consoles, or just not being appealing to people who only like to play more modern games. Persona 1 is not at all like Persona 5, so a lot of people who gained an entry into Persona through Persona 5 will not end up playing Persona 1, unless they are a nut like me. So, that leads to this kind of obscureness surrounding Persona 1, which is something I both like and dislike. There's something about the fandoms for old, obscure-ish or underappreciated 90s games that I really like. Everyone who is a fan is very dedicated to it, so out of the little stuff that is there, it's always something really cool. Like translations for things that used to be only in Japanese, scans for almost forgotten excerpts about the game in old magazines, scans of fanart from the 90s, and so much more. There's an English translation for the 1997 Persona 1 Club Book by Dalaamclouds on Tumblr, and PaRappa is mentioned on Mark's page X - D ! I really want a copy of it, so many of the excerpts I saw through her Tumblr were very absurd and I wanted to hold such weird things in my hands. They're not too expensive, but all the ones I've seen looked like someone used it to wipe their butthole ... In these almost 30 years, no one kept it prim and proper?

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 4: I think I'm nearing the end of the SEBEC Route? I just beat the Haunted Mansion dungeon. While I'm still having fun, I'm vibrating out of my seat to play Persona 2, so I'm trudging along right now. Let's go back, as always: Before starting Persona 1, I always saw jokes people would make about bumping into the walls and walking backwards. So, for the first hour of gameplay, everytime I did either of those things, I'd chuckle. I'm playing the PSP version through Adrenaline on my PS Vita, so with it comes the updated cutscenes and OST. While the original PS1 cutscenes and OST did give the game a gloomier, stranger atmosphere, I like the PSP OST and cutscenes too much to say the PS1's were better. Even after almost 20 hours of gameplay, I'm still not tired of A Lone Prayer. I honestly think people really exaggerate how painful it is to play this game, you're scaring people off! You all nearly scared me off! I think so many people miss out on some pretty good old games by writing them off for annoying random encounters, no matter how much I hate them, or tank controls, which I love dearly. There needs to be more Persona 1 fans, please! I need help sometimes and my only 2 sources can't be a 1 hour long video I have to sift through consisting of mostly A Lone Prayer and the guy playing not knowing where he's going either, and a nearly 20 year old forum post! I would really like to see a remake though, just because I know it'd change so much to fit into the rules established by modern Persona games. The way the entire conflict in the game plays out would have to be overhauled to fit in Social Links, it'd be extremely interesting to see how it would change. It'd be cool to see if they'd keep the 5 party members system, or switch it to 4 members like newer Persona games. If they swapped it to 4, how would Ayase, Brown, Elly, Reiji, and Yukino get character development? Would they show up more often as unplayable characters, or would they change it to where you can swap members out? And then with Igor, would he still take the backseat and Philemon be the main all-knowing guide, or would Igor replace him? Will they share that role? It's just really cool to think about. Knowing Atlus though, they'd make Snow Queen Quest a paid DLC lol. One thing I do hate though, both in general and in Persona 1, is the choice for whether you get a good or bad ending is in the middle of the game. I feel like those kinds of choices should always be towards the end, so not all is lost ... If I didn't have a guide for what to answer with, I wouldn't have picked the right ones at all. I also hate that stupid bird in the Kama Palace. I see Marin Karin in my nightmares.

All these characters are surface level'd dimwits, but I say that with love. Naoya, Mark, and Brown are probably my favorites. There's a manga tie-in with Persona 1 that I took a quick glance at, I want to read it after I'm finished with the game to avoid spoilers, but I got quite curious. The first couple pages are about Naoya piercing his own ear when he was 12, is that not cool?! I think Naoya might have the coolest design out of all the Persona protagonists, maybe except for Maya. Mark apparently quite likes PaRappa, so it's obligatory that I like him, but he also takes on a bit of the goofy dude role like Junpei, Yosuke, and Ryuji, which are also some of my favorites. He kind of shares that role with Brown also, who I have much to mention about. I recruited Brown at the beginning of the game because I missed Reiji's flags and thought Brown was cool, but I'm thankful for it as I got some very funny dialogue. I'll read about the story recruiting Reiji adds to the game later, but for now let's detail: At one point, we find Reiji and a girl getting attacked. Brown says something like: "Don't worry miss, you're okay now that I'm here! ... Now go get him Naorin!" That moment solidifed Brown as one of my favorites. He also said, "My only rival is Nakai from the Judas Brothers!" which tickled me so much that I took a picture of it. One last thing about Brown that made me laugh so badly that there were tears in my eyes is that he is only called Brown because he doo doo'd himself once in school as a kid. I'm not lying. And that's the deepest character lore you're getting out of Persona 1, the end.

PS: I don't have Tiktok or Twitter cause I hate them, but my sister does, and she keeps sending me videos from Piglet's Big Game. I think it's funny that there's genuinely some top-notch, Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1 level atmosphere going on in a Winnie-the-Pooh tie-in.

November 4th, 2024

Happy (shaking head) November. The time has changed and it's getting darker earlier, so I'm falling asleep at like 9 pm, like a grandpa. Recently, I've been thinking about Persona 3 again. I said in a log awhile ago, after I finished Reload, that I found Ryoji's relationship with Makoto comparible to Aigis's, in the sense that both were tragic by not being truly with Makoto for long, as his death was so soon after. But, thinking about it, Ryoji and Makoto would technically be with each other forever since Makoto died, right? I miss Persona 3 a lot, it's definitely my favorite out of the Persona games I've played. I want to play The Answer for myself sometime, but I can't justify spending 35 dollars (plus tax) for it right now ... it's just way too expensive for what The Answer offers. I want to play FES and Portable soon, I own Portable on my Vita and can get FES on my PS3 soon enough, so those aren't far away distant dreams as I wait for a sale on The Answer, whenever that is. I'll play Kotone's route when I get around to Portable, I think most people only play Portable for her, but I have another romance dilemma like when I played Reload. So many of the characters in Persona 3 are so likable, it's difficult : , - | . I am stuck between Shinjiro, Aigis, and Ryoji, but I'm leaning towards Shinjiro since that seems like the popular option amongst Kotone fans. Since the last time I wrote, a new trailer for Little Nightmares 3 was uploaded, and I'm really excited for when this game releases. It's still very much Little Nightmares, but everything seems so new at the same time.

Before Halloween, Aleks Le uploaded a video where he voiced the dead pixel scene from Mouthwashing with Suzie Yeung, and it felt like such a cool crossover that it made me want to backflip or something. On Halloween, Dizzy released, so I played around with her some and was pretty gobsmacked by her range and freeze abilities. I need to mess around with her some more, Sin is still my main but I want to see what combos I might be able to come up with. Also on Halloween, I got a bunch of games that were on sale, and one of them was Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. I messed around with Yosuke and Adachi, and it was incredibly fun and ridiculous LOL. I liked how one of Adachi's Persona's normals is an entire Dizzy-style gamma ray. I think it was also Halloween when I learned that Deltarune Chapter 3 and 4 have finally gotten a release date for 2025, and I nearly crapped my pants in excitement. Finally! I'm excited for the story to continue, does anyone remember Spamton Sweepstakes a few years back? All the little crumbs from that made the cogs in my brain go crazy. I can't wait for these chapters to finally release and have the internet explode with theories and fanart, I'm so excited T__T ... Recently, my sister and I have gotten back to playing Silent Hill 2 remake. The prison is so horrifying to get through, the mannequins crawling on the walls and ceilings like weird little mutant spider monkeys kept scaring the doo doo out of me. The noises they'd make when they'd skitter, and just the overall sound design in general, kept me on edge the entire time. What got me the worst, though, is the woman screaming in the bathroom. It made my whole butthole invert, it forreal scared the air out of me. All the revamps for the bosses are so awesome, too. The design, both narritively and gameplay-wise, for the bosses I've beaten so far have really took on a new identity while still respecting and resembling the original. I mentioned not liking the boss fights in the original Silent Hill 2 in an earlier log, so I'm really happy with how Bloober redesigned the bosses the way that they have. There's things that I think were executed better in the original though, like the prison scene. I like the framing in the remake, especially when the door shuts on Maria, but I feel as if the line delivery in the remake makes the scene take on a different tone that I don't think is as appropriate. When I saw the scene in the trailer, I quite liked the monotone delivery, as it seemed sort of doll-like. But, in retrospect and full context, I do think the original scene was better. Overall, this is really a phenomenal remake that I'm having a lot of fun playing. But, what's that other game also about a foggy, small town?

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 3: I beat it yesterday, finally, after that grueling late January time. Such grueling time was quickly wiped away by the skiing trip though, where Yosuke looked like a babushka and told ghost stories about Fuuka. On the skiing trip, we find out about Marie and the Hollow Forest, which I mention thinking looked really pretty, but the dungeon and the way Marie was acting was so annoying that I had a moment where I hated her. I didn't care about her before, but for that, like, hour of gameplay or two, I hated her. I hated her so much. Kusumi no Okami has a cool design though, so I was pacified. Izanami no Okami also had a cool design, and I got to myriad truths'd her, so I was further pacified. The fog lifts from the TV world, which was "rly beautoful *teary eyes*," is what I wrote in my notes. An epilogue plays out where we get to see the teams' new appearances, which was very fun. Kanji looks crazy and Marie is a weather lady. I think with the fact of how long later Persona games are, when the ending finally comes and it's time to say goodbye, it feels a bit real, as if you really are leaving town or something. That's a feeling especially true with Persona 5, though, it felt so weird to play it almost everyday for a month and then just have it be finished. But, yes, that is all to mention, Persona 1 here I cooome!

October 28th, 2024

Oh, hola, happy early Halloween. With it comes a new website look! Music monkey is now music Kuchipatchi. I tried to make something more simple, more reminiscent of older personal websites ... I wanted to incorporate brighter greens and oranges too since that's another favorite color scheme of mine. I am pleased! Anyways, I have a handful of cool things to mention that's happened over the past week or so, so put your reading glasses on, I guess: I was browsing around Youtube one morning and I found a video about a game called Uno DX, which is an anime Uno game. I can't find that video anymore, but I wanted to mention it because how absurd I thought it was, I wanted more people to be aware of it. A little bit ago, I asked my cousin what Final Fantasy games he's played, since I was thinking about starting Final Fantasy after I finish the rest of the Persona series, and he mentioned FFXV. He showed me Noctis, who looks awesome, and talked about how good the game is, so I felt quite tempted to play ... I saw a lot of people fart on it online, but I don't really care, I want to play it anyways. I own FFVII, FFVIII, and FFX, so I'll likely play those first, but Noctis remains nestled in the back of my brain for now. I've been meaning to play 7 and 8 for months, my dad played them when he was younger and everytime I mention them he always says how good the story for 8 is. A crumb thought: Blu scout's pants have been fixed after 17 years, and it feels a bit disturbing. Anyways, with Halloween quickly approaching, Dizzy's arrival to Strive remains imminent, and a trailer released recently to show some thangs off. I'm excited to get to mess around with a new character ... I haven't played Guilty Gear, except for the occasional a couple minutes, in forever. I hope Dizzy's release ignites the Guilty Gear shaped flame in my heart once more!

A few nights ago, I remembered Emily is Away. It made me nostalgic, I remember every Youtube Let's Player in, like, 2015 would play it ... I can't believe 2015 was so long ago. Speakin' bout games Let's Players play, I heard about Mouthwashing through the absurd amounts of fanart and videos that are crawling around the web at the moment. I played it a couple nights ago by myself in the dark, finished it around midnight when the house was all quiet, and the only word I could really use to describe it was disgusting. My favorite scene was when Jimmy cut Curly's leg off at the table, with everyone slumped over dead, because of just how horrifying it felt. I played with a controller, and to cut through Curly's leg, you almost have to physically saw back and forth using the stick. I found it to be really immersive, I was grimacing that entire scene. Daisuke is my favorite character (since he reminds me of Yosuke : - P), and his death scene had my jaw hangin' open so long that a fly flew out, or something. I knew he was going to die, but the way he went out so violently, yet almost kind of bittersweetly, was really horrific. It was something I wasn't expecting at all. This game is definitely reminiscent of Silent Hill and Evangelion, so I absolutely don't have a big enough brain to be able to articulate anything that hasn't already been said, except that Jimmy is quite literally probably one of the most evil characters in any game I have ever played. But, yes, please play Mouthwashing, it's only 2-3 hours but I wish dearly it was longer. I haven't played Silent Hill 2 remake in about a week because of terrible scheduling, I'm at the beginning of the prison last I left off, but I wrote some things down: A patch got added to fix the performance issues on PC I was talking about. I haven't tested it out as aforementioned, but I really am impressed to see how responsive Bloober is when it comes to complaints by fans or issues with the game. I also found out that the pizza line was not removed, it's just an easter egg now! I am pleased! Both the original and the remake are phenomenal horror games, I implore everyone to play both, but I will say I think the pyramid head chase scene was better in the original ...

My PS Vita arrived today, and it actually came modded ...?! Very pleasant surprise, I got so many games that it feels a bit overwhelming, but I'm excited to get to play all these titles I've been meaning to for a while. But oh, hey, is the channel changing?!

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 3: I'm in late January at the moment, and I haven't played in a little bit because, I will be honest, this part feels very dull. We already figured out the culprit, which was what we were trying to do the entire game, and then defeated God, so to have such an extended period of Social Link time feels a bit dragged. I feel like Marie isn't enough of a good motivator to keep going when we already achieved the main goal of the game. Marie is an alright character, she is cool, but I feel like we don't interact with her enough to care about her that much. Once I reached rank 10 with her Social Link, I would've probably forgot about her if it wasn't for her occassional poems in the Velvet Room. Golden is an amazing game, so I'm not doo dooin' on it, but this part does feel boring to get through. But, let's go back: I was surprised with how easy Adachi's boss fight was and then immediately humbled by Ameno-sagiri. The only way to knock him out like a light is to keep your party buffed and Ameno-sagiri debuffed, and try to stretch your resources. After, Yosuke is revealed to have roaches, and Yu has a really dastardly sick arc. I feel like it was more than a cold if he passed out and had visions of a weird mysterious missing girl. Lastly, we teach Teddie how to glomp and get walked in on. Made me lol very loudly, and that is all I wrote down in my notes ... I have to beat Persona 4 before I start Persona 1, so continuing will remain. But, for now, I'm going to bed ... Adios!

October 20th, 2024

October is flyin' by ... Halloween is soon and I feel as if the month just began. Everytime it gets colder out, I feel kind of nostalgic for some reason. Relating to both of those things, it's been announced earlier this month that Little Big Planet 3 and all the DLC will be delisted off digital storefronts by the end of October. Sackboy deserves better, man, Sony is trying to phase him out with Astro bot. I will not stand for this, you almost got me with that Aigis costume, but I will not fold! I have a huge Sackboy poster on my wall that I've had since I was a little kid, I think my mom got it at Gamestop back in, like, 2012 or so, and everytime I look at it I feel a bit sad now. So many levels, so many memories, so much fun, left to gather dust in the past now. I really hope that, one day, Sackboy will be able to make a graceful comeback, because there's definitely an audience for it. Away from horrible news, I've been thinking about some series and games I might want to get into. Since I like Persona, I probably should play its papa's series. I was eyeing Nocturne, the third game, since the main character's design is really sick, and it reminds me of Devil May Cry for some reason. SMT has quite a few spinoffs from what I've gathered, and another I saw that looks interesting is Digital Devil Saga ... I should become the 0.5% of Persona fans that know anything about Shin Megami Tensei and its other spinoffs. Ain't it that SMT fans are sour with Persona fans cause of that x - D ? Some other games I've been thinking of are Fromsoft and Soulslikes, I miss Elden Ring everytime I hear someone mention it. I've been meaning to play Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 recently, I should get a PS4 for my room sometime ...

I really, really want to play Persona 1 & 2. I've grown fonder over the past couple weeks, and the random encounters only frighten me now. I will thug it out for Naoya and the Persona 1 PSP OST, and Eikichi and Tatsuya. Speaking of the OST, I got the PSP OST for Persona 1 on CD, and, with it, some Audio Technica headphones in the same style as Makoto's. The model I got is ATH-EQ300M, which isn't the same as Makoto's, because I'm not rich, but it's such a unique style that I think it gets the point across. I feel quite cool wearing them, I like it. I also bought a PS Vita, which half is for playing Persona games and half because I think the menu music graced this earth from heaven. I've been plotting about all the games I'll get for it, I've been thinking about modding it, too. Everything about waiting for it to arrive is making me bite my nails in anticipation. I visited a local game store earlier to see if they had any before I tried looking online, and they didn't, but I couldn't help but think that store is pretty freakin' cool. They were playing Beneath the Mask and Labyrinth Zone when I walked in, and I always like looking at the old game magazines they have. I saw one from 2013 that had a whole segment explaining what Minecraft was, it's really interesting to read things from when before an older game released or got popular. It's just a nice little nerdy place, everyone who works there is always friendly too. I don't know, I just wanted to mention it because, everytime I visit, it makes me really excited seeing all these old games and consoles line the walls, even if I don't end up finding what I was looking for. I just think it's important to have cool little stores and places of things and people that share your interests like that.

About Persona 1 & 2, I've been looking into them in anticipation of playing them, and something that blew my mind to find out is that Eikichi and Joel Miller from The Last of Us have the same voice actor, which made me both flabbergasted and really miss TLOU. I still need to get back to playing Part 2 ... I recognized Jun's voice immediately, and couldn't help but think Nagito follows me everywhere ever since I was 12. Looking into it, I saw some people say that it's more rewarding to play Persona 1 before the 2 duology, so Tatsuya appearance will be postponed ... But, remember how I mentioned that I think it'd be cool for Persona users from previous titles to come back as adults? I'm pretty sure that happens between 1 and 2, Yukino is in both! It was just beneath my nose this entire time! I also saw a lot of people say Persona 2 has the best story, which only makes me bite my fingers further. Right now, Persona 3 takes that cake for me, so I'm interested to see if my opinion will change after playing Persona 2. PS: I saw that Joker Persona 2 has a little tail thing, I thought it was cute, aww. Recently, along with Persona 4, I've been playing Silent Hill 2 Remake with my sister, I'm at the beginning of the hospital right now. The game is amazing, it completely nails the atmosphere through the design and music, and overhauls the gameplay to feel more comfortable, yet still with an appropriate amount of Silent Hill jank. The singular issue I have is how poorly it runs on computers, it stutters a lot even on low settings. Maybe my computer is just booty cheeks, but I've ran games like the RE remakes and Outlast Trials completely fine at smooth framerates recently, and saw a few people have the same stuttering issue, so I have no idea. It's not unplayable, just not really the best since I paid 70 buckaroonies for it. It just feels like games are getting more and more expensive but releasing in lower and lower quality states. Also, they removed the pizza line, I was devastated ... Naw, seriously, this remake lived up to everything I imagined it to. Suck on it loserz, I was right!

I haven't played much Persona 4 recently to warrant a new progress report, so that shall be skipped for now ... Though, tune in next time, for I near the end. PEACE OUT : - P

October 7th, 2024

Happy October to all of those who read these, a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. I was affected with various ailments, but I'm pretty much fine by now. I'd be concerned if I wasn't, it's been like 3 weeks. Whoooops! But, I have a very giant stack of digital notes to sift through about the video game related thoughts that occurred over those 3 weeks, so let us sift. In 1 days time, Silent Hill 2 remake comes out for the common folk. So far, every review I've seen has been insanely positive. What have I been saying! No one wanted to believe! I did, I did! I'm so excited to get to play this game, man, I been thinkin' bout it for forever and I'm stoked that the time has finally come ... Some other trailers for upcoming games and things came out over the time I haven't written as well, a new trailer and some more gameplay for the Snake Eater remake released. It looks to be incredibly faithful to the original, so I'm quite interested to see how that turns out. A trailer for the upcoming DMC anime came out, too, and it made me miss DMC quite a bit. For after my Persona adventures, which are nearing their closure unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck on which game to start next. Disco Elysium, MGS4, Danganronpa V3, and DMC4 are the contenders so far, but we shall see. A trailer for Sonic x Shadow Generations released too, and Mephiles is here?! I was very hyped to see him, I burst out into cheers, not tears. Another teaser released, this time for Guilty Gear, and it showed off Dizzy, the first character for Season 4. I'm really excited to get to play as her later this month, her teaser was very majestic ... very Snow White. I'm curious as to what her moveset looks like, and definitely her theme, I haven't seen or heard anything about either of those yet. I'm imagining something soft, yet hardcore for her theme ... It was also a treat to hear her call Sol "dad," it pulled a similar reaction out of me as the Mephiles appearance.

Some rumors reached my ears over the weeks, too. I heard that RE9 news may appear at this past State of Play, however ... with hindsight, it wasn't true ... I hope we get some news soon, I'm really wondering who the protagonist is gonna be. A similar rumor I heard is that Persona 6 will be revealed at the Game Awards later this year, which I'm crossing my fingers for. It is around the time for a new mainline release ... But, we did just get Reload and The Answer, so I suppose I won't be betting on it. Speaking of Persona, I've become ill over these weeks with really enjoying Persona 2's characters and Persona 1's OST, I've been daydreaming about PS Vitas because of this. I will never take back my statement about random encounters, but dadgummit! Those games are becoming more and more enticing the more Persona games I beat, as the Persona well is beginning to run dry! School Days and A Lone Prayer were blasting in my skull all of yesterday, P2's OST with Unbreakable Tie and Philemon Theme, too ... I know I'll likely get sick of School Days and A Lone Prayer whenever I get to playing Persona 1, since everyone who has played Persona 1 is terribly sick of those songs, but I don't care. I gotta bust a move as of now. Persona 2 has so many interesting lookin' characters too, pretty much the entire cast I wanna learn more about. Tatsuya's got a motorcycle, so he's automatically cool. I feel like I'm going to suffer playing Persona 1 since I heard its far more painful to play than Persona 2, but I suppose I want to give it a shot still. I gotta be the 1% of Persona fans that have played the first two games, LOL. They seem to be pretty short honestly, in comparison to the later titles. So, the suffering won't be for long ; - P

I'm nearing the ending of Persona 4, which I will detail in a moment, but since I've figured who the culprit is, which is the main spoiler I was avoiding, I thought I might as well take a little gander at the online community for Persona 4. I think Persona 4 fans are some of the most absurd bunch of nuts for any Persona game out of the entire series. Persona 1 and 2 fans are nerds, Persona 3 fans are gay, Persona 5 fans are weeaboos, and Persona 4 fans have caused a great rip in the continuity of something, and I don't know what. It's like Adachi has become his own separate thing, anyone here fans of Swordstab? Thanks. There's Adachi cologne, which I'm too embarassed to spend money on. But, I was very curious as to what it smelled like, because I was imagining a really horrible stench. All I got when looking it up was those little fiddle fart fancy descriptions that perfume fans do that describe some concept instead of just telling me it smells like an old person's febreze'd butthole, or something. I don't understand why that is. I have no concept of what a yuzu smells like, can you just tell me some type of household item that this smells similar to? Jeez! Speaking about Persona fans online, I like the joke that Joker is Bayonetta's son, because now I can't unsee it. Oh, with all this Persona talk, I suppose it's time the channel changes.

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 3: I've played majority of the game since the last update. I've gotten so far that a foggy day out will now have a 50/50 chance on whether I reference Silent Hill or Inaba. I last left off in early December, I'm in Adachi's dungeon at the moment ... but let's go way back to the beginning of the game, because that's where my notes start. We begin Yukiko's dungeon, and I mentioned that Yukiko's inner thoughts about Chie get a little romantical. Kinda homo moments happen a lot in this game, though I'm sure it'll come up later. Anyways, Chie faces herself and, after a boss, awakens to her persona, and Chie and Yosuke being best bros is proven further. I think it's sweet how much they seem to care about each other despite the roundhouse to the nuts, bros 4 life n' all. Speaking about the boss fights, I like that Yosuke puts his headphones on and dances. It's fun to see everyone's battle stances, because it does really reflect them as characters. I mention that I'm shocked at how much is happening while still being in April, which made me think the game was going to be quite long, but I'm at about 62 hours now and I don't think there's too much of the game left. I'm shocked ... Persona really did just get longer and longer, huh. I think it will be my shortest runtime for a Persona game so far, actually. Around this time, I start hangin' with Marie, which her social link is apparently important for the true ending, and I'm still unsure as to why. But I like Marie anyways, so life goes on! A social link that kept making me goof off for too long is Yosuke's. I'd end up cutting too close to when the fog comes for a couple of dungeons, because I wasn't very good with the time managment yet and just kept goofing off with Yosuke until I got to rank 10, LOL. This happened with Ryuji in Persona 5 also, and if Junpei had a social link it probably would've happened with him, too ... I also mention that Persona 4 is a lot harder than P5R and P3R, which my rotten modern Persona fan brain expressed in astonishment. Also, I said that Dojima is a bad father and that I feel bad for Nanako, but after finishing both their social links, I take it back.

Another subtly gay moment happens as Yosuke mentions that Yu seems to be great with his hands, and then Yosuke makes it awkward as Nanako tells him that her mom is no longer with us. I laughed at this scene, I will not fib. Suddenly, Naoto appears, I cheer at such an appearance, and Kanji's dungeon is set to occur ... Somehow, I beat Shadow Kanji with my entire party dead. I thought I was done for, I will not lie, but what does Parappa always say? I believed. Anyways, around this point, I start Adachi's social link, which ends up having one of the coldest scenes in the game so far, but that is for later: I think him getting bugged by the old lady is very funny. Also around this point, Yosuke talks about his ridiculous motorcycle plan to pick up hot babes, which obviously didn't go to aforementioned plan, and I laughed painfully, because my throat was sore while playing this part. That was one of the ailments, a cold. I go home at one point and Adachi is there making terrible eel jokes, I think he should be put down. Speaking of Adachi, at this point of my note stack, I'm in Rise's dungeon, and I wrote a few theories due to the fact Adachi was with us when Rise'd gone missing. I pretty much assumed by this point that my initial suspicion of Adachi was correct, so to see him with us when she disappeared caused me to suspect that there's two culprits ... Which, I suppose was slightly correct, but these theory tidbits have a lot of mentions of Dojima and Naoto, which make me laugh a bit in hindsight. But, I do still have some months of the game left, who knows what could happen ... Anyways, by now, Rise is our new Navi, and I jump for joy. My opinion on Teddie has changed a bit as of current times, but I will detail that in them future times. Later, Adachi's infiltrated my home again and brought Dojima home drunk, which happens swapped later on, and I had wrote again that Adachi should be euthanized.

King Moron dies, which I didn't really care about that much, but I did care about how Teddie was "out of his cage," which I didn't remember what I meant by until I thought for a moment longer. I was upset that Teddie breached containment, and I mention that I hated Teddie and his "stupid Frankie Grande hair." Teddie becomes a real boy pretty soon afterwards, and there's an entire paragraph in these notes insulting him. I will keep such paragraph to myself, except for "Ouran High School Host Club" and "disgusting ugly homunculus," because I don't really take those back. Anyways, I have a sudden bout of character analysis in these notes, and I wonder about Kanji and how his sexuality is written. I have no idea if I'm being illiterate or not, but I interpreted Kanji as being bisexual, and a part of him accepting his shadow self was realizing that. But, for every subsequent scene, Kanji denies that he even had any sort of inkling towards dudes, which confused me a bit. He liked Naoto even before he found out she was a girl, something that's acknowledged, but then it's still a whole thing about Kanji exploding everytime Yosuke makes any suggestion towards Kanji liking men. Which, perhaps it's more of Kanji's personality when being made fun of, which Yosuke is doing, than something else. I dunno, I've never been very good at reading into things, so perhaps I'm missing some crucial detail, but it does come across like Kanji was written as bisexual. Same with Yosuke, though I suppose that's more grasping at hints and unused content than something canonically obvious, at least from my perspective. With Naoto, it's canon within her story that she is a girl, and the only reason she presented herself as male was so she wouldn't be talked down to in a male-dominated field, but a lot of her dialogue and experiences does feel reminiscent of being trans, so I see why some people might interpret or headcanon her that way. However Naoto's gender is interpreted can make for an interesting character, though, in my opinion. I think Naoto being transgender would've been a pretty cool aspect of her character, especially in terms of when the game came out. Though, I don't think if Persona 4 ever gets remade that I'd want any of these characters to be written differently. Like with Yosuke, it would feel incredibly out of character for his romance route to be put back in the game in my opinion, at least for the time where his social link can get to that rank, which was around June or July for me.

Ok, away from character analysis when I have the media literacy of an 8 month old, Adachi and Nanako have a silly moment at the table. SHOE! WRONG! At this point, Mitsuo's dungeon begins, which I assumed pretty quickly he was a copycat killer and only murdered King Moron, but more and more 2nd culprit theories wrapped my brain ... I quite like Mitsuo's dungeon, video game inceptions always tickle me. While going through this dungeon, I brought Teddie on my team just to see how he was, and I hate to admit that Teddie is a very good support member. Later, Naoto appears in school, and I'm tickled by Yosuke calling her "little guy." A school trip becomes imminent, and I begin to flip when we pull up to Tatsumi Port Island?! Gekkoukan?! Moonlight Bridge is mentioned?! Chihiro appears?! Mitsuru is mentioned?! The music?! Holy guacamole, I was very excited to be back ... I am a very big fan of crossovers. Later, in classic teen fashion, the Investigation Team form a band to save Junes, and I again flipped. Of course Yu was the only one to land swaggerly after stage diving. Awhile after a marvelous performance, Nanako unexpectedly shows up on the Midnight Channel, and I felt extremely shocked. I never expected Nanako to be the next victim, and such an appearance made my mind run rampant with theories. I kept wondering how Adachi fit into this whole thing, was he threatening the delivery man, working with him, working against him?! Turns out the delivery man, Namatame, ended up being not that bad of a guy, just a bit of a nut. But, go back a moment, Nanako is saved and is now in the hospital, yet the fog still won't go away. An ominous drone ... uh, drones in the background, and it feels quite reminiscent of another foggy town. But, later, in the hospital, Nanako DIES?! This moment genuinely made me holler out in shock, I never expected something like that would ever happen. But, what made me become more fond of Teddie, in which I unfortunately have become, is that he seems to save Nanako, and she awakes once again ... I didn't notice he wasn't with us if I'm gonna be honest, though. Later, Adachi rats himself out infront of Dojima, scatters away, and I'm cheering in glee at this point, they said it! They said it! I was mainly curious as to why he started killing people, which later gets revealed as: he just wanted to have some fun, I guess. It made me curious as to why Akechi and Adachi get compared so much. Sure, Akechi is psychotic, but at least he has more of an emo reason for killing people. Unless Adachi has another reason ... that is to be revealed later. Anyways, Teddie comes back and I felt a bit insane for being happy about it. He sucks a lot and I really would love to kick him over, but ... maybe in a bit more of a loving way now, he's very reliable in combat. I also like that he calls Adachi "Adachy-baby." Teddie is a horrid and wretched creature, but I think of him a bit more fondly now.

It later gets revealed that the real world and the tv worlds are going to merge, Mementos style ... But, before then, I chose to go meet Adachi alone, and was met with the coldest, most coolest scene I think in the entire game so far. Disappearing and reappearing, the gun to the head, almost shooting Yu, sitting so casually in the chair ... it was just so COOL! I really can't stop imagining what that scene could look like in a Persona 4 remake, it really makes me prance about in excitement for all the future prospects. But, yes, I begin Adachi's dungeon, and that is where I left off. It is quite late, nearly midnight. But hey, it ain't raining, so be grateful ... ADIOS!

September 15th, 2024

Well, I have ... I suppose, a mild concussion. (I like combat sports, that's the context for any random injury I mention.) I feel less "off" today than I have the past couple of days, but it's still a head injury, so I have to take more time off of regular activities than I originally had thought. I'm pretty upset about that, but I suppose that means more time to laze about. Another completely unrelated to video games anecdote I wanted to add: I was sitting outside yesterday and a raccoon pulled up on me. I thought he was a cat until I realized he was not, and we both scared each other. Anyways, onto video games, today is quite the special day. Undertale turns 9 years old today, which feels to be quite strange. I still remember all the deserving hubbub surrounding the game the next following months after it released, so it feels strange to know there are middle schoolers now who were too young then to even know how to not crap their pants. For awhile, what I had in my head for what was popular for kids younger than me never evolved, and I just assummed every little kid still knew what Undertale was and had an idea of FNAF past Security Breach. Time passing is a bit of a wretched thing. About UTDR, a newsletter released. Quite the ominous, yet slightly sweet, little letter written for Chara appeared, likely written by Asriel. But, a progress update for the next Deltarune chapters appeared as well, It seems like we may be in the last final stretches ... I can taste it, I hope we're able to play 3-4 within the next year or two. I've mentioned it a billion times by now, but Deltarune really is my number one favorite game ever, so the thought of some new chapters possibly being so soon makes me quite giddy.

With new releases, I still haven't gotten my hands on funds for The Answer, but I am chipping away slowly. However, I got to play the new Pico update for Friday Night Funkin' this morning ... and I nearly concussed myself again at how graciously wonderful all the music is. I lost my mind when I heard Lotus Juice rapping on a tune, I still can't believe they got Lotus Juice (!!!) on a track for this game. I know FNF gets made fun of a lot for all the content farm slop that gets made for it, but I think a lot of people forget how much effort and coolness really goes into this game. Stay Funky, Hands Up, South remix, Shootin' Ropes, and way too many more songs blew my mind when I heard them. It's just very impressive how far FNF has come as a game. I mean, come on! They got Lotus Juice! I like how many references to other creators and media FNF shows in the game as well, it's fun seeing what you can pick out and recognize (Gogo and Nono!) Speaking about Persona things, because I can't go a log without talking about Persona, I've been looking at Persona Q2 for a spin-off I might want to play. I really like crossovers when it comes to things I like all interacting with each other, so to have a game where Joker, Makoto, and Yu are all there tickles me greatly. But, it made me think about how, timeline wise, Ken is around the same age as Joker and could've feasibly been a Phantom Thief if he was in Tokyo in 2016/2017. I think it'd be really cool to have characters from a previous title come back as an adult to help the next round of random Persona-using highschoolers. Imagine Joker as a mentor in Persona 6, or something. It'd never happen, but it'd be really interesting. Now that I think about it, are the Persona games taking place in the same universe? Is it: Tartarus exists, gets destroyed, then 6 years later Mementos springs up, or are these separate timelines? I don't actually know, I think I'll go digging for lore that lies in subtext once I beat Persona 4, I'm still curious about Igor's deal. I haven't been able to play Persona 4 for very long recently, so Persona progress is skipped for this log. But, I made a cardboard cutout of Adachi for a joke video I made, see image below.

OK ... goodnight, I am quite tired for ... probably concussed reasons.

September 12th, 2024

Hola brotatos, I have nothing to speak of other than Persona. I have been a bit busy this week, lots of school and no longer ill, so normal activites start up again. Can't wither away all day playing video games and sneezing anymore Heehee. But, I got kicked in the back of the head pretty badly yesterday, also by accident, so I gotta take time off again. How miserable. So, if this log is more incomprehensible than normal, that is why ... I'm pullin' some legs, I'm fine except feeling a bit off. If I die in my sleep or something (being dramatic) and these are my last words, I hope this log can appear in a cool disturbing internet video, or something. Anyways, having since beaten Persona 3 Reload, I've been taking a little bit of a gander at FES and Portable. I don't think remakes should ever replace the original game, despite how awesome I think remakes can be. The original game of modern remakes I think, more often than not, are still worth playing: RE4 Remake and the original RE4, for example. While I still prefer the remake, they're two completely different experiences that are still both worth going through. Even with remakes where I prefer the original, like RE2, I still think it's worth playing both. I know I'll definitely play Portable sometime soon for Kotone, but FES I may wait on a bit since I'm pretty sure the story and Social Links for Makoto are nearly identical between FES and Reload. Though, I'm not sure, but I suppose we shall find out in due time. Anyways, hey, wait ... is that TV switching channels...? I hope it's not midnight ...

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 3: I haven't actually gotten too terribly far in Persona 4, I've played for about 4 hours total and am, obviousy, still in April with that run time. But, I have written down many thoughts relating to it, so I thought why not go ahead and detail them here. Speaking about remakes, the first night I played Persona 4, I kept imagining it in the style of a modern Persona game, and it made me quite excited for the possible future prospects of a Persona 4 remake. Not because I think Golden looks bad, I actually really like older games and the style of Persona 4 is really charming, but just because I think it'd be really cool to see. I've already mentioned it before, I think probably in some log about SH2 remake, but I do really like remakes. There's something so cool about seeing an already awesome game get some new paint, it's a whole new experience. I think it's the closest I can get to playing a game again for the first time LOL. I keep looking at this mockup someone on Reddit made for a Persona 4 remake and giggling at all the future Persona titles I can imagine. A remake of Persona 1 and 2 I'd be really happy with as well, and of course Persona 6 would knock some socks off, including mine. I wasn't planning on messing with Persona 1 or 2 since I heard they're quite different from 3-5, but I think I might find some type of way to play Persona 2 sometime. Persona 1 I'm not too sure if I'm interested in, mainly 'cause of the random encounters. I'm not sure if Persona 2 has random encounters, but I know Persona 1 has them, and I genuinely hate random encounters so much that it makes me want to grab a turd out the toilet and clap before flinging it at passerby, or something, I guess. I couldn't think of something to express the anger I feel against random encounters. As a kid, probably 3rd or 4th grade, I was really obsessed with old Nintendo handhelds. So, I grew up playing Pokemon Red on a gameboy, which makes me sound older than I really am, but I remember genuinely despising places like Mt. Moon. What horrible creatures. Anyways, away from that, this is meant to be about Persona 4, let's continue: I discovered that the uncle is indeed a detective, so I've kept a bit of an eye on him. I still am, like, 85% sure it's the smug guy, who I've since learned is named Adachi. He acts like a weenie yet a bit too excitable over these mysterious murders, definitely not very concerned, is a detective, and I've seen him drawn with a bit of a crazy look in his eye ... lots of fingers point towards him, but I suppose there's no telling what there is to come. If it is Adachi, I wonder what his motive would be. Only time will tell.

I have a feeling there's going to be some type of bait and switch, like they want us to think it's someone different, yet it ends up being someone else. I am quite excited to see this story unravel, but for now, let's talk about the characters. Nanako, Yu's little cousin, I felt quite bad for. She should be picking boogers and playing with dirt, or whatever little kids do, just like how Ken should be. I should've gotten my booty up and made my own breakfast! Anyways, Yosuke is definitely my favorite so far. He got kicked in the nuts, fell off his bike into the trash, fell off his bike into the wall, almost peed himself, got arrested, and post mortemly rejected by the girl he likes infront of his new bro friend all in the span of a couple days. He sucks and gets bullied and falls over and gets nut slapped, how can you not love the poor dude? I quite like his friendship with Chie, they're bros and I think one of their first interactions that we see between them being him breaking her DVD and Chie kicking him in the gonads for it tells quite the story. Later, Chie says that she thinks her soulmate may be a girl, and another point is added to the long gay moments list for the Persona series. Anyways, Teddie is introduced, and I wrote down, "if I saw Teddie I'd kick him over and beat him with sticks or hammers, maybe" and, later, I go on to detail an anecdote: I laughed when Yu went inside the TV, because it reminded me of this time my cat was scratching at the grandpa CRT TV that I have, in which has made a few appearances in this log before. The flatscreens at Junes give me a bit of nostalgia too, it reminded me of this flatscreen my grandpa used to have in, like, 2012-2014, or something. It had a line of dead pixels on the right, and I was sometimes convinced Slenderman was inside. Anyways, a dream comes true, and we get to push Teddie over, where in which he squabbles about it. Now, we get pretty cool glasses, where we can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I think Yosuke and Yu look quite dashing in such four-eye'd fashion, what did Maruki say, again? With the constant appearance of fog in this game, which is the real reason we get four eyes, I wonder if there's any Silent Hill crossover things someone made. I'll have to take a gander around later.

Yu awakens to his Persona. Which, because it's a Persona awakening, of course it's pretty freakin' cool. I think out of all the protags' awakenings that I've seen, Makoto's is my favorite. I've seen people critique the awakening scene in the remake compared to the original, and while I do agree that the original was more intense and had better pacing for the scene, Reload's take on it was still quite cool. Anyways, shadow Yosuke appears and a bit of a kerfuffle occurs, and Yosuke's persona is awakened ... I found it to be quite unique. Right now, I'm at the part where they saw Yukiko on the TV, and they're trying to investigate the prospects behind that. Teddie bit me, I'm assuming. I told Chie I was just going to terribly cry. But, things are not over yet, here are some random thoughts I wrote down as well: Persona 4 feels a lot more leaning on the visual novel side than JRPG, which nothing is wrong with, I quite like it. It feels appropriate, I feel like Persona 4 feels more story driven than the other games, but perhaps that's just me being crazy. Not to say 3 and 5 aren't story driven, they definitely are, it just feels like Persona 4 is more of a sit-back-and-watch ordeal, if that makes sense...? This is also a perspective written only 4 hours in, so no one drop any pennies over this. While playing, I noticed Yu has a Persona 3 calendar in his room. I like it when Persona games reference the previous title in a little cheeky way like that, I think I remember Teddie being a little decoration in Persona 5 somewhere. I quite like Marie's fashion sense, but pretty much all of the characters have some type of late 2000s-early 2010s swag on, I like it. The last thing I wrote was: "Adachi looks like he cut his hair on accident."

It is quite late ... I drank some rootbeer while writing this. I hope I dream of it, too. Goodnight to all.

September 9th, 2024

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 2: (Note: some paragraphs were written in the past..!) I'm back so soon... I don't have really anything to report except for a Persona progress, because I beat Persona 3 Reload earlier today and it made me get a bit philosophical, which is strange for a pea brain. Usually, I'll beat games and think about how good they are, which I'm doing now with Persona 3, and maybe I'll think a bit about a sadder moment, but I find myself kind of ruminating on the ending of P3R for the past few hours. I think, last time a game gave me such a deep feeling of bittersweetness with an ending was Omori. I just think these types of games are quite important, they remind me why video games are so significant to me as an art form. Which, kind of sounds childish, but I made an entire website to talk specifically about video games, you could probably already tell I'm kind of strange about it. The way Makoto laid his head on Aigis's lap as he died, the way it was almost like he was just falling asleep, and the way she told him to rest, finally, just made it all so heart-wrenchingly beautiful. But, I kind of feel like it was a perfect ending, I don't really want it to end any other way. It made me think about this memory I have from when I was a kid, when I'd gone to a funeral for a family member. I wasn't very close to him, but I was old enough to remember him out of the handful of times I had seen him before. It was my first real experience with someone dying and me still being able to remember them alive. The ending made me think about a point in the funeral where we were outside, I remember it was a really nice day out and there were lots of flowers. And, with that type of scenery contrasting against where we were, I remember it had made me feel quite bittersweet.

I feel kind of silly that an anime game made me think about death more than I have in years, but being able to be affected so strongly by stories is important to me. I hadn't cried when I first saw the ending, I just felt really melancholic, but when I had thought about it for a couple hours and went back to it, I burst into tears. Which, was kind of funny, cause I ended up flinging the corn I was eating out of my mouth and immediately started laughing because of that. But, seriously, it's not something like I'm so obsessed with fictional characters that I feel genuine grief when they die, it's more that the scenario in general made me think a lot. It made me think about death and tragedy and bittersweet things and the importance that these stories can really hold for people, including me. Oh jeez, I'm crying while writing this. I don't think if I hadn't spent 86 hours playing as Makoto and being able to interact with this entire world so many different artists came together to spend so many years of their lives making that I would've been thinking about this ending as much as I am now. It's just an art form that I hold really close to me, and the fact that this ending is making me feel a lot reminded me of that, and just made me want to cry more. So many relationships in this game are so tragic or bittersweet too, I wanted to talk a bit about that. I have trouble writing down thoughts clearly, so I don't think I can mention all of them or even have much to say, but the relationships that Ryoji, Aigis, and Makoto all have with each other particularly stand out to me. Junpei and Chidori, too, but I'll mention them in a later section. Ryoji having feelings for Makoto I think ends up making Makoto's death feel all that much more bittersweet. I think he's similar to Aigis with the fact that, no matter the universe, he'll always feel some type of connection to the protagonist. I think, in Portable, he actually said something like that to Kotone. Ryoji wanting Makoto to kill him so badly just so Makoto wouldn't suffer when he died was very, very ... tragic, I suppose is the only word I could use to describe that. Both Ryoji and Aigis's relationships with Makoto definitely, I think, being able to be described as love, all while knowing neither could truly be with him, at least for long, just makes it so sorrowful. Aigis keeping her promise by staying with Makoto and reassuring him as he died I think added a layer to their relationship that just makes the ending all that much more bittersweet. I'm using "bittersweet" a lot this log, but it's the only word I can think to use to describe what I'm thinking.

I think the thought of Makoto dying so calmly in Aigis's lap, with the people he's formed such deep bonds with running up the stairs to come see him, and the fact that he had held on until the promised graduation day even known it'd been a month since he sealed Nyx away, just made the whole ending so perfect as a conclusion for his character. But, away from current thoughts, let's go backwards and through the list of things I wrote while playing through the game. Takaya and Jin are back, and I'm quite annoyed about it. I never particularly cared about Strega other than Chidori, and she's not even with them no more, so they prove no purpose to me, Guards! Seize them! We learn that the reason Chidori had told Junpei to stop visiting her is because he had made her afraid to die, which goes back to all the bittersweet or tragic relationships in this game. Junpei and Chidori fluctuate between those two categories depending on the month, as not too soon afterwards she dies to give her life to Junpei. I just kept cursing the game over and over at this point, I just wanted them to giggle together, or something, the eff is this!? Their Personas fuse, which actually gave Junpei quite the OP Theurgy. We go back to the cheery music immediately afterwards, which actually happens quite often in Persona games and it makes me laugh everytime. They did it in Persona 5 after Akechi died too, just immediately went back to the normal music. Makes me lol a bit. Later on, Chidori's sketchbook comes back from the hospital, and it's revealed she had been drawing Junpei. I quite liked the sketch, it's always fun seeing drawings made by in-game characters. Around this time, Ryoji asks to see me in the music room and makes a sudden confession, which flabbergasted me a bit. I knew people liked them together, but I had just thought it was because they were the protagonist and the mysterious dude characters. But, his dialogue to Makoto had put Akechi and Joker to shame, or something. I wonder where I've seen this before, though. A human and a strange thing playing the piano and having something romantically tragic happen between them, I really do wonder where I've seen that before. Fuuka interrupts, and Ryoji disappears, which is quite mysterious and full of foreshadowing, but it's more funny to think that he had just jumped out of the window.

I wrote those previous things yesterday, I fibbed with the date, I beat Persona 3 on the 8th. But, new day, lets continue: 25 bomb shells get dropped in an epic anime battle between Aigis and Ryoji, and my jaw fell off. The spoiler I had heard before about Ryoji was that he was death, but I had no idea about the fact he had been incubating inside Makoto for 10 years because Aigis had sealed Ryoji inside him out of desperation. Aigis gets bodied, and she is no longer in commission for awhile. But, she will later appear again, a changed robot. We also get confirmation that my Pharos theory was indeed correct, and I'm once again proven to have perfect deduction skills (LOL). Pretty much immediately after, Ryoji tells us the world is going to end and there's absolutely nothing we can do, and the only way to die peacefully is to kill him so we forget everything. Hm, asking the dude he has a piano motif with to kill him? I'm really getting some strange deja vu here for some reason. I got a bit of some Maruki flashbacks, and with that and a consult to google, I decided to spare him. Later, Aigis comes back with new resolve, and we can finally start her social link. I really like Aigis's social link and romance route, it feels quite in place for the point of the story that it's at. I think her romance route being so close to when Makoto dies makes it pretty heart-wrenching as well. Later on, we get news that Chidori is indeed alive, but because she lost her Persona, she can't remember Junpei anymore. It's kind of leaning more on sweet than bitter though, because she vaguely remembers him, and Junpei seems to be quite happy. I hope dearly they fall in love again.

Anyways, the Promised Day finally comes, and this part of Tartarus reminds me quite a bit of that mission in DMC3 with the boss rush. We get through Strega, which Jin's fight was ridiculously easy, but Takaya's made my cheeks clench with all the instakills, and then we encounter ... Ryoji?! What a beautful smile!!! I think this boss fight was really cool with all the Arcana phases, it gave it quite the flavor that made my hands really sweaty by the end of it. At one point, I forget what move it was, but Ryoji did a move that hits 2-3 or 1-3 times, and every single time it had hit Makoto, it did a critical. I don't think I've said "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" louder in my life, Makoto was nearly dead by the end of Ryoji's one more. It was near the end of the boss, so I was getting flashbacks to when I got one-shotted by Maruki when he was, like, 2 hits away from dying. Afterwards though, Makoto jumps inside that big ol' moon eye, and I feel as if we might be playing Fear & Hunger 2. Or ... Majora's Mask, probably. He defeats God with the power of friendship, like all classic JRPGs, and he ... dies?! At this point, I had known Makoto was going to die before I even bought the game, that was the one spoiler I knew, so I thought this was the death scene. But, after he had appeared again, I genuinely thought I just got trolled with that spoiler, or it was talking about the bad ending or something. I only found out because I looked up how old Makoto was and it said "17 (at death)," LOL. I couldn't think of any way he could die if it wasn't in the final boss, so to have him slowly get sleepier when with Aigis made it hit me like a bus that he genuinely does indeed die. I think, I rather his death scene stay the way it is than him going out in some super epic battle, I'm pretty glad he didn't die during the final boss now. Anyways, I think Persona 3 Reload is my favorite out of the two Persona games I've played, but we'll see how I think of Persona 4. I'll probably start it up later today : - P

Last little things before I say goodbye: Junpei is kind of OP with omega drive and the critical boost characteristic, and I got at least 1 rank with all of the social links. Maya's was so close to being cool if it wasn't for the fact she a pedophile, thank god Makoto died the next day after she asked him to dinner, SCOOORE! Ok, that's all, adios. Stay tuned for Persona 4 progress report.

September 5th, 2024

Hola good amigos, happy September, and I am ill as of writing. When I made this website, I was sick, so this feels a bit nostalgic to write a wonderful log while coughing. Likely the cause of this illness is a very cool Kikuo concert I went to, which My Time was played at and I nearly crapped my pants out of excitement. It was very fun, despite the consequence I feel now. It's actually not that bad, mostly a cough and a bit of a sore throat, but I'll knock on wood and hope I don't feel worse in the morning. Some more sort of video game related things occurred: Trailers for the Sonic and Minecraft movie both dropped over the time since my last log. The Sonic movie trailer looks dashing, I love Shadow ... And, uh, the Minecraft one was interesting. It felt AI generated for some reason LOL ... At least Jack Black is there, I guess. A few reviews and some gameplay footage I hadn't seen before for the MGS3 remake came onto my radar as well, and it's looking amazing. I'll probably have to play it on console since my computer is getting a bit crummy with age, but I suppose we shall see. Excited to play as Naked Snake once again ...! I also discovered Into The Pit, which is the first FNAF game in years that I don't think looks like booty cheeks. I want to get around to playing it some time, the art is really, really nice. Emio also released a bit ago to some pretty alright reviews ... I heard there's a bit of a plottwist, so I think I may get it sometime to play as well. The next FNF update was pushed a bit back, but was nonetheless revealed to be playable Pico, SICK! Another game releasing in September is: The Answer DLC for Persona 3 Reload, which I say I'm half-and-half excited for. I hate that it's a 35 dollar paid story DLC for an already 70 dollar game, it sucks a bit of the excitement out of its release for me. I don't know much about The Answer, since I'm not trying to spoil myself on Persona 3, but from what I've heard, it seems to be an extension to the main story? Which seems a bit comparable to the 3rd semester in Royal, which comes with the base game once you pay the 60 dollars for it. So, to have The Answer be a 35 dollar paid DLC just feels a bit scummy. Perhaps once it releases, there will be an option to just purchase The Answer separately from the Expansion Pass, and it'll be cheaper. I don't know, but I don't like it.

Anyways, speaking about Persona but before the progress segment: I can't remember if I ever mentioned not wanting to play Persona 4 at first or not. Mainly, it was 'cause none of the characters really caught my eye, which is typically what really drives me to get into new games, and because I got spoiled on the major plottwist and I was super butthurt about it. But, as I've played Persona 3, I took a couple ganders at Persona 4 again and I quite like Yosuke. What really drove me to decide to play Persona 4 is the fact that I realized I didn't exactly know what the plottwist was, and I was kind of just assuming. I got spoiled on it in the first place because I was reading a comment left on a post about Akechi, and the literal first sentence in the comment was "I think the criminal is Akechi, because in p4 the detective is the culprit." After I had read it, I immediately thought of the smug looking guy that I still don't know the name to, and I exited out of the tab and hung my head real low. But, what made me quite gleeful to find out, is that there's actually more than one detective in the game. I'm still suspicious about the smug guy detective, but I actually really don't know. So, it made me quite happy to salvage the mystery a bit for myself. I'm quite excited to play after I beat Persona 3 Reload, especially because I've never played an older Persona title. I'm curious as to how it'll be, and I'm very, very happy that there's still some mystery left for me to find. I was so upset about getting it spoiled that, when I realized I didn't actually know which detective they were talking about, I couldn't stop grinning. Yahoo!

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 2: I've played quite a bit since the last log, I was in June or July and last I left off now was in November. I think the game goes until March, so I'm nearing the end ... I feel a bit sad that Persona 3 isn't as long as Persona 5, which feels insane to me that I'm saying. I think I hadn't gotten into Persona for so long, despite knowing about it, because of just how long Persona 5 is. I thought I would get bored of it fast, or that it'd drag on for too long. But, now after beating Persona 5, I quite like super long games, and I feel a bit sad when a really good game isn't LOL. It's nice to see a story unravel over a month or longer, but it is pretty bittersweet once you finally beat it. However, Persona 5 seems like an outlier in terms of playtime. I think Persona 1-2 were around the 20-30 hour mark, and 3-4 are about 60-80 hours, while Persona 5 is anywhere from 100-150. It makes me wonder how long Persona 6 will be ... Anyways, let's go back in time and detail my digital adventures: The story starts to ramp up, and we find out that Tartarus and the Dark Hour shall disappear once the 12 shadows are defeated ... Which, I was immediately suspicious of, but such an evil motivation won't come to light until far later. Around this time, Junpei stops being jealous of me and he becomes our bro best friend once more. I like the bro characters in Persona games a lot, Ryuji is actually what made me want to get into Persona in the first place LOL. I think the other characters should stop hating on the bros, they are just excited and make terrible jokes, you all just don't get it. I saw people hating on Yosuke ... Which, I still haven't played Persona 4 yet, so maybe there's a real reason for it ... But, after seeing the hate for Morgana, I never trusted Persona fans' opinions.

I like how Fuuka and Moriyama are friends, but something quite bittersweet happens later on involving them, which shall be detailed in time. Anyways, Ken Amada is introduced, but not yet in battle, and we now have the weirdest group of Persona users ever. At first, I thought he was just a normal elementary kid who just so happened to be a Persona user, so I thought it was insane that we were considering messing him up for life or something by bringing him into battle, but we later learn that little bro definitely needed to go to therapy in the first place, which will also be detailed in time. He should've been picking his boogers in a 3rd grade classroom, not whatever was going on. Around this time, I start hanging out with Tanaka, which I think his social link was very enjoyable. The night social links were very fun, I miss both Mutatsu and Tanaka. They were cool, sigh. Anyways, we now go on the classic beach trip, where Mitsuru's dad appears. He looks ridiculously and unnecessarily cool, quite yakuza. Akihiko proceeds to pull up to the beach in a t-shirt and bikini bottoms, and I immediately bust out laughing and couldn't stop. My cousin said: "buddy got that vsco fit," which made me cough and me eyes tear up from far too many ha-ha(s). Akihiko is like an old man teenager, booty cheeks flapping in the wind, it is funny. Some less important things than Akihiko's choice of wear happen: We get more information on the accident 10 years ago, it involves Takeba's dad! I quite like the direction that Tartarus and the Dark Hour are results of some freak experiment, it reminds me of Umbrella. Yukari and Mitsuru have a kerfuffle, and we go check on Yukari after she runs off. Yukari acknowledges how weirdly nonchalant Makoto always is, and then we give her a romantical hug, or something.

Something is watching us from a distance...! I thought it to be Aigis, and just you wait, for they do mention a machine leaving the facility. Anyways, we proceed to try to pick up some BABES at the beach, who are far too old for us. One just so happens to be a bit nutty, and we retreat, retreat! Oh but, giggles, who is that on the dock? It is Aigis! I shrieked a bit when I saw her, I am quite the fan of Aigis. I like robots and little machines a lot, I think they are awesome little things, so to have the robot character finally appear made me click my heels. Junpei and Akihiko get shot down and Aigis naruto runs away, in which we then chase her into the woods. Which, sounds like a serial killer activity, but it was to clear a misunderstanding. Or to forward the plot, I guess. A classic anime moment happens once we find her, and Yukari is jelly, TeeHee. Aigis then shoots Junpei down once again, but in a physical sense, as she shoots him with a water gun. I quite like their dynamic, I think they are great buds. Anyways, back home, Shinjiro has high blood pressure or something and gets pills and medication off the streets for it. It comes up later, so I mentioned it now. While exploring Tartarus, Aigis mentions the point of the evoker is for the Persona user to envision death, which answered the previous log question I had. Aigis could say a fun fact about the most butt booty boring thing in the world and I'd still say: Oh, quite the interesting fact, Aigis. She is awsuuuuuum X - P ! In this same Tartarus exploring session, they messed up my Persona fusion for the first time, and Makoto got knocked out of his chair. Har har ... Later on, the dog, that I forget if I ever mentioned in the first place, appears once more, and got whooped for Akihiko's sake! He looks a bit vampiric with them eyes, but we now have a lovely dog named Koromaru on our team. A bunch of teenagers, a robot, a elementary schooler, and a dog. They are all Persona users and on the same team, I find it quite humorous. I like that you can pet Koromaru though, that's a given in every game. If there is a dog or a cat, there has to be a mechanic to pet them, else the game just sucks. Speakin O' it, I don't like the little human and cat fetch quests where you have to go get them out of Tartarus. I been having an issue where my save files are disappearing randomly, so I had to do one of these segments twice ... and I felt a bit boiled about it. I had only lost 5 in-game days of progress from the first time the save file disappeared, all because I saved in several slots! This is an advice from someone who played old survival horror games: always use all your slots when saving, I beg. It is a very good habit, and its saved me from losing too much when glitches like these happen. Because they do, and they will! It's especially good practice for older games that won't hold your hand, like the older Resident Evils. I can't tell you how many times an older file saved my buns from being soft locked out of those games.

Junpei starts hanging out with the lovely lolita lady from Strega, and we figure out that her name is Chidori. Around this same time, Aigis starts going to school with us, and Yukari is jelly once again, TeeHee. Shinjiro decides to join our team, which I was very delighted about, but terrible storms are to come. Anyways, Junpei starts telling his new girlfriend about Personas and the Dark Hour, and while I giggled at his blinded love, I wasn't very surprised when Chidori kidnapped him. We quickly turn the tables on her, however, and she is now in the hospital with no Evoker to be found. As we move along, Ken is shown to be a smart cookie or something, because he knows a lot about coffee. He's sophisticatedly talking about coffee, specifically. When I was like 8 or 9 or however old Ken is, I was pickin my boogers and drawing little cats. I still do that, he is smarter than me. But, Ken seems to know more about Shinjiro than he lets on ... However, that shall be detailed in time as well. Back at the hospital, Chidori's Persona goes berserk, and Shinjiro just so happens to have some suppressants on hand. What a delinquent, Akihiko seems to think as he whoops Shinjiro outside. It is then revealed that Akihiko has a dead sister who burned in an orphanage fire. Oh... um. Hm, I said that too abruptly. Anyways, we find out something pretty important: Ken has a hamster named hamburger. We then get to see Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro in middle school, where Shinjiro reminds me of Sol Badguy more than usual. Another deadly thing said a bit abruptly: we find out that Shinjiro is going to die soon from the suppressants, but not in the way one may think. Before that happens, we get one last little moment, where Koromaru snitches on Shinjiro liking cooking shows. But, the fated moment comes, and Shinjiro is murdered by Takaya after Ken is revealed to be neither a normal kid nor very alright. Shinjiro is one of my favorite characters, both in battle and just generally, so to have him die so soon after gaining him in the party made me get up and start shadow boxing a bit, all the while wailing like a true warrior. They later give you the items he had back, but half of those wails were out of a: "I just bought that armor" concern. At the next trip to Tartarus, I opened an old chest I had missed, and inside was a tuxedo. The text said something like: "this would've looked good on Aragaki-san, but he's not here..." and it made me frown quite deeply. I quite like when games do that, it really reminds you that the people you know now won't always be around, even if it feels that way.

Away from sad things, the reaper begins to chase me randomly through several floors and my buttcheeks clench harder than previously thought possible. Later on, Junpei says TeeHee outloud and starts barking at the study group, aw naw. Back on bittersweet, Moriyama is moving away and causes Fuuka's Persona to evolve. Booo, but also thank you, now Fuuka's Persona looks really cool. Back to strange happenings, (Are you getting whiplash yet?) I beat the, apparently, last shadow, which I doubted immediately because of how easy it was. The Strega dudes I didn't care about killed themselves, and Pharos appears in my room in the morning time. A sweet picture is taken, and it is quickly revealed that the Dark Hour is, in fact, not gone. I knew this wasn't the end, we've been tricked! Ikutsuki is revealed to be a bit nutty, and we are now Jesus on the cross. He's trying to sacrifice us like some type of cult leader, and this feels a bit like something Evangelion-esc. Mitsuru's dad and Ikutsuki have a shootout, in which they both lose, and Aigis and Koromaru proceed to come in clutch. At this moment, I am nothing but mind boggled and hollering for Aigis and Koromaru's wondrous saves, but I also flashback a bit to something I had said earlier to myself while playing. "I bet that guy is evil," I had said, I told you all I have wonderful intuition skills when it comes to Persona, I do! Later on, Chidori tells Junpei to not visit her anymore, and I wail a great cry again. But, at the point I'm at, that arc is still developing, so I hope dearly something may be explained in that department.

The scarf guy, Ryoji, finally makes an appearance, in which he is immediately suspiciously mysterious. I heard a singular vague-ish spoiler about him, so I know I have quite the good mind to be suspicious, Aigis agrees anyways. I have a theory that he's got something to do with Pharos and the 12 shadows that fused, because his appearance after those occurrences feels all too coincidental. We get to go on a school trip, where a bit of a moment occurs with Ryoji, and we have a horrible time at the hot springs. That's where I am at the moment, but before I sign off for the night and do a bit of a PS, here are some last off-hand thoughts: Tomochika's social link sucked, but he gave me a choker, so it's ok I guess. Aigis copied Junpei's "maaan," which is bro points 9000+. And, lastly, Makoto grabbing Ryoji's scarf in the school trip picture made me lol. Ok, that is all, except for one PS: I wasn't going to play Astro Bot because I'm a fake robot fan and butthurt over little big planet, but I saw that there is an Aigis costume in the game, and that it is getting very, very good reviews. So, maybe I'll discard my prejudice against the guy. Ok, that is all, goodnight brotatos.

August 25th, 2024

It's a Sunday morning, I ate a pear and a pancake for breakfast. I can't believe the end of the month is nearing so soon, but I suppose that's just the way it goes ... I mentioned at the end of the last log that a new trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake came out, but I hadn't mentioned some gameplay released too ; - P I'm really glad that it seems like the public opinion shifted for the better, take a gander and notice that it finally did so after we actually saw extended gameplay and not a few random dookie clips put together by, likely, Konami ... Oh how the tables turn. I knew Bloober was going to nail it just based off the first inkling that they were listening to complaints made by fans, and just the fact that they're Silent Hill fans themselves. If I was asked to make a remake of a game I hold real dear, I'd be geeked out and try my hardest too. It looks like they changed the mirror scene for the better as well. I never really cared about how it looked in the first trailer, just wasn't something I really thought too hard about (fake Silent Hill fan warning lol.) But, now comparing it to how it looks now, I'm really glad they changed it. It almost looks like they straight up pulled the original scene from the game and plopped it into modern times. I suppose I have lower standards for games than other people, so while I thought original trailers had flaws, I never thought the game was going to be straight up bad. Just a different experience to the original, which I'm all for ... But, now seeing how it's improved with this gameplay showcase, I'm extra excited. It's grown to be so faithful while still providing something different. Very, very excited for when this game releases ... I think it's going to tickle a lot of the people that previously wrote it off.

The sound design really wraps it all up in a neat bow and wasn't really something we got a really good gander at before, the way James sounds so terrified when in combat really drives home that he's just some normal dude. It's not like action-movie hero grunts of exertion, it's like straight up fearing-for-life-while-beating-something-senseless kind of shrieks. It's something that really stood out to me, as well as the music and sound effects being very, very faithful to the original. The voice acting is either "off" or creepy as well, I quite liked how Maria spoke in the prison scene. She sounds so monotone, like a doll almost ... which typically would be bad, but for Silent Hill I think "bad" voice acting is "good" voice acting. The only gripe I really have with it is that I feel like the cutscenes start and end too abruptly, but that's it, really. It looks terrifying, and I'm genuinely really excited to play it ... I'll need to replay the original sometime soon. One thing I don't get about remakes is the fact that people get so upset about them, as if the original just up and disappears the moment the remake comes out. In Silent Hill's case, I can kind of see it since it's not relatively avaliable out of emulation and dookie ports, but it's not like the original is lost media, or that the remake is going to replace the original for a majority of people. I just find remakes to be really fun, you're experiencing a game you already like in a whole new perspective. Even with bad remakes, it could introduce new fans to the original that wouldn't have known about it otherwise. I just think people who automatically write off remakes just for being remakes are a bit annoying lol ... and the people complaining about games going "woke" are tweakers, by the way. I miss the ballistics joke in RE4 too, but I don't think that has anything to do with women or gay people as individuals or communities and a lot more to do with companies being afraid of controversy that would not exist to any degree of importance bro. No one would "cancel" Silent Hill 2 remake if they put Maria in her OG outfit except for, like, 2 people on Twitter who never even cared about the original in the first place. You guys just spend too much time on the internet circle jerkin', hatin' on people who haven't done anything lol. Dookie on the companies who just want money, not random hypothetical gay people.

Anyways, Gamescom ends today, I'm pretty sure ... I didn't get to watch all the announcements, but some came across my radar. I'll talk about trailers for upcoming games in a second, but let me talk about some older games that I discovered. I watched a video on Ready Or Not this morning, and it really caught my eye. It sounds really interesting, and I've been meaning to get more into FPS games ... So, I may give it a shot, if it doesn't make my computer explode LOL. I also found this game called The Silver Case and a sequel called the 25th Ward, the art is beautiful for both games. The 25th Ward was on Miro Orange's top 100 list, so it's gotta be good ... I really want to play it. Anyways, onto new trailers: Sonic X Shadow Generations got a trailer showing some new and emo forms for Shadow ... I'm quite excited, I started hearing Skillet off in the distance once again. October is going to run my pocket dry ... A new trailer for Little Nightmares 3 came out too, and of course it looks amazing. It has a different-ish feeling from previous titles, but it's still so obviously Little Nightmares. It's quite apparent they're taking care in making this game, especially with the fact that they delayed it. That sounds snarky, but I mean it LOL. I'm very excited : - 9 . I do hope crossplay is a thing, since there's no couch co-op ... I really wish there was, I feel like they could do it in a LBP style. But, maybe you get separated at a part, who knows. I think I heard about there being no crossplay and it's just cross gen, which is really upsetting, but I suppose we will see. I also heard about Joker being a challenge boss in The Answer DLC that's going to be coming out for Persona 3 Reload ... Wait, Persona 3 Reload?

PERSONA PROGRESS PART 2: Oh gracious, not even one log without a Persona progress report. I started up Persona 3 Reload about a week ago, I'm in July right now, and everything about this game is ridiculously awesome. I did the same checklist format that I did for Royal, so let me read through it: I was scared to look up anything about the game in case of spoilers, which I have successfully dodged except for 1 seemingly quite major one, so I was always curious as to what the little vial Makoto wore was. From the exceedingly awesome intro, I figured out it was just a weird MP3 player, I thought that was funny. I was a bit shocked when the game started off with Takeba seemingly about to kill herself, but quickly moved on as Makoto doesn't gaf about anything to the point it shocked me further. He was very unbothered by the world suddenly turning green and bloody, it made me laugh and flashback to Harry Mason, who I find to be nonchalant in absurd situations. As I start the game, everything about Makoto starts to make sense as I find out that it is 2009, and that he is also an orphan. Of course he's emo with a little MP3 vial that he carries everywhere, he's an orphan and it is 2009. He's also voiced by Aleks Le, which is unrelated to my previous sentence, but I found to be gleeful 'cause I been a fan of his voice work since 2020. Mentioning that, Zeno Robinson voices Junpei. Which, was also a goodie suprise, 'cause I was a really big fan of the Owl House a few years back. So, a lot of familiar voices as I start the game ... Anyways, I really like Junpei, he reminds a bit of Kel from Omori. He says things that I think I will take into my vocabulary, "you saved my bacon!" and "tartar sauce..?" and "HRAAAAAAAAH BEEF BEEF BEEF" I quite liked. In the little list, I go on to wonder about Igor: does he remember Makoto when he's in Persona 5? I suppose when I beat all the Persona games I want to play, I'll try and figure out his weird lore if it's not something already explained.

I already like Elizabeth way more than the wardens, I don't know why but the wardens always annoyed me. I never hung out with them but a singular time and it felt a bit torturous, maybe just slightly funny. Later, Makoto awakens his persona and it's probably one of the coolest scenes in any video game ever. He looked so sadistic, so emo, so cool ... I don't think I can describe it and give it any justice, you just have to watch that scene for yourself. That's probably the singular time we'll ever see Makoto gaf, but I ain't complainin'. I wonder what the significance of shooting yourself to summon a persona is, though ... perhaps we just have to wait and see. Anyways, Mysterious Boy, later known as Pharos, appears and he truly lives up to his name. I was thinking he might have something to do with the Velvet Room, but I really don't have more guesses than that at the moment. Perhaps he's like, Makoto's ghostly past as a little boy who has a voice too deep for how old he looks, or something? Guess there's only one way to find out. Anyways, everything about this game is beautful: the UI, the cinematics (especially when fusing a persona), and especially the music ... hey, wait, the music? Oh, dear reader ... you noticed? Music monkey is here for your music listening needs, if you click on him he takes you across the web to a playlist I made that compiles some of my favorite video game tunes. Feel free to take a gander ... Persona 3 music is on there B - P. Ad over, now let me complain some: Persona 3 Reload has ray tracing on automatically and doesn't say it's ray traced reflections, so I was wondering why my game was running at, like, 2 fps when I visited the mall LOL. I don't have a NASA computer, I can't deal with ray tracing. The RE remakes won't even let me turn it on : , - ( . Also, everytime you alt tab the screen explodes. I just thought that was funny, maybe a bit annoying. So, pro tip from yours truly: if you're playing Persona 3 and it randomly starts running like butt at certain parts, turn off reflections in the menu.

Anyways, I've been trying to focus more on social links this game, since in Persona 5 I only ever hung out with the characters I liked ... which weren't that many in terms of the amount of confidants in the game. It's strange how different the social links work in this game, Junpei doesn't even get one and we can't get Yukari's until July with max charm, and then I'm pretty sure we can't even get Aigis's until near the end of the game. It just feels strange compared to Persona 5, where most of the main character's confidants were automatic or really easy to get pretty soon after first meeting them. Let me detail some stories of my social link adventures: Maya's social link is just one big fat Persona 2 reference, it tickled me a lot. The "Oh really? o_O" option made me laugh, I feel like Makoto would use o_O in every situation it could possibly be used in. I really like Yuko's character, she caused a great debate. Before I started the game, I wanted to romance Aigis since I heard she likes Makoto, but then I started considering Yuko and Yukari, too. And now I still don't know ... I can't be no cheater though, cause Undertale made me feel real bad for being mean to not real people. I really like the social link with the old couple, too. I think it's cute that they call Makoto "Makoto-chan." Makoto hanging out with Maiko was really cute as well, but the fact you can be so mean to Maiko and tell her that it's her fault that her parent's divorced made me bust out laughing so badly that my head hurt.

My favorite weeaboo appears, his name is Bebe. I don't get why so many of these social links are so depressing, Bebe's aunt just dies out of no where LOL ... No, not lol. I didn't lol. Gourmet king too, there's hints of a darker past, but right now he's just treating me to food and crapping his pants. I like him quite a bit. Also, at some point, you can hang out with Elizabeth and she does quite a silly dance that I chuckled at. That's all I wrote down for the social links I've gotten ... I got more than those characters, but I suppose I had nothing to say, cause I still don't. Anyways, back to main happenings: I think Tartarus is funner than Mementos, I'm not sure how to describe it. I think because it's the main focus and not something that I thought was optional at first, whereas in Persona 5 I felt like it was just yanking me away from getting to the real good parts, ya know? Later on, we visit Akihiko in the hospital, and a mysterious beanie wearing man is there, who I think is real cool. He appears again later, where we will mention him again ... For now, we're studying for exams. It was really funny, I thought Akihiko was about to crap his pants the whole time, but turns out he was just holding squats. During another study sesh, "Stupei" shares some gleeful stories, and sniffs ladies. Akihiko and Makoto have their head in the game, they want beef bowls. Another character who often puns is Ikutsuki, he is a cornball and I like him too. Anyways, some ghostful happenings occur and Junpei has a segment that I hope is reoccuring: Believe it or Don't ... Such ghostful occurrences cause us to stop using our brains and we go to an alley at night, Yukari runs her mouth to a goon and Junpei gets whooped, and then we get heroically saved by the one and only guy from other day. His name is Shinjiro, and he looks very cool and I am a bit jitterly excited for him to appear once more. Note: Junpei and Yukari have cool outfits during the summer on weekends.

From ghostly occurrences as well, we get a new Navi named Fuuka ... she is like a fusion of Futaba and Haru, and I love her dearly. Her persona awakening was really cool, but I think that's a given at this point. Every persona awakening is cool. We also get cool new outfits that we show off in a cool new montage, but I especially like Fuuka's because of her little headphones. We also also (2x) get epic new special attacks called Theurgy, Makoto and Fuuka's are kind of OP. Anyways, exploring Tartarus, I figured out that the Reaper exists in this game too ... I hope to challenge him sometime, definitely not now. I'm a bit of a weakling. Later, we gotta get rid of some shadows in a love hotel. Something saucy happens with Yukari and Junpei gets jealous of Makoto's awesome leader skills, which I feel bad about because I think Junpei is quite awesome too. Then, a girl in Lolita appears. I don't know her name yet, but I'm very excited. I saw her design earlier before I started playing, and she's part of the reason I wanted to play Persona 3 so badly, her design is just too awesome. Anyways, about what happened with Makoto and Yukari, I'm wondering if that was just the hotel being saucy or if Yukari and Makoto genuinely like each other. I know Aigis likes Makoto and Kotone in Portable, but I don't actually know if there's anything implying that Makoto or Kotone like her back outside of the romance route. Only one way to find out ... play henceforth! Giggles.

And that's where I'm at in the game at the moment ... I'm going to go eat lunch, adios.

August 19th, 2024

After an extended construction, I've completed what I was working on. It was a spell check, and I slightly rewrote some things ... School started anew, that's why it took me so dang long. I'm quite enjoying the school year so far, I've been learning Python. Just simple baby Python for simpletons, but Python nonetheless. One of my teachers told us about her favorite game that she had as a kid, it was Glover for the N64 and PS1. You play as a kindhearted little glove, It reminded me of Mario 64 and Spyro when I saw it ... something quite gleeful. Also, another N64 game I found that I think appears to be quite gleeful is: Mischief Makers. It has a big eye'd anime girl with green hair on the front, she seems quite mischevious. Anyways, some old news I learned about over the extended construction: FNF is getting an update this month ... or maybe it already has, and I missed it entirely. I think, from the video, it said something about a new playable character? I find that quite exciting ... The Xbox 360 store shut down late last month as well. I'm not a huge fan of Xbox compared to PC or Playstation, (besides their controllers, I really like Xbox controllers), but I still find it sad to see the dashboard get so gutted. I think old consoles deserve to live on, I'm glad the PS3 is still kicking, for now ...

I finally got Persona 3 Reload over the extended construction, but I haven't played it yet ... I told myself I needed to write this log before I did, else next log will be novels length. Because, I beat Persona 5 over extended construction as well ... I have an entire second half of the game's worth of thoughts to write down LOL : - Z. But, before that, I should detail a ghostly occurrence that happened. Randomly, a couple days ago, I turned my computer on to play some DBD with pals, and it just ... was so, so slow. Completely out of no where, and anything I did would not make it stop. I turned off a bunch of startup apps, I turned off background apps, I updated it, I restarted it, I checked for malware ... I even dug in msconfig. Literally, nothing would stop making the entire computer lag, and this went on for 2 days. I decided to start up Persona 5 to check what percent the CPU ran at to try and see if I could dig into that avenue, and the menu was lagging like crazy. I decided to start up the actual game to take a gander some more, and it just ... stopped. My computer continues to act fine, I'm communicating from it now. I still don't know what happened. No matter how much I like computers, I truly only vaguely know what's going on in their minds. Also, one more thing: a new UTDR newsletter came out, Deltarune is still so far away ... I am sad, but awaiting patiently.

PERSONA PROGRESS: Status: completed. My final run time was 154 hours, according to Steam (slowpoke, I know). But, don't fret ... this section will make another appearance very, very soon. Before then, let me travel back in time to the halfway point through Persona 5: The Hawaii trip was really fun to play through, Yusuke's sudden appearance made me giggle. I like how he just showed up out of no where, it's quite in character for such an odd girl ... I went on a walk at the beach with Makoto as well, I think Ryuji needs to watch his back. Trololololol ; - ) Anyways, I'm pulling these thoughts from a checklist I wrote while I was playing, I said around this time I caught up with Mementos, too. Honestly, I quite liked Mementos at first when I thought it was optional. But, when I figured out it wasn't and I had to progress my way down gradually if I wanted to save future me some trouble, it became a bit of a thorn in the cheeks. When Morgana started to feel useless once Futaba joined the team, I felt really bad for him. I'm glad that him and Haru teamed up, cause I found their dynamic quite silly, but it still felt quite sad why he decided to team up in the first place ... Ryuji is one of my favorites, but I feel like he was being way too mean to Morgana at this part LOL. I don't understand the hate for Morgana! I didn't even realize he got hate until I looked him up online, and I think you all are just blind or something.

Something else I think gets hated on too much is Okumura's palace. It reminded me a lot of the sackbot levels in LBP, I really liked the design of the environments and enemies. Morgana and Haru teaming back up with the Phantom Thieves made me gleeful, I love them both dearly. Haru's actual persona awakening was awesome, the masquerade aesthetic and Noir code name are really cool ... Both Morgana and Haru proved useful for the Okumura boss, though. That boss genuinely zapped life force from me, the morale got so low that I started dressing up Morgana in a safe room. I put him in an Aigis fit, and that's what he wore for the rest of my playthrough. I only was able to beat Okumura once I got personas that did curse damage to more than one target. Having a team of Joker, Morgana, Haru, and Makoto, abusing baton passes and the little magic damage items like crazy, having a dash of good luck, and knowing the weaknesses of the robot phases is all you can do for that fight, truly ... I don't think any boss gave me as much trouble as Okumura, before or after. A lot of them were dragged out, especially Wakaba's, but I'd get them done in a try or two. Okumura took me, like, 3 or 5 hours ... Countless retries. Anyways, every showtime attack in this game I love and think about often. I think at this point in the story, the newly obtained ones are Yusuke and Ann's and Morgana and Haru's. So many giggles, so many shouts of glee you hear from me!

Sumire, still Kasumi at this point, discovers a mysterious palace and awakens her persona in an epic magical girl transformation, and I need to save her or whatever. I've been suspicious of Maruki ever since he came into Leblanc with the psience book, and when I remembered that golden helmet picture I saw, but this moment just furthered my suspicion on him being some type of antagonist to Joker. This is something really weird with Persona: the foreshadowing in parts is so obvious, but once that reveal happens and you're like, "Oh, duh, I knew that," something more insane gets revealed and completely knocks you on your cheeks. Maruki being revealed as the palace ruler way later was something I expected, but I could've never guessed Yoshizawa's situation. Same thing with Akechi being the criminal. I guessed that much, but had no idea about Shido being his father. It's something really unique I noticed, I thought it was quite an interesting way that Persona deals with plottwists and reveals. Anyways, back to where we were in the story ... I thought it was kind of funny that Haru watched her dad die on the Persona's universe's equivalent for Nico Nico Douga. I don't know, that just tickled me a bit.

During the school festival, I was quite gleeful with how involved Akechi became. The way he tried to compose himself so hard when eating the spicy takoyaki made me bust out laughing. I'll talk about Akechi some more later, he's definitely become one of my favorites ... But anyways, that scene with Makoto and Akechi on the stage was so intense, stone cold ... It got me really excited for the story to unravel more. Later in the festival, Joker suddenly busting out with some pretty intense dance moves might've been the most tickled I've been playing this entire game. Also, I chose to hang out with Haru at the festival, and that entire hangout with her on the stage made me decide to go on the dating simulator quest of romance. Sorry Akechi, sorry Ryuji, sorry Makoto, sorry Sumire. I'll mention more of that later, but let's continue ... Sojiro had some suspicions about our status as Phantom Thieves, and Futaba snitched. Which, I suppose she didn't get from Sojiro, because I'm quite shocked at how chill this old man is. He didn't even fold at the million bounty, he is absurdly and shockingly nice. I like it. Nijima's palace is probably one of my favorites, I think. Having Akechi on the team, "The Whims of Fate" playing, the anticipation on how this will lead up to the cutscene at the beginning of the game, the entire aesthetic and design, it's just a real cool palace. I feel like the casino setting drove in the Phantom Thief trope a bit, especially when Joker was running away as a distraction at the end, and I thought it was quite fun that Akechi had a laser gun and lightsaber. On my checklist, I also mention Makoto and Haru's showtime, which I add on to the list of favorites. All of the showtimes are favorites, honestly, they're such a cool addition to the game.

At this point, I get rank 8 with Akechi. He throws his glove at Joker and tells him he hates him, and then compliments him in his hate message. I didn't believe it due to the amount of times he showed up at my home unprompted, and the fact we took a whole bath together per his request. But, I definitely didn't believe him after he asked me to hang out with him, like, 2 days later. His persona ranked up cause of it, too. What's his issue? ... A lot of things. More on that later, we are now hanging out with Maruki for the last time. The life of a four eyes made me laugh, and then I got scared immediately because he knew I was a Phantom Thief. I stopped and stared at the screen for a second like I was actually the one getting confronted, this truly is the life of a four eyes ... Anyways, back on to Nijima's palace. Her boss design is really sick, it looks like something straight out of Chainsaw Man. The fight wasn't too difficult, except I kept taking too long and getting one-shot nuked. Persona 5 is hypocritical! You can't have "take your time" on every loading screen, then one-shot me if I take my oh, so sweet time! LOL. I've beaten Nijima's boss fight, and now we're all caught up in present time. Akechi comes into the interrogation room and ... kills Joker?! I won't lie, I was genuinely going insane at this part. If you've been reading my logs for a bit, perhaps you remember how I played Omori. I thought I royally effed up at some part, and that I was actually meant to Matrix dodge or something stupid. I was getting intense Omori flashbacks all up until they revealed it was all apart of the plan. I don't think I've let out a fatter sigh of relief ever in my life. They knew about Akechi's suspiciousness the whole time, and not only did they fool Akechi, they fooled me!

In Shido's palace, Yusuke makes quite mousey puns, and Akechi's issues are finally revealed. Akechi's papa is Shido, and that is all that needs to be said. As I mentioned, this reveal sent me straight on my cheeks, I was so shocked about it. I was wondering earlier in the game where in the world this bald dude got some random 17 year old as his accompilce. That's his son! That entire sequence and boss fight with Akechi is heart wrenching, even Morgana called him out on not truly hating Joker. I like that we get to remind him we won't forget the promise he made with the glove. It was almost a reminder that Akechi isn't unwanted, at least by one person. At least ... from my pea brain perspective, I've never been very good at reading between the lines when it comes to stories, LOL. I found it a bit strange the Phantom Thieves were so quick to be civil with Akechi, knowing that he killed Haru's dad and Futaba's mom. I suppose, Akechi feels so interesting as a character because he seems like someone who would just be an antagonist, yet his morality is ultimately gray and he ends up being one of the protagonist's closest allies. Maruki is a bit like this too, but we'll talk about him once we get to his palace. Anyways, the calling card for Shido's palace was one of the coldest moments in the game ... I'll mention THE coldest later, but just know Shido calling card is up there. I beat Shido, which was still easier than Okumura, and I seriously thought Ryuji may have died. It's ok, he was just slightly off screen.

I ranked up Sumire really quickly at this point, I hadn't realized I needed her to be rank 5 to get the special ending cutscenes. I was worried that I was going to miss her window, but it was all good. Now, we're at the part of the game that makes you go through Mementos, which I did make sure to keep up with to save myself in this moment ... The depths are quite beautiful, in my opinion. I really enjoyed the floor puzzles, but the overall scenery during this palace was wondrous. At this point, when we get booted out of Mementos and into Shibuya, some Evangelion type stuff starts happening. And to my dismay, we start to disappear from reality altogether. I begin to think I royally effed up once more. Sure, maybe not as badly as when I thought I missed some QTE to do a backflip in the interrogation room, but effed up nonetheless. Igor trying to kill me immeditately afterwards didn't help ... Wait a minute, kill me?! Yes, dear reader, turns out the lovely Igor was actually just an impersonator this entire time. Hey, at least the wardens aren't annoying anymore (Lavenza fan 4 life!). Real Igor's voice is a bit mad scientist-y, I like it. We also find out the origins of Morgana: he is a happy homunculus! Anyways, the entire time I was playing Persona, I was joking that perhaps the ending will be quite classic JRPG, and we get to fight a God. But, I was kidding. I truly was kidding. He was easier to fight than Okumura, too ... God was easier to whoop than Haru's father. Whatever, let me detail the 2nd place coldest moment in this entire game: Arsene is back, Joker whips that gun out, "begone," and WHAM! Holy fart, I was screaming and running around and jumping up and down when this happened, it's one of the moments in my life that I wish I had a giant human-sized hamster wheel. But, hey, wait, you said it's 2nd place ...? What could be cooler than that? Well, you'll see. You'll all see.

Lavenza mentions something that basically is paraphrased as: Akechi and Joker were doomed from the start. I wish I had something smart to say about their relationship, but I feel like it's surprisingly complicated for my pea brain to comprehend fully. Joker still cares about him, obviously, through many points, even after Akechi tried killing him. It just feels like there's something poetic to say about that, but you ain't gettin' it from me. I'll talk about 2/2, don't worry, I leave no small potatoes behind. Back on track, Morgana disappears into a fine mist and I begin to cry a bit. I had to sit in my room to compose myself before I went downstairs to go eat some spaghetti, quite an eventful night. My brimming tears were in vain, as he comes back literally immediately afterwards ... and Akechi too, I guess. Oh, hey now, Akechi?! Yes, turns out we're in some false reality, but of who's doing?! ; - )? LOL. Akechi seems to be back and breathing because of Joker, but spoiler alert: the promise never ends up really being kept, at least in a clear "this is a 1v1" situation. You could probably consider half their interactions as a 1v1, though, I suppose. Anyways, reality is quite warped and it's not for the dead folks walking ... it is because Morgana is a human man. I wanted him really badly to go back to being a cat, because I realized really quickly why I recognized his voice. It is Bryce Papenbrook, who is also Nagito. Oh, shiver.

We're onto the last palace now. When I realized it was going to be Yoshizawa and Akechi helping us, I got so excited that I wished for a human hamster wheel again. Unfortunately, it didn't last that long, but I quite like the Royal trio, I wish there was more content of just them together. Anyways, there's so many moments in this game where it's like: oh no, it's the end ... then there's still 70 hours left. I thought Sae's palace was end game, yet I ended up playing for, like, 50 more hours LOL. It doesn't really feel like it's dragging, though. Persona 5 is probably the most well-paced game I have ever played in my life, I never felt it should've been over 30 hours beforehand, or that the story didn't make sense by keeping it going. But, back to the palace, it's revealed that Maruki is the ruler and that Kasumi is not Kasumi, and she's been fakin' the whole time ... All I could say during that entire reveal was "waaaat." I would've never guessed it. I'll be honest and say I, for some reason, thought Sumire was going to be revealed to be a fake-robot-android-girl who lives on the internet. Which, would have been way cooler, by the way. I thought that because her phone being broken felt suspicious to me, and I guess I just reached that conclusion. It's where my mind wanders to ... I'm rolling my eyes. Anyways, that whole reveal made me realize why Yoshizawa only had 5 levels to her confidant at first ... I find it clever. Something honorable to mention: I didn't know if Akechi was ever going to get a showtime. I didn't even know he was going to be on our team past Nijima's palace, so when the prompt showed up to do showtime with him, I nearly crapped my pants. Not boutta lie. I saw a video where someone did an exceedingly fire edit of all the showtimes, and everyone was in normal outfits other than Joker and Akechi. Akechi was in his Santa fit and Joker was going swimming. It tickled me a lot, I'm still thinking about it.

In the between time of sending Maruki his calling card, I maxed out my social stats and unlocked some third awakenings. Then we had a bit of a moment with Akechi on an infamous day, and I felt a bit bad for making him mad. I wouldn't like to be in Joker's position, because imagine it: you're like, 16 and also a wanted criminal, who is on probation, and has a bounty on their head. You make friends with a guy who you know is going to betray you. He does, but it's not like you want him to die or anything. But, he dies at the hands of the cognition his father, who he hates, created, and a promise is never fufiled. You wish he could come back, and he does, but then says he doesn't want to live in this reality. Issue is, this reality is the one he's alive in, and you agree that you can't live in this reality, too. So, you're Joker, and your friend, rival, whatever is infront of you basically telling you he wants to die and you can just do nothing about it. Because, if you accept Maruki's reality, you're just living as some cardboard, bland versions of your true selves. I just find it tragic, however way you interpret Joker and Akechi's relationship, it's sad either way. But, away from that, Maruki has a persona transformation, despite being a palace ruler. It's the golden helmet, it made an appearance, it's what I saw! I got whooped pretty bad in his boss fight, I took too long and got one-shot nuked right before he was about to die. So, I went back to a previous save and Myriad Truths'd the Reaper a couple times to level up LOL. I love cheese.

The coldest moment in the game occurs: checkmate. I cannot explain how awesome this moment is with words. You're in the middle of an intense cutscene, you're watching with glee, and then you get a sudden prompt to fire the last blow?! I cannot explain how hyped I was when that prompt appeared, man. Third time wishing for a human sized hamster wheel, I feel like that will quell me. Anyways, Maruki and Joker start fist fighting, it makes me think about the MGS1 boss fight where you have to fist fight with Liquid. After this, Joker goes to jail. Not for fist fighting with Maruki, but for other reasons. I find it quite unfair, he saved the world, like, 4 separate times and you put him in jail. How UNGRATEFUL. They break me out though, and now I'm on the loose. But, that doesn't matter, because I have a lovely White Day date with Haru. Then comes the day I say goodbye ... I felt a bit like crying when I got to tell Ryuji I was going to miss him. It felt strange to beat Persona 5, because I had it to play pretty much everyday for an entire month, so it felt very bittersweet. The post-credit cut scene of Akechi makes the gears in my brain run a bit, and the music cutting off right at Fin felt like a nice ribbon being put on the entire gift box. Overall, Persona 5 has been some of the most fun I've had playing a game, and is also officially the first one I reached 100 hours in. I'd say play it too, but you just read me spoiling all of it ... Actually, play it anyways. I got spoiled on a twist in Persona 4 while looking up things about Persona 5, but I'll probably still play it one of these days.

End of persona progress. But, while I was in the middle of writing this, a new Silent Hill 2 remake trailer dropped. It looks so good, I'm so excited for October ... OK, Adios!

July 29th, 2024

YO! School is on the horizon, hopefully I can still have the time to play a bunch of games, but I have some interesting tidbits to mumble about and many Persona things to chatter about, so henceforth before that day comes ... There's this account on Tumblr that has polls where you can answer if you've played a game or not, I think it's one of my favorite accounts on the internet ever, but they posted this poll about this game called Rom:one where most people had never even heard of it, me included. But, I thought the cover looked quite cool, so I went on a little scavenger hunt to figure stuff out about it, and I found it quite interesting ... It looks like just a little mini-game game from 2001, but I think the fact that it's hard to find stuff about it made it quite fun to discover things about ... here is an archive page for it: Archive : - U ... But, anyways, that account made me think about maybe putting a little survery on my site that visitors can answer ... perhaps I will have to figure that out. It'll probably be asking what your top 5 games are, something like that ... I always like seeing people's lists of that nature, because I can't figure my own out. I have a #1 favorite and then a billion #2 favorites I can't pick between.

The open beta for 3v3 mode in Guilty Gear has occurred ... I haven't dabbled in it myself, but I watched a video and, in my humble opinion, I think it looks rather joyous ... It's a tag-in type fighter mode , which only gripe I feel I have about it is the shared health. I've seen a lot of party poopers about this mode, but I don't really care, I think it looks like mindless chaotic fun with pals, like a party game mode ... which is all I was expecting in the first place, unsure if people thought it was gonna be some EVO-competition-category-worthy type thing but whateva. Half the fun is having no idea what's going on! ... Another new experimental mode in an online game I fiddle with is ... 2v8 in DBD ! 2 killers, 8 survivors ... it's quite frightening, silly fun. I hope they make it a permanent mode. ... On another note, I played that snowmobile mission in Modern Warfare 2 because my dad handed me the controller and asked me to play it for him while he went and did something .. it was lots of fun, a nice action packed blunder, made me consider getting into COD. I really need to play more FPS games, I like them but I never play them ... Have been thinking about getting Doom 2016 because of that new Doom coming out soon.

PERSONA PROGRESS: Oh goodness gracious me oh my ... I got some persona 5 themes on the PS3 and they're very cool, all the menu sound effects get changed to ones from the game ... It made me hyped. I got ones of Ryuji, Joker, and Akechi .. will likely get more later cause they're, like, 99 cents. : - B ... I'm exploring Mementos at the moment after beating Kaneshiro and Futaba's palaces ... because I figured that Mementos does indeed need to be thoroughly explored ... apparently at some point the game will force you to go through it if you haven't already, or so I have heard ... so I'm trying to make it easier for future me. A bit sad because I just been wanting to hang with homies ... but hey, you win some you lose some! I'm about ... halfway through the story, or maybe almost halfway ... and I feel really shocked at how well this game is paced. I still have a whole half of the game left, 70 something hours in, and I'm still excited for what's to come. I think that's why I put off playing a Persona game for so long, because of how daunting the length of the games are ... but once you play it yourself, it really doesn't feel like 100+ hours. I find it quite wondrous ... I'm not a fan of replaying things, unless I really really like the game or there's completely new content ... so I've never actually gotten a game to 100 hours before ... Persona 5 will be my first. : - P but let's backtrack to where I was when we left off:

I beat Kaneshiro's palace, which I don't have much to say about besides I liked having Makoto on the team. It feels strange now to think I didn't like her at first ... I am sorry Makoto ! I judged you poorly ! ... I really liked the new showtime attacks also, with Ryuji and Yusuke and Makoto and Ryuji. I think Makoto and Ryuji got some romance in the air but ... Sojiro did think Makoto and Ren were dating and she did ask Ren to be her fake boyfriend ... so, sorry Ryuji, Mr. Steal Yo Girl is in Toooooooown leeelllleeeeeeeeeeell. Speaking about romance in the air, I hung out with Akechi more. I think it is very fitting that Akechi is left handed, it just feels right, but anyways .. I still think he already knows who Ren is as a phantom thief and is still just pretending .. especially after that one scene where he found them all together and kind of slyly accussed them of phantom thievery. You are not fooling me, Bud. At one point, when I tried to hang with Akechi, he said I wasn't suave enough for him, so I had to take 48 baths before he liked me again. After I was clean, he took me to a cafe ... and, well, you know what they say about rivals. He also took me to an aquarium and a jazz cafe, and at the jazz cafe No More What Ifs started playing ... I love that song dearly. About the criminal in the Metaverse, there's no way it's not Akechi. I had my suspicions placed on either Kasumi or Akechi, but after Igor said the criminal was a man ... I pointed my finger accussingly at him. I already have master intuition skills, I guessed Futaba was Medjed, so I will be severely dissapointed and or surprised if that criminal ain't Akechi. I mean, everything points to him ... both from out of context mentionings I've heard across the web And the hints in game. I'm quite excited for such a reveal, if it turns out to be the case. Which, if it is the case, that means he killed Wakaba... and she's been dead since Futaba was a kid, and Akechi and Futaba aren't too far apart in age ... so did Akechi kill her when he was a kid ?! Why ?! How ?! I just start skipping in a circle and throwing flower petals everytime I think about the possible possibilities and their interesting outcomes, I am severely excited for what this game's mysteries may bring. Every bad mysterious thing that happens in this game I shrug and go must've been Akechi.

Speaking of Futaba ... I really like her addition to the cast, I think her and Ren are very brother-and-sister-like ... The "are you a remora?" option made me laugh a lot. Medjed being mentioned in game made me look the God up to put a face to the name, and half of what came up were little Japanese drawings and manga ... and I discovered that apparently Medjed, the Egyptian God, was popular in Japan as a meme at one point in time, I thought that was funny. Futaba's unknown number being "Alibaba" also made me chuckle, a lot of names in this game didn't age well. Alibaba, Metaverse, Phan-site ... LOL. These are actual words and names (besides Phan-site) but the way they're associated nowadeez makes me giggle when hearing them in-game. With Futaba, I always thought of her as some goofy side-kick character just based off the fanart I've seen of her, so to have her backstory be really sad shocked me a bit. I found her palace to be interesting too, since her desires weren't necessarily evil and we were the ones being targeted this time around. (I liked all the scenes of Morgana and Futaba as well, I think they are BFFs. Also, Futaba's code name being Oracle is awesome.) The final boss for her palace was awesome but very, very difficult LOL. I beat it first try, but oh lord did my resources get drained. Last tidbits about Futaba: I like her outfits, her use of keyboard emojis is joyous, and the fireworks scene is making me mourn summer break ... I like her relationship with Yusuke also, the scene where he messed her figures up and the scene at the beach where she tried to snatch the lobsters from him made me laugh greatly, oh ... romance once again! I find it funny that she calls him Inari. Yusuke is crazy for wearing a hoodie at the beach by the way, he looked like a dark sorcerer.

Last few mentions before I play more, I'm a bit suspicious of Maruki since I know you need to get him to a high rank for the true ending ... but I can't think of his importance as to why you would need his rank to be high for that. I saw a picture of him with a golden helmet type thingie on, so perhaps ... maybe he turns evil. But allow us to see, I suppose. Unrelated sentences and thoughts: I like the special hangout pictures, the one where Ren drops his ice and Morgana tried to catch it made me laugh. I also like that hangout with Yusuke at the church, what a pose of anguish! I'm getting better at the batting cages game, I've got a handful of homeruns. I maxed Ryuji's confidant out also LOL... I like his new persona. Lastly ... I've grown suspicious of Morgana after that dream he had. There's a girl I know that I mentioned playing Persona 5 to, and now everytime I see her she asks me if Morgana is evil yet ... and I am beginning to believe her.

That is all... Goodbye!

July 24th, 2024

Guten evening, I had a bit of a strange day today but ... I've made lots of progress in Persona 5 and wanted to write about it. Firstly, some other things to speak of: I went on a little research grind about Persona 3, because I found out there was a robot girl, (why'd no one tell me about the robot girl ?) and now I really want to play Persona 3 for Aigis and the emo protagonist (Makoto).. But holy moly man 70 buckaroonies ... and an extra 35 for the expansion.. I feel a bit sad seeing how expensive AAA games have gotten. It's OK though I suppose, Steam does always have sales going on. I also noticed that it seems like Persona 3 isn't as popular as Persona 5, I knew who Morgana and Joker were at least since 2017 or so but I couldn't really name anyone from Persona 3 until ... a week ago maybe. I mean, I knew the blue haired emo was FROM Persona 3, I just didn't know exactly what his name was ... It is Makoto, I learned. Two Makotos! I also played the first episode of the first Walking Dead game, and I have some mixed ideas. The gameplay was quite cool, and Lee is a wondrous character, but man.. is this game BUTT UGLY. I played the original version, but I'm pretty sure there's a remastered version too. (Which, from pictures I saw, looks way better.) But the game's look just did not appeal to me at all, it kinda toasted my buns ... I think mainly it was the proportions of some of the characters and the animations. The expression animations felt really strange, but the proportions of the little kid characters especially made them look like strange martians with them HUMONGOUS HEADS, BRO.

I was kind of tired while playing it also, so maybe that's why I was hating so badly on it. But I also hated every single character other than Lee. Clementine is sweet or whatever but her freaking, freakish big head weird little pencil limbs bro. Martians. It just made me mad. ... LOL. I'm not dogging on the game btw, I really didn't play enough to say, but what I did play seemed like something with genuinely cool story and gameplay ... and with the fact it's so highly regarded, I don't doubt it's a good game. I'm just hating to hate, :wink:. The scene where they really introduced combat and Lee smacked his head made me laugh really badly though, it was formatted like an old vine. I liked that scene a lot, it tickled me greatly. I might play more some of these days, but I really do hate the characters other than Lee, and once I look past Clementine's big head, her as well. ... I'm half joking also, I do think the game is ugly but at the end of the day I think that's the last thing to determine a good game or not. I'm skipping around and throwing flower petals so no TWD fans get mad at me, I swear I'll play more ... Probably. Heeeheeee .. Also I been missing DMC and MGS, need 2 get back on them grinds soon. Persona 5, stop distracting me! .. Oh ... oh dear goodness gracious ... the radio channel is changing ... static ... coming through the speakers!

PERSONA PROGRESS: We back on Air.. ? I've done a whole 'lot since I last wrote, I'm at the beginning of the 3rd palace at the moment, so lets do the classic tradition and backtrack. I have a long list of things I wrote down as I was playing, so allow me to sift through it: I mentioned not liking how they made us go through with the nude painting plan when investigating for Madarame's palace, cause it was obvious Ann didn't want to ... Not trying to be Oh Holy Righteous One, but it made me sad we didn't really get an option to even be like "Hey, maybe there's another way ... Sorry Ann ..." But at least Ryuji said to say if anything fishy happened, cause then they'd have her back. At least he said that ... I feel like there's a lot of instances where Ann is sexualized and it feels strange, not just because I feel like It's kind of a part of her character not to be, but also cause SHE'S A HIGHSCHOOLER ... That's a really weird part of Persona, cause also you can romance adult women while playing as a teenage boy, it is just weird I do not like that. The punk doctor lady, Takemi, I'm sad about cause she's really weird, wasted such a cool design on some weirdo lady, man ... and don't get me started on Operation Maidwatch ... LOL. I hollered in fear when "Becky" turned around. The "I'm a dad" answer choice did make me laugh though. It's a popular joke with Persona fans I think, but it does truly make not much sense that you can't romance dude characters Ren's age but can romance adult women. It is just ... very classic anime, I suppose. Morgana keeps asking me to go help that stupid teacher lady, but I don't really care about what happens to her. Sorry ... I feel like the only people that like the creepy (in bad way) ladies in this game are the weeaboo gooners, which arguably may be the target western audience LOL. About Operation Maidwatch, can I mention how difficult it is to be nice to Mishima? I wanted to so dearly because he just seemed like a little loser who was excited to have people be nice to him for once, but it has become increasingly harder to pick the polite options when talking to him. Apologies, I'll continue being nice, but just with a classic anime anger eye twitch or two or three or so. He would love moderating for a subreddit, is all I'm sayin'.

I'd beaten Madarame's palace, and it made me quite cheerful that Yusuke was able to see the full Sayuri piece n' get it back. I found it sweet how he put it up in Leblanc, I felt sad when he didn't keep being roommates with us though. Another thing about Yusuke I'd like to mention is that he has wonderful outfits, both Ryuji and Yusuke have undeniable style I wish to obtain. I was very shocked when the reveal that Madarame let Yusuke's mom die was ... revealed, it made me roll my eyes when he was whining on the news about how sorry he was. Whatever, man. PS: Ryuji burping in Ann's face was funny, I am thou, thou art I. On to the little clean up day segment: Haru made a sudden appearance! I'm gleeful for when she'll eventually truly show, she seems like a sweetheart. Happy to get Kasumi's confidant as well, she is very polite. Also PS part 2: I really like Mementos, it's a really cool addition for when you're inbetween palaces n get bored of the school life social aspects and just want to beat some people up. I think I may challenge the reaper one of these days ... I just thought to mention it because I find it to be good game design, n not a choice I see in many games I play. For those who are curious as to what the Akechi debate was, I was wondering if I was going to like Akechi or not. I felt deep in my bones that I was not, but unfortunately I truly do ... When he first really appeared I thought his nickname was "peasant boy" and not "pleasant boy." I'm excited to level his confidant up, cause I'm quite curious as to how a phantom thief n his ragtag group of also phantom thieves will interact with a prince detective! Oh goodie! What a juxtaposition! I don't really trust him however, I feel like he's trying to act all sweet but he isn't truly that polite ... You can't fool me, man.

I take back all the poor things I said about Makoto. I think we should not bully her, or call her useless, or anything like that ... I sorry Makoto, I judged you far too soon. I really like her Persona and her Metaverse outfit, the Fist of the North Star reference Ryuji said made me point at the screen and clap my hands together like a baby. I was really annoyed by Makoto at first, cause I felt like she needed to hop off my cheeks. But, after seeing the scene with the principal, I started to like her, and then further once I saw the epic motorcycle. Sometimes you need to break a couple getting kicked off of rooftops to make a couple cool motorcycle personas, you know? One thing I was kind of shocked by is that the main characters actually got a consequence from talking about their top secret business so loudly out in public. You know how in video games the main characters always talk about the secret things so loudly, like the scene in MGS with Snake and the "DARPA chief" in the cell? I always wondered why'd they never get caught, however this time they did, thank you Makoto. It felt glorious, a true "I told you so" moment. Last little mentions: I like Lala chan, she reminds me of Divine and Cosmo Lombino. The pawpaw at the bathhouse that Ryuji yelled at is my favorite, because he couldn't care less about anything ever in this world, and I really like Ann and Morgana's showtime attack. I LOVE MORGANA!

OK... that is all.. goodnight..

July 21st, 2024

It is humid outside, and I think I would like it not to be. But, I have some things to tell you deer readers, and your polished hooves. Mainly, lots about Persona 5. It's most of what I've been playing past few almost week, with lots of Outlast Trials and DBD with amigos sprinkled in. I've written little bullet points as I've been playing about things I wanted to mention, but allow me to write some few little things before I truly dive in: that mysterious horror Nintendo game, Emio, got a little teaser reveal and ... it is a detective game belonging to the Famicom Detective Club series! I have never heard of the series before, but now I'm interested, especially after hearing that Emio is a new installment after ... I think it was 30 years. Quite interesting prospects, especially with the M rating ... excited to see what that may hold. On another fiddle of a tune, I heard about this game called El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, which doesn't seem to have many players or knowers, so I wanted to mention it, because It looks quite cool. I've yet to play it, but I think it deserves more eyes, just by using my eyes ... only almost 300 reviews on steam! That's all! With a mention of the Outlast Trials, I've been playing it more and I have some things to speak of: I really like the old 50s style of the game, it reminds me of what Fallout is like in my brain. I've never played Fallout, but the style of the Outlast Trials is what I imagine (I need to play Fallout..!) The monster and trial designs are all really unique, I especially like Mother Gooseberry, she reminds me of Leatherface. Also, playing through each trial reminds me a lot of Halloween haunted houses. I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but Halloween is my favorite time of the year, because I dearly love haunted houses. So, playing a video game that basically feels like going through a haunted house truly tickled me.

I feel like once you play more of the Outlast Trials, at least for me, you get more ballsy once you get a hang of all the mechanics. But, I still feel frightened to leave a hiding spot ... I feel like that provides for a really good horror experience, ballsy but not too scared that your eyes feel like they may pop out ... which was how I was when playing the introduction by myself LOL. It feels very rewarding to be able to sneak past the monsters or remain undetected while outside of a hiding spot, which made me think about some things about stealth games: I feel like I have a bit of a love-hate opinion on stealth, because I've loved every stealth game I've played. It's very rewarding to get past a group of enemies undetected, or successfully shoot them all down, and then get to a new area to explore or continue the, oftentimes, really good story, but It's also a real pain in the cheeks. I feel like stealth games for me are also a bit in the same category as fromsoft games, in terms that they aren't necessarily traditionally "fun" but I really like and enjoy them, It made me think about how, with some games, having fun while playing them could be kinda abstract. It's more of a question of "is it rewarding" than "is it fun" ... that's the best way I can describe it LOL. I find it interesting, almost a different style of game that I think is just as worth playing as any hack n slash or JRPG (genres I find to be very fun.) With MGS, my favorite parts were the story, but I feel like if MGS was just a movie instead of a game, it'd lose so much of its charm n what truly makes MGS some of the best pile of games ever.

Oh... Oh... whats that..? a new segment..? In Comes...

PERSONA PROGRESS: I thought, since Persona 5 is so long, It'd make more sense to write about it as I go than when I beat it in 50 years. Once those 50 years pass, this segment may make a return, as one of these days I'll play 3 and 4 too. Right now, I'm in Madarame's palace, about midway through May, so lets back track ... 'cause last log I wrote before I even got to Ann unlocking her persona LOL. I really love Ann, everytime Kamoshida showed up I wanted death upon him. I never felt sorry for that dude, I was sad when we weren't able to kill him, but Ann is right about "some fates are worse than death." I really like her friendship with Ryuji and Ren, I always obsess over trios in games I play LOL. I think right now, my favorite characters are Joker, Ryuji, and Morgana. Morgana is a cutie pie, I love cats dearly ... They are little angels on earth! Something I noticed while playing is how dearly wonderful the OST is. Sometimes, I intentionally let myself get ambushed/in danger or just sit in a battle for a while after getting into a fight without ambush just to hear Last Surprise LOL. The lyrics version of Beneath the Mask is beautiful, I already liked the instrumental version but once the lyrics hopped in, I had to pause and just groove for a minute. It was 2 am when I first heard it too, I felt like it added to the song. Another favorite song is Tokyo Daylight, I feel like the part at 0:30 has a similar groove to the album: Brasilian Skies by Masayoshi Takanaka. Another favorite Persona 5 song that reminds me of another is No More What Ifs, reminds me of Smooth Operator by Sade. When fusing/executing Personas was introduced, I was kinda sad that I had to let Arsene go, he looks like something out of DMC. But it's ok, I have this little gnome looking persona now, who I think is funny.

The combat in Persona 5 is something so dearly fun, and it made me think: What is this reminding me of? Why am I having so much fun? And then it hit me that Persona 5 and Deltarune (favorite game in the world) actually have quite a few similarities, think about it! JRPGS about highschoolers going to a separate reality where they get cool clothes, some slightly secretive creature from said reality helps them along the way, really good OST, semi silent protagonist with "delinquent" best friend ... many things to point to. Kris and Ren, Susie and Ryuji, Ralsei and Morgana, Noelle and Ann, come on! It makes me wonder how Deltarune will end ... I'm sighing. Some last random thoughts I wrote down: I thought Ryuji's calling card was cool, no need for the haters. I like how Morgana turns into a car in Mementos, I think its funny. The concept of the Reaper reminds me of Mr. X , I say it is frightening ... Thieves den is quite cool and Jose looks like he has a little eggshell on his head, like a newborn chicken... I really like all of the UI's for the shops, but especially Jose's. Maruki appeared and I think I may need a high confidant to get the true ending, or so I've heard... Yusuke also appeared and he is quite a cool emo girl..! I don't like Makoto right now, I liked the roof... and that is all I wrote down.

All in cheese and crackers, I'm having lots of fun playing. I'm excited for the prospects of new characters to appear, especially Akechi, because I need to settle a debate that I have with myself. Playing Persona makes me want to try out Shin Megami Tensei, but we shall see. It's lunch time good sirs, cheers with sandwiches in hand! AFTER FOOD EDIT: SEASON 4 GUILTY GEAR GOT LEAKED. VENOM, DIZZY, HOLY FART. I was not expecting a guest character either, Unika looks so cool too ... If Venom is here then maybe Robo Ky truly isn't Copium after all ... I am very excited for 3v3 too, it looks like all 6 players will be on screen. Holy carp...

July 16th, 2024

Hola brotatos ... last log I mentioned playing as many games as I can before summer break ends, which is a toe nail lengths away, and I ain't fib, so lettuce speak of it. I been playing Dead by Daylight with pals as Leon, as I unfortunately once again fell to the grips of modern gaming and bought DLC. It's a real fun game to play with friends and family, but I think playin with randoms might be kind of frustrating or boring after awhile, especially cause I've heard of a lot of salt. I never understood people that sent messages like that in online games, but hey ... we got "so yeah... you're gay" and that's all goodie. (also 2v8 update soon?! EEEKK) Anyways, I advocate playing as resident evil and silent hill characters in Dead by Daylight, because it is fun. I am poisoned by this fact cause I started to consider playing fortnite just so I can play as Raiden and Snake, Goodness Me ... what a nice transition sentence into the next topic: I beat MGS3 and have now began to save up moneys for MGS4 and Peace Walker, exciting prospects! MGS3 is a wondrous game, I still prefer MGS2 but It was lotsa fun playing as big boss. I think he's a new favorite alongside Raiden. As I played, I wrote down some things I wanted to mention, so let that commence: I think my least favorite boss was The End, because I have a skill issue LOL. I was whining the whole time because I never found the thermal goggles, didn't think to use the directional mic, didn't know about the chance to kill him before the fight, and didn't know I could really just save and change the calendar to a week later and he'd be dead ... So, I just made the boss infinitely harder for myself because of my noob knowledge. It was a very unique boss and I appreciate it for that fact, but I'm still a hater just cause I'm salty about it. I wandered around for like 20 minutes trying to find him once because I lost his tracks. I'm salty... for being bad at the game... because everytime I WOULD find him I'd accidentally alert him like an eye dot! I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I'm actually very horrible at stealth games. When I was playing the first tlou, I think I just shot everyone more than I actually snuck around ... OOPS ... It's not on purpose I swear!

Away from complaining about my bad gamerly skills, I think my favorite boss in MGS3 might be ... The Boss. It was generally very impactful, and the scenery of the fight is wondrous. I liked having to time the CQC to counter, it was rewarding when she fell and I got to shoot with the Mk22. When I fought The Fury, I found out trump almost got assassinated, so that was a bit funny. My historical contribution for anyone reading this in future: I was playing Metal Gear Solid 3, specifically The Fury fight, when I found out Donald J. Trump almost got assassinated. LOL! Anywayz, another favorite boss was The Sorrow, it felt very scary ... the flashes on screen everytime I failed to dodge his attack scared the dookie out o' me. I love Kojima's use of horror in all of his games, It's why I'm so excited for OD. OK, away from bosses, onto characters: I really thought Raikov would've been more of a character based off the amount of fanart I saw of him, he showed up once! I was sad! ... Young Ocelot is a bit ... camp, per se. Perhaps. I feel as if that is the correct word. He is very flashy, he is as an old man but much more so as a youngin'. He killed bees with revolvers, but not in the way you think ... EVA is another favorite, I find her really interesting, even after the attempted murder and BETRAYAL! That part near the end where you essentially had to escort her to the lake ... I hated it so much. I really hate escort missions, I don't know why so many 2000s games have them. She could run the whole time too, she literally ran in the cutscene at the lake ... scoff ... Also, the ending was very emotional. I have "Way to Fall" by Starsailor stuck in my head now. I had an inappropriate reaction though, I hurrah'd because I was excited to beat it. But, in retrospect, the ending is very saddening, very bittersweet.

I really liked how Para-Medic would reference and talk about era appropriate movies after each time you'd save. Once, she mentioned something like: "maybe one day you'd get to play as the characters in the movies" and it made me think about how cool it is to play so many different styles of games. In some, you're able to tell what type of story telling medium inspires the creator the most. 'Cause, I think, playing MGS, you can really tell Kojima is a fan of movies. It's just very cool to me, cause I feel like video games are really unique in the fact you can combo so many different mediums. A book-game, a movie-game, a game-game. It's another reason why I really like video games as a story telling device, some of the best stories I've been told were from video games. OK, away from MGS3, I been playing other things Too: I started up Persona 5 a few days ago and I'm loving it dearly, Ryuji and Morgana are my favorites so far. The OST "Beneath The Mask" makes me feel nostalgic. I think Coryxkenshin used it in his videos before and that's where I know it from. I'm still in April, so beginning of the game, but I'm very excited to keep playing ...! I've also been playing the Outlast Trials with my sister, and I'll say that beginning introduction where I had to play by myself made me scream so loud that I sounded like a hollerin' pig. At the end of the trial where you press the button to end it, when I had pressed the button, I heard something behind me in the game. I began to shout trying to get into the little pod, but I kept missing out of blinded fear ... I grew so desperate that I started screeching in pure terror. My sister was so calm when we played together, she don't UNDERSTAND! I play horror and fighting games like I'm getting hunted in real life, I think it makes it more fun ... or funny. Or maybe annoying, depending on who you are. I think that is all I wanted to mention ... GUTEN BYE!

July 11th, 2024

Hola good amigos! Today is the last day for summer steam sale, I hope to make some last minute purchases with my grubby hands. (responsibly, with disposable income) ... The end of summer break is on the horizon, so I been trying to play and beat as many games as I can. A few nights ago, I beat Metal Gear Solid 2 ... so here is some thoughts about it: I really loved playing as Raiden, he's definitely my favorite character I'd say. It would've been really funny if I ended up not liking him after 2 weeks of going "I can't wait to play MGS2 so I can play as Raiden!" ... which maybe is the first time any metal gear fan has ever said that. The game was quite difficult in the beginning, especially cause I missed the M9 at first, but it definitely eased up the further I got into the game. Also, customary OST mention: the stealth theme for both tanker and plant is so GOOD ! I had to pause the game and just sit there and think for a minute cause I wasn't expecting my ears to get burned with straight HOT FIRE! (in form of sound) ... Yell Dead Cell Is yet but something wondrous too, it was in little big planet for a reason. The antagonists in the game were also quite jolly, they were definitely odd folks. I liked them a lot, especially Vamp, his voice actor did a really good job portraying him. Speakin' O' voice actors, the entire time all I heard when Raiden spoke ... was Silver the Hedgehog. It was wonderful, I think they would be great friends.

But, I think the coolest parts of MGS2 is that last 1-2 hours of the game. I think I've mentioned on this log before how much I dearly love 4th wall breaks, and the ones in MGS2 were so awesome. The one where the random woman showed up in the corner of the screen scared me so bad I started hollerin', and all the AI Colonel calls were terrifying. I have the reading comprehension abilities of a 3 year old, so I can't say anything smart about that last AI Colonel speech, but that skull face Colonel and the white eyes Rose had were bone chilling. It makes me so excited for what Kojima will do with OD, cause It's already quite obvious he knows how to make some effective scary moments. Speakin' bout Rose, I feel like she is very odd ... and I'm not sure if it's on purpose, but the amount of times she randomly spoke about her and Raiden's relationship issues, or just relationship in general, while he was in the middle of a top secret mission made me laugh and feel a bit baffled. I dunno if it's just how she is, or if it had something to do with her spy stuff, or maybe she was an AI all along and not just towards the end ... but she is odd, I like her for that.

With beating MGS2, I started up MGS3 a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm about a quarter ways through and I quite like how unseriously-serious it is. Every MGS I've played is like that, but I feel like I have to mention it just based off Big Boss's personality, and the fact Ocelot meowed to call his squad in. It's really interesting to get to see Ocelot when he was younger, and how Big Boss is truly a bit of a goofy dude. I was imagining him as some scary intense man, and maybe he is later... but at the beginning, I feel like he is quite silly in a semi-serious way. EVA is another favorite, she kind of reminds me of Le'garde from Fear & Hunger for some reason LOL. Raikov hasn't shown up yet at the point I'm in, but with the fact he is reminiscent of Raiden, he'll probably be another favorite. So far, I definitely prefer MGS2, but MGS3 is really cool and I'm excited to play more. I'm gleeful for the remake too, but I'm kind of worried my computer will explode trying to run it LOL. I played some Dead By Daylight for the first time last night with some pals, and after playing for about 3 hours, my computer felt like I could cook an egg on it. I wonder how this good sir is still alive. I love it dearly, it runs things nicely and at the same time I can boil some taters for lunch. Thank you ... One last thing I've played recently: I started TLOU part 2 up again and I forgot how much fun it was. I missed it ... I completely forgot all the controls and kept trying to play it like MGS. Aw Lord ... PS: Snake Eater theme for MGS3, I groove to deeply.

Hmm... more little crumbs: I was a big fan of TF2 earlier this year, but I was a fake fan. I would read the comics and watch TF2 youtubers and draw all the mercs and knew all the lore but I never ACTUALLY played the game before because of the bot issues. But, with the servers being fixed for the time being, and the teaser of the fabled comic #7, I just may play TF2 sometime ... Another strange thing: that Emio Nintendo trailer is making me scratch my head curiously ... I wonder what they're cooking up in that pot. I'm quite excited, I love mysterious horror games. ANOTHER curious thing: I hadn't realized TAWOG referenced so many video games until I played the video games they referenced and watched the clips again and went: Nooowww wait a minute! TAWOG referenced MGS and TLOU ... I find that gleeful. LAST CRUMB: I've been thinking about this essay I wrote in middle school, It was the only time I've ever had fun writing an essay. It was about the history of video games and which was the first one created. Middle school me hadn't realized that kind of thing was hotly debated through my academic digging, so I concluded that the wrong game was the first one ... But, anyways, remembering that essay made me want to look into the history of video games more, and generally just play more old grandpa games. I once played a pacman cabinet at a movie theater, that was lots of fun. I once played a Mortal Kombat cabinet in a hallway with a lot of haunted dolls in glass cabinets, but that's not a grandpa game. I just remember puffing out breaths like a disgusting creature cause it was really hard to breathe in that hallway, all those little watchful eyes ... :shiver: ... At least playing Mortal Kombat on an actual cabinet was fun, no matter how possessed I became. The priest that did the exorcism on me was really expensive ... OK I fib, there was no priest.

Hmm... last thought before I go: I was imagining myself as an old fart, and it made me realize how a lot of my favorite games will be so freakishly old by then that It's the equivalent of someone collecting WW2 memorabilia now. I wonder how video games will be then ... If there is no apocalypse, o' course. Maybe they'll all be VR or something, cause I can't imagine games getting more realistic than how they look now. But, hey, everyone said that 10 years ago too, and look at us now. We shall see, maybe. OK... GOODBYE! PS: I forgot to mention that I accidentally found this strange touhou style spin off of Baroque ... suprising.

July 5th, 2024

Gooooood evening good sirs, I held a sparkler for the first time yesterday. It is thunderstorming outside and I have some things to mumble about. I beat MGS1 last night and, to say, I really truly loved playing. I do not like Meryl because she sharted on women who wear make up, made me annoyed by her ... trying too hard to get solid snake's solid snake ... whatevers. I really liked how interactive the game was past the ... normal ways games are interactive. It kinda blew my mind how they utilized controller vibration, especially during Psycho Mantis's fight and when Naomi healed your arm. It was really immersive, it genuinely did impress me a lot. The game holds up so well for something released in 1998, I couldn't get over how good the voice acting is neither. I forgot if I mentioned that before, but ja Know how goofy the voice acting is in older silent hills and resident evils..? I was expecting something like that, so I was quite buttered to hear such good performances, man ... it shocked me! The entirety of the Psycho Mantis boss was so insanely cool also, I really really do love 4th wall breaks like that. The twist near the end, with master not being who he says he is, I predicted just based off the fact he looked like Wesker. Anyone in a video game with slickback blonde hair and sunglasses is a villain, but it's kinda funny to me that no one recognized liquid. It's like superman, I laughed ... I'm excited to get to play MGS2 now, just 'cause I'm excited to see Raiden. I say Raiden is my favorite, but I don't actually know about his personality yet, so imagine I don't like him at all when I play MGS2. I think that would be very funny.

I have lots of random thingies and anecdotes after murmurs of MGS1, so allow me to scribble: a TEASER FOR THE GUILTY GEAR ANIME CAME OUT! SO EXCITING! SIN IS SO COOL! I AM VERY EXCITED! Truly, I am very happy that Sin seems to be a main, main character in this anime. He is my favorite alongside Robo Ky, and many others ... I am happy. Little Anecdote 2: I played a little baby Lego game with my brother, it was kinda fun even known you just dragged and dropped things. It was probably so fun cause my brother just kept laughing at everything. Anecdote 3: I have been discovering lots of things over the past week or so that I haven't written. I don't think I've ever mentioned that I'm a fan of Madoka Magica on here before, but I saw that they were coming out with a game and I went: Praise the Lord! But, it looks a bit like a hoyoverse game, which are games I do not like ... I like Madoka enough that I am excited for it anyways, so whatevers. Madoka Magica was actually one of the first animes I watched with it being an anime in mind, cause duh I watched things like Sgt. Frog and Sonic X and Sailor Moon as a kid but ... I didn't really think about it being an anime. I definitely was too young to be watching Madoka Magica, I'm pretty sure my parents thought it was just a normal magical girl anime LOL. But, I thought Kyubey was cute, and that is why I wanted to watch it, oh how things turn sour. OK, away from that, this is a video game log not an anime one, scoff. Actually, I can write whatever I want and no one can stop me. Anyways, I discovered this really cool project some folks (or folk ? unsure) made where you're able to play Yume Nikki together online with other people. I added it to my links page if you'd like to check it out, but I found it from some fanart I saw of the protag. I love their design a lot.

... A few nights ago, I was prowling about on tumblr as all good citizens do, and I found some gifs of these 3 critters from pop'n music. I went: "...huh, they look pretty cool." That led to a very long research and fanart dive of Yuli, Ash, and Smile from Pop'n music. I can't describe how COOL these dudes are, a halloween band with a visual kei vampire, cool drummer werewolf, and a ghost who is afraid of pigeons? Sign me up, my biscuit is buttered! Their band together is called Deuil, it is lots of fun, but that led me on a frenzy of researching some songs. Malice Mizer is my favorite band, so you can expect how I grooved to Yuli's tunes. It got me in a deep Deuil rabbit-hole. I really want to play Pop'n music myself, but I rage a bit that I gotta buy a whole other controller. Sigh... Maybe one day. Anyways, I do transition into the next topic: It is summer steam sale time! I got some games for some good deals, I am very excited and filled with yet so but nothing but glee! It's almost bothersome though, cause now I have so many games I want to play all at the same time, but I shall relax. My next game plan is to start up MGS2 and also beat TLOU part 2 so I can start up Persona 5. I heard Persona 5 is long as hay hay, so I plan on playin it alongside shorter 6-20 something hour long games. But, ja know, I always go against my game plans so we shall see. Bloodborne is something I keep eyeing, but it's another crazy long game I would play alongside other things. Oh sigh, It's July nowadeez, I decided to try and count last night and see how many games I've beaten this year so far and ... it came up to 13. I'm unsure if that is a good pace or not, but I am having fun so I do not care actually. I might've missed some games ... so really it is ~13 or so, give or take, shrug with a pinch of salt.

I've been real nostalgic recently since MGS made me miss lbp so much and ... uuh... I decided I'll replay Danganronpa ... hey now, hold those horses, I think you can tell by the way that I write, and that I am a fan of FNF, that I'm already a bit cringe or whatever. But, I liked Danganronpa a lot when I was a kid, and I've been kinda obsessed with robots recently, and Kiibo popped into my cranium, so... oh come on... I'm going to replay Danganronpa V3. Actually, technically, it'll be the first time I've played it. As a kid, I had just watched playthroughs, cause I think I thought I would've gotten in trouble if I asked my parents to buy Danganronpa for me. LOL, I just may have. I would've praised the lords, 'cause then I wouldn't be the kid doing the Junko pose in public or murmuring emoly to the anime opening while in the backseat of the car. Hm, actually, I don't care. I think it is fun to be weird and make weird stupid refrences to your favorite weird and stupid franchises. Be free, be free! I think 2020 was a strange year, just because of that Danganronpa resurgence, and for no other reason. I remember many odd things ... komaeda love mail. Oh, wondrous things ... Oh, horrible things ... my goodness gracious. So indeed so, it is me thinking of robots that caused this dear, dear trip down a sour memory lane. Kiibo, metal sonic, sackbots, (later) Raiden, Robo Ky, oh dear souls! I like robots they are cool!

Hm ... I think that's all I wanted to mumble about. Besides: I miss lbp a lot, Sleepyhead by Passion Pit makes me want to cry. And, I remembered a Fallout lunchbox I had as a little turd (kid), and it made me think about playing Fallout. I never have, I think the lunchbox might've originally been my dad's and we just stole it, but who knows. Goodbye...

June 25th, 2024

On this Special Edition issue of game log, I bring to you ... a non video game related anecdote: I got my first bloody nose a few days ago cause I got knee'd in the face on accident, It was METAL! that is all, I wanted to add this for future me to read back on and nod and whisper: "Oh, how the time has gone..." And, also, because it's become a new favorite story to tell ... Now onto the REAL meat and taters: I went against my amazing Devil May Cry playing plan extravaganza and played a couple of Dante's missions in DMC2 a few days ago, and I have a choice few words to say. I'm sorry ThorHighHeels, but this is the one time I agree with the majority here ... It honestly was really fun at first in a kinda cheese "This is so bad" way, but after only 2 bosses I felt my brains fall out of my ears. I nearly cried of boredom. I didn't really, but I felt like it. I feel like playing it after the awesomeness of DMC3 maybe made the poop fart combat stand out way more. But I will say, I like DMC2 in theory, but not practice. The overall look and brooding-ness and "this is really bad LOL" and enemy design of the game goes pretty hard, but man ... is it awful to play OR WHAT!? So I think DMC2 is best appreciated in my mind, and with a 10 foot pole. I really like bad games in that way, cause I feel like there's still something that's worth it in a bad game ... especially humor. CONCLUSION ON DMC2: I don't think it's worth playing all the way through, but perhaps just a few of Dante's missions ... and play with some friends, cause then you all Devil May laugh together ! Or be bored together, who knows.

QUICK SUCCESSION STORIES: Part 1 on tales of the discovery that Hack n Slash may be a new favorite genre: I played some of the little freeplay mode of Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad with my sister and it was pretty cool. It was like cheesy stupid Japanese action movie: The Game with cowboy ladies and zombies, COOL! I just looked as I'm writing this and it seems as if the reviews are not glowing. Whatever, I thought it was fun. Yet but mindlessly so, but sometimes thats what hackin' n slashin' is all about. Part 2: My cousin gave me a 3Ds mario game and a mysterious unmarked DS cartidge that my aunt ... I think she said she found it in the trash or something. So, I already felt like a creepypasta protag. Unmarked game found in trash given to unsuspecting family member..? Isn't that how these all start? So I pop it into my Nintendogs DS lite (subtle brag, pink and nintendogs are respectable things.) And... it was a spongebob racing game! Cool! I played some of it, there was no hyper realistic blood, and it was very fun, so I am quite pleased. kind of ... I wish I was a .exe protag sometimes. Part 3: I found this really cute game called Solatorobo, so I went on Ebay expecting it to be some dirt price cause it's an old obscure DS game ... bro ... I found a listing for 1 million dollars LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

So looks like I'm dippin my toes in emulation soon, LOL. I think emulation is really cool and very, very important. But, it's not typically the way I like gettin' games just from personal preference. But, there ain't no other way at this point, 1 MILLION? ONE WHOLE MILLION DOLLARS? Most of the listings were 400 dollars, which is still more than I'm willing to spend, but the 1 million dollar listing was just so funny to me that I had to mention it. I thought it was disgustingly beautiful, absolutely horrid and grotesquely humorous. I went in expecting 30 dollars max and got putridly punched with 1 MILLION. I find that very funny. I know nothing about Solatorobo besides the characters are very cute, so even if I had a million dollars I don't think I would buy it. I'm curious as to why the listing is even a million dollars. That's more than what most people have. I want to see the day that game gets bought and that seller's life is changed, just because I think it'd be funny if the guy became a millionaire off of a game with moe dog and cat people in it. IF YOU :POINTING: DEAR READER, HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS, GO BUY THAT GAME. CAUSE IT'D BE FUNNY. That's all.

If you take a little gander at that games I'm playing currently list, ignore that TLOU part 2 has been there for like 2 months I swear I'm gonna get back to playing it I swear, you'll see that I've been gettin into MGS! I'm still playing the first game, but I'll tell you some stories about Raiden later. First, lettuce write my little thoughts: when I was little, we had the MGS DLC for little big planet, and that remix of encounter was in every single action part of every single community level ever. So, when I was playing MGS and heard encounter, I sighed a terrible sigh, and my eyes went bleary and glassy and I sighed some more: "Oh, dear Little big planet song..." Playing MGS also made me realize that a lot of things I know are actually Metal Gear Solid references. The discovery that Liquid Chris wasn't some kinda weird progress to a fart joke but was instead a reference to Liquid Snake rocked me world. I feel like one of those fortnite kids that think the guest characters are FROM fortnite. Maybe deep down ... Maybe deep down I really am.

Also, MGS is hard I don't think I can hear "SNAKE...? SNAKE...? SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!" anymore without throwing up. OK, onto stories about Raiden: getting into DMC made me want to get into Metal Gear Rising (haven't played it yet), in which caused me to think Raiden is pretty freakin COOL. So, I went and looked for fanart of cool robo Raiden from Metal Gear Rising, but then that made me discover that there's a fandom for Dante x Raiden, in which spans back decades, eons, and even months. The only reason I'm mentioning this is cause someone said they were "AAA game Jelsa" and that "LAST YEAR, PSM'S ANNUAL SWIM-SUIT SPECIAL WAS VERY NEARLY REPLACED BY A 60-PAGE SECTION OF EXPLICIT DANTE/RAIDEN 'SLASH' FANFICTION..." made me laugh a lot. I don't get it, but I think all should have fun, so get gettin' On raidante fans. You truly are AAA game Jelsa fans! Also, I had a dream where I was playing a MGS game and Raiden from MGS4 dropped from the sky and Snake had to fight him in a soulslike boss fight. It was preettyyy cool... I haven't played a game with Raiden in it yet but I'm a fan of him just based off the fact he was in a hack n slash game that I have yet to play and want to dearly so. Am excited to play MGR and MGS2, for Raiden! Theres an entire crowd behind me, who also shout "For Raiden!" ... For Raiden! ... as for Raiden echoes within the air, I say bye bye cause I'm hungry. It's almost lunch time. Accept Christ and get a free PS2! Click Here!

June 20th, 2024

Guten morning to all reading, I beat DMC3 last night! Overall, it was a lot harder than DMC1, yet but my report card at the end was better LOL. Vergil's fights I think were the hardest, but overall, I think once you get the strat down its not far until you beat any boss. There were way more times I wanted to rip my hair out than when I was playing DMC1 though, Vergil during Arkham's boss fight actively made it harder. You're trying to help me here, dude! Why did you disable devil trigger !!????!!! During that boss rush for Mission 18, I was actively seeing my life flash before my eyes because I thought I had to go through every single boss again. But, I thought to myself: No, No, They wouldn't do that to me ... and I was right, they wouldn't. So I beat 2 more bosses than I needed to LOL. After I beat normal mode last night, I had so much fun with the game that I went ahead and tried out hard mode, and I beat the first 3 missions on hard! WooHoo! I think what makes DMC3 pretty difficult at first is the fact that you really don't know what's coming or what exactly to do, So I feel like every subsequent playthrough is a bit easier in that regard. But, I have a feeling I'll be eatin my words the more I go on with hard mode in the future. Overall, I think DMC3 gets added to the 86 thousand other games I have in 2nd place on my favorites list. It was a lot of fun, and, just as Guilty Gear got me more into fighting games, I think Devil May Cry may have gotten me more into hack n slash. I've been eyeing Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising at the moment. PS: If I had to pick a favorite character, I think it's a tie between Dante and Lady, and Vergil is close behind.

I think my least favorite boss was that stupid worm thing. Not because it was hard, but because it took so long to kill 'cause of my saddened noob abilities. DMC I think, as a franchise, is a good mix to where it's hard but not impossible. Elden Ring still is the hardest game I've ever played, and it felt impossible more often than not, I played for like 2 months almost everyday and I only beat 3 BOSSES ... LOL. I don't think that's a bad thing by the way, I need to get to playing Elden Ring and more Soulslikes again, I miss it... I want a challenge that'll make me throw up! I think I might have a better time playing a soulslike now than I did back when I played Elden Ring for the first time, cause I never really had played any games similar to it, and I feel like I have since then. So, perhaps we'll see. Maybe I should start all the way over and fight Margit again, see if it's still crazy difficult like how I remember. I particularly really want to play Bloodborne, that one looks like something I'd like a lot. Q Hayashida once drew a cover for a Bloodborne comic, so maybe that influences me a bit LOL. Enough, enough about hard games, something came in the mail yesterday ... here's a video.

And last Scraggle thoughts before I sign off: the same cousin that helped me learn Guilty Gear basics also likes Ninja Gaiden, we've had an on-going debate on whether Dante or Ryu is cooler (Dante, quite obviously.) But, I've been considering playing Ninja Gaiden because of the DMC similarities and his frequent tellings of how cool Ryu is (still not cooler than Dante.) I also was recommended NieR and Onechanbara by my sister. Many Games to consider! ... GOODBYE!

June 15th, 2024

Hmm, quick Littol game update. Will it be quick or little? Unsure, lets see ... START OFF: Not Teeechnically video game related but A GUILTY GEAR ANIME GOT ANNOUNCED ?!! AND SIN IS ONE OF THE MAIN DUDES?! LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm very hyped. Sin is so cool. It seems to be placed after Strive also, according to Sol's (... ahem.) Frederick's design. I am Interested, interesting. OK, onto the games I've been playing: I beat Separate Ways remake a few days ago. Very late to even start it, but the remake is a complete different experience from the original. I mean, that's almost given with the fact it's a remake, but there weren't many parts where I could point and go "Hey, I remember that." Not a complaint truly, I think that can be a very good thing in terms of remakes, just depends on the OG. But, I really enjoyed playing Separate Ways Remake, Ada is definitely one of my favorites and I hope dearly she comes back in a new installment soon. When I got to the regenerador part, I had accidentally sold the infrared scope immediately before and hadn't noticed until I was infront of a regenerador, so you may imagine such a horror. I had to go through that whole part defenseless. Butt booty naked, and afraid. I yelped and shouted as if my true life was on the line, my yet but a manly life ... yet but such a MANLY scream ... (lol) Also, I'm not a true gamer cause I got tired of trying to fight Saddler after ... probably the 5th time. So all I did was sell all my guns and use the RPG to skip it, Apologies. LOL... but I had to go through the last mob part with only a handgun and I yet but nearly crapped out my nose. Took a try or two ...

Hey .. HEY! Remember when I said I needed to get back onto the DMC grind? I think I said that. Well, I did, I beat DMC1 yesterday and I have yet but many things to say. I still agree with my previous statement that DMC1 on normal mode is not as difficult as I was expecting it to be, however it'd be a fib to say Nightmare and Mundus didn't give me some trouble LOL. I think the main thing, at least on normal (I haven't tried a full hard or DMD playthrough yet, I may go back and try it some time), is that you need to figure out the weapons that are gonna do the most damage. Against Nightmare, beating the mini boss n' then using the Grenadegun to rack up devil trigger, then air raiding his cheeks is a pretty full-proof cheese strat. Though, my final mission report card was lots of D's and C's ... so maybe don't take my advice. But, it's almost a bit like a puzzle, kinda like the fights in Fear & Hunger in that sense. I got lost in a few missions, and when I would I'd look at those really awful old IGN guide videos where the dude playing didn't even know where to go half the time. Every single time there was a mission with platforming in it, ppl would be complaining in the comments. It made me think about how DMC fans wouldn't last NO TIME in the jank of the Sonic Adventure games, Nuh Uh. You know when a game has punched you down so bad that you just stare at the death screen in silence ..? Final Rush in Sonic Adventure 2. That entire last story segment. Im hatin' a bit, I think beating DMC gave me a pompous ego even known it was once and on normal mode and I cheesed my way through half the bosses ... LOL. I like the Nearing End Of Game cut scene with Trish. LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, everyone likes that one ... HeeHee.

Anyways, away from evil ego persona joshes. After beating DMC1, I considered DMC2 for a moment due to my love for video games everyone else say suck (I love you dearly, RE6!), and also 'cause of recently uploaded ThorHighHeels vid, but I decided to go back to it later. I went ahead and began to play DMC3, I think this iteration of Dante may be my favorite. He's quite literally coolness incarnate, that beginning fight cut scene! I beat mission 5 this morning, and will probably play again after writing this, but I'm having crazy crazy fun playin it. Also, Lady is so cool, I'm so excited to see more of her as I play. Some comments and concerns while playing: I'm officially a better gamer than Jerma. However, such a prideful, boastful thing was quickly soured as I played Mission 5 cause jesus christ that last boss shattered such a worldview. I spent an hour on that mission. Aw Jeez. Hmmm ... OK, I think perhaps that is all. That wasn't very short, but I spoke of all amongst my brain. PS: all my boastful retorts are yet but joshes, I am a lame-o and actually am very bad at playing video games, despite my love and adoration. PS part 2: My sister sent me a picture of Parappa sackboy, I think Parappa sackboy is cool. PS part 3: Been thinkin bout getting MGS2 and MGS3, awaiting a sale that I hope is to come. PS part 4: I bought the japanese releases of SH2 and SH3, great things to come (in the mail) ... OK BYE.

Next Day Thoughts (Fathers Day Hello): I went on a bit of a research grind and found that the HD collection releases for DMC ARE considered easier than the original North American releases cause of something, something. So, this means I definitely need to go back and play on hard mode, how frightening! I am playing more DMC3 and mission 7 kicking my buns, so that is a bit of a frightening prospect that this is the easier version in terms of normal mode. So on the Devil May Cry agenda: beat DMC3, DMC4, and DMC5, then go back and try out DMC2 just for the cheese, and then try out HARD MODE on the others.

June 7th, 2024

OK, the main Summer Game Fest show ended about an hour and a half ago (at time of writing sentence) and I'm still wrappin' my brain, but I have lots to talk about. Its hard to write all the things I want to, so lettuce start with talking about some other things firstly. OK, first off: I finally began playing Separate Ways remake, and I'm enjoying it a lot so far. I really missed playing modern Resident Evil games, it's very different from the original. Sad that we don't get to see the fashionable Ganado, but I think the prospect of Ada just selling Leon's jacket is perhaps funnier. I think I'm on chapter 4 or 5 at the moment, excited to keep playing. Also, Ada's voice definitely has grown on me I'm noticing, I never really hated it but I remember playing RE4 remake right when it came out with no prior trailer viewings and having just finished Leon's route in RE2 remake, so her new voice was a bit jarring. But, I'm a fan now that I've gotten used to it. Unsure if that's a popular opinion or not, I don't think so. I remember everyone hatin when RE4 remake came out, but I'm unsure of the public opinion nowadays. I feel like I have very unpopular opinions when it comes to video games. I really like RE5 and RE6, I think Silent Hill 2 remake looks good, I think FNAF should stop having new games ... (transition sentence) not sure if that's an unpopular opinion but I'm a complete hater against every FNAF game after UCN. Pizzeria simulator and UCN are the absolute best endings to the franchise. I can't describe how much I don't like Security Breach and the stupid lore parts of the VR games. I, a FNAF fan, seethe everytime I hear any murmur about any new FNAF game. LET IT DIE! THIS IS THE ONE FRANCHISE WHERE I GENUINELY JUST WANT IT TO DIE! LOL.

Typically, I never agree with a "let it die" sentiment, cause usually the way the franchise died out previously was unsatisfying and you guys are just being negative nancys ... (Silent Hill) But, in FNAF's case, the ending was already satisfying. It was perfect, you're just effing it up making more of these games. They aren't even that good. I remember as a kid watching Coryxkenshin play a FNAF 3 fan game before FNAF 3 even came out, and being so tickled at all the prospects. I remember the wait being really long, but it was truly only like a month. Sigh, If only you could see how much I seethe now. Michael dying in the fire and Henry's entire monologue at the end of Pizzeria Simulator are some of the Coldest Moments in My Personal, Humble Gaming Hall of Fame. I suppose Security Breach doesn't really negate the impact, cause these new games are more like sharty continuations than apart of the OG lore in my opinion, but it's like ... man, why ..? Who needed this ..? Who asked for this..? Can you tell I'm a bit sour. Security Breach has a 9/10 on Steam so I suppose this truly is an unpopular opinion of mine. I just think FNAF is quite disturbing in terms of the OG collections of lore if you kinda forget about all the extra fandom stuff, especially the earlier games like 1-4. I feel as if it's a bit ridiculous now, and not in a fun way. OK ... ENOUGH ABOUT OLD GAMES I THINK ABOUT A LOT! SUMMER GAME FEST TIME!

There were a lot of games that looked very cool, I can't mention them all, so lets mention some. Lettuce start with some that I think look pretty sick but I'm unsure if I'll play them: SlitterHead and Wanderstop are some interesting folks I saw that stood out a bit. Wanderstop particularly stood out cause I'm a fan of The Stanley Parable and, especially, The Beginner's Guide. So, it's exciting to see Wanderstop being by the same folks. There seems to be some type of twist implied, which I am quite excited to see, but It doesn't look much of a game I'd play just based off the trailer shown at Summer Game Fest. Same with SlitterHead, I know the names of the brothers (guys) behind it but the game itself doesn't really pique my interest. Though, I am open to such a thought being challenged. Also, the sudden appearance of Killer Bean tickled me quite a bit. I watched the movie when I was like 11 at late hours of the night, just as a josh, so I chuckled and got flashbacks. The game does look strangely fun, but I won't fib and say I didn't think the broadcast got hacked and someone put in footage of a Killer Bean GTA mod as a joke, yet but just for a second. While I was watching, I was crossing my fingers for some Little Nightmares 3 or Resident Evil news, I was doubtful about RE cause I heard many o' rumors about it not being at Summer Game Fest, but no LN3 news shocked me a bit ... UNTIL I FOUND OUT IT GOT DELAYED UNTIL 2025! Which makes me a bit sad. But, Hey, I rather a late game than a bad one.

... ON TO THE MEAT AND POTATOES: I never played Street Fighter 6 for the same reason I haven't played Separate Ways until now (didn't have money when it came out, then when I did all the hype died down so I either A: forgot like a fake fan or B: bought other games,) but they ANNOUNCED TERRY ??!!!! TEERRRYYYYY?!!! Oh boy U know I'm gettin my farty Ayuuuuuuuuuuuhhssss on this freaking game now. I have never played Fatal Fury or KOF but I have admired Terry from a distance for, like, a year. I gotta play ... this applies to Fatal Fury COTW also. I put both in my excited list. Unsure how jarring it'll be, cause all my Real fighting game experience is with anime fighters, but we shall find out! On to Sonic news, I saw the leaks so I wasn't very surprised, however I AM EXCITED! SHADOW HAS COOL WINGS, BRO! ANGEL OF DARKNESS! I FEEL IT DEEP WITHIN, IT'S JUST BENEATH THE SKIN ... I MUST CONFESS THAT I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I'm a Shadow fan. Every single person who liked some normal Sonic character as a kid and have since grown up and still like Sonic, they all now have Shadow as their favorite now. On average. Scientific assumption. It's just ... the moment I saw his cool emo wolf wings, I felt as if it was 2013 again. I heard Skillet, call out to me ... Oooh how could I deny them a ear..? This October is gonna be good, Silent Hill AND Sonic x Shadow Generations ?! Also, that snippet from Inside Out 2 of the cool loner video game guy that they showed tickled me greatly. I like him, he is cool and mysterious. I like video game references in cartoons. Smiling Friends Season 2 Episode 1 so awesome. Heart Smiling Friends, I do. OK last thing before I sign off: Phantom Blade Zero looks AMAZING. It actually blew my mind, It looks freaking incredible I am very excited to get to play it. I'm gonna get whooped but I'm still very excited. Tuned, stay for it, stay tuned! ... OK, perhaps that is all. here is an image I found that I liked dearly. Need to get back on the DMC grind, I think I left off on mission 17 ... like 2 months ago ... oops...

Oh, wait, PS: I went to a renaissance fair, I saw lots of Zelda and Link cosplays. I hope to play a Zelda game soon ... I would like to play twilight princess. The End.

May 31st, 2024

"Hey... where've you been..?" I hear you ask. I got really into Dungeon Meshi and haven't been playing many video games. The guy with a video game blog not playing many video games for like 3 weeks ..?! what the hay hay? But, a lot happened yesterday, as you may know, if you are a fan of the same games I am. So, lets Go ... Lets start with the less juicy and progressively get juicier, like a fruit as it ripens. I found out about this cool rhythm game called pop'n music sometime a week or so ago, and all the characters I saw are very cool. I really want to get into it some and discover the secrets it harbors, it reminds me a bit of parappa, in which I already love. Anyways, I've also been hearing lots and lots of rumors about lots and lots of games and I haven't been able to keep up with which ones are even true. This happens every summer LOL. I heard a rumor that the protagonist for Resident Evil 9 is gonna be Leon. I want the protagonist to be Leon , please! I also heard a rumor about how OD is going to play? And from what I skimmed in the little passage, it kinda reminds me of that one doritos horror game. I hope you know what I'm talking about... This also isn't a dig, I'm very excited for OD. Anyways, I also heard a rumor that RE0 and Code Veronica are the next remakes..?! Which I'd say I'm relatively excited for, I have yet to play the originals for either but I do own Code Veronica n' will likely play it before the remake comes out, if such a rumor isn't a fib. But, RE3 knocked so much wind out of me that I'm a bit afraid to play an old Resident Evil game for the next 48 thousand years. Hmm, also, the games I've been playing recently are GGST and ... that's it really. I swear I'll pick up DMC and TLOU part 2 again, They're still in my list for a reason ... I also bought Separate Ways for RE4 remake yesterday. Yeah yeah, I get it, I'm a fake fan ... I haven't played it yet, but now I have it... so I'll PLAY IT SOON!

Hm, now lets really get into the meat and potatoes of what happened Yesterday. 3 video game related things occurred, in which I will speak of: State of Play, Silent Hill Transmission, and Slayer release. First thing I did when I opened my eyeballs that morning was purchase Slayer. I immediately began freakin' out at every single little thing I discovered about such a cool guy, and on that fateful day a Strive fan finally discovered the wonders of Slayer. Now, I also want to play Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, as well as Guilty Gear Xrd. And may I mention how much I love his theme? I think it's my favorite theme in Strive now. That night, I played some guilty gear with cousin and previously stated cool guy who mains May, as mentioned in some log down there, scroll down, somewhere... and I got whooped like normal, but I did bag some wins. One was against my cousin (waaat..) ... Have I ever mentioned that my cousin is good at guilty gear, and I've never won against him, because I'm yet but still a noob? I don't know, but I praise thy lord for such a win. Anyways, some things I learned that night is that I hate playing against May, and when I play fighting games I act like I'm getting hit in real life.

... Lets skip back to earlier that evening, the state of play sucked lol. Not an unpopular opinion, but it sucked turds. There was nothing cool, besides... Shh.... whats that noise... is it... a radio...? It's whispering something .... It sounds like.... Silent Hill 2 remake...? ... I told you suckers that this game was gonna be good! no one wanted to have faith. I'm the original Silent Hill 2 remake fan, OK ?! Everyone else is a fake fan! (lel) Ok, seriously, both the trailer at State of Play and the gameplay from the transmission looked real awesome. I have a few gripes and nitpicks here and there, but overall these little sneak peeks really just reinforced how excited I am to get to play this game. I don't care about any of the haters, I am excited! The sound design and atmosphere were nailed in my humble opinion, and I really like how James is lookin n soundin, got the normal guy vibes that the OG James had. But, also, what's with the redesign for Maria : - Z? ... I just find it strange she's the only one with a really big outfit change. Also, they kept the fart face line in. 10/10 game. I hope the pizza line makes the cut too ... Anyways, conclusion, I can't wait until October and I'm gonna be really sour if this game isn't good and I spent the past year defending it for no reason. But EYE think it looks good so far, so suck my butt. Also, I really hope this game does well, because then maybe we'll get Silent Hill 1 and 3 remakes. Which, not like they need remakes, I just think it'd be very fun to see. Because, unfortunately, I fell to the grips of modern gaming and I'm a very huge remake fan. I just find it fun to get to see characters from games I like get reimagined to almost realistic proportions.

Hmm... I think that's all I have to mention, apologies for not updating for almost an entire month. Blame Laios and friends, I suppose.

May 1st, 2024

that's all ... jk heres the notation if u wanna do it too: c.s --> 2s --> 2h --> 236k~k --> RRC --> 623s~s --> 6h .... that's probably right, shrug ... :evil telekinesis commences, you forget everything:

April 30th, 2024

Ha ha ha ha happy almost May. I'm writing this at almost midnight. A Few Things: new FNF update? In 2024? waaat. I didn't check out the erect mode, but I played through the weekend, and holy carp IT'S SO COOL! The cutscenes are really awesome and I like the Nene and Darnell cameos. But, the real snack and butter is the retry music, in which I heard a lot because I haven't played this game in like 3 years. Glad to see fnf come back. But I don't understand why I'm so dog at it now, I've been playing parappa games, I'm practicing : , - ( ... Daily Guilty Gear ramblings: Ok, time to address the vampire in the room: Hello Slayer! That's right, the dashing Handsome Young Man Slayer is now Coming to a strive near Yoooouuu! I'm so excited, not gonna lie I was team "it's a fake out and it's robo-ky" in my heart, but in my brain I knew it was Slayer. I'm not disappointed, because they made Slayer absolutely dandy. But ... I think about you Robo-Ky. I keep watching the trailer over and over again because Slayer's little theme goes cray cray. Im boutta buy him just for the song.

I stayed up to watch the Top 6 for ggst for Evo Japan. I stood up for like an hour and a half before clocking out (by mistake) So I woke up to the Slayer news, but watching such good players ... well, play ... was so interesting. Tempest is INSANE, he was whooping everyone with Leo, it was crazy. I was rooting for master samurai (I think thats what the commentators were calling Tyurara), because he was playing Sin for some rounds. and that transitions into another sentence: I brought my Sin online for the first time last night, since I been practicing or whatever :wink:, and I made someone RAGE QUIT! LETSGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Honestly, mighta been poor connection, but It was right when I won the first round of the third match. So, Imma say it was a rage quit :wink:. Hey, if U were that person I played against and you're reading this and it was really just your butt wifi, then do not tell me. I started dancing and skipping and going Yay! Yay! haha! It's a beautiful day! and then I ran outside and frolicked in a field of flowers and only slowed down to sniff their sweet nectar. Aaaahhhhhhhhhh... What a beautiful day.. Aaahhh... Ok bye now that's your two paragraphs.

April 26th, 2024

Trolololol I lied I been playing Sin not Bridget. Just a short little update thing: final exams and such be comin up and all I have been playing recently is Guilty Gear, so not much to write LOL. With guilty gear, I definitely feel myself improving ... I've been playing Sin and May at the moment and have been scrapping about with making up combos. I have some longer ones I made up with Sin, but I need to step it up playing as May. I only have 3 hit simple ones down, gotta string em together! ... I hate playing fighting games where I have so many favorite characters that are fun to play as, I never know who to pick and keep. May, Sin, Bridget, Johnny, Sol ... They're all so cool. Sigh... also I found another cool anime fighter this morning too, E's laf++. It doesn't look like it has a huge community, but it looks like a really cool game. Tina and Main look sick! I wanna try it out. Blazblue, too ... Taokaka's design is so cool, I love how her little coat has huge cat paws. Hmmm... I'm excited for the summer, I'll have more time to play, there's also loads of game showcases and tournaments around that time. I have a feeling this year is gonna have a lotta good news n releases : - 3 So short ... so here's some stamps I found:

Wait, I Forgot To Mention ... I finished the Strive story mode and I've been thinkin about how Sol is gonna be for the next gg game since, ja know, he ain't COOL anymore ... half jk. But, My cousin and I were theorizing about a week ago (week ago) on whether they will replace Sol as the main cool buff guy in the next game or not, I have a feeling that they won't but my cousin was like "Bro ... What if Sin is the next main guy (everyone ignore ky.)" And I think I'd be happy with that. Have a sinsational Sunday! (friday). Also, everyone say thank you to my cousin. he's helping me learn how to play guilty gear. He taught me numpad notation with 2 flattened cartons of strawberry cow milk acting as the d-pad, as there was no controller relatively avaliable at the time. :many children shout in unison "thank you cousin": ... I FORGOT EVO JAPAN IS STARTING, OK BYE. Waaat.

April 20th, 2024

... Not intentionally writing this on 4/20, just happened to fall upon this day ... ANYWAYS, lots to mention Today, lots and lots. To start off, my sister found the other missing game I spoke of on Leap Day. It was Digital Dreamware for the 3DO..! I remembered it quite differently, but indeed so it is the game I spoke of. MoreOver, I've been practicing Guilty Gear Strive a lot recently, I have nearly 17 hours logged as of now. Which, is not a lot, but STILL! I practice every chance I been gettin! I fell to the grasps of modern gaming and bought some DLC characters of my other favorite Guilty Gear folks (I bought Johnny, Sin, and Bridget), and I really like them all a lot but Bridget stood out to my noob senses. She is super easy to combo with n' really fun to play as, so I wanna learn her more. I been focusing most on learning May right now, but I want to dive into learning Bridget soon. Someday perhaps Johnny, Sin, and Sol too, but I was told to stick to 1 or 2 mains when I'm startin out. Don't want to start mixin combos up... But, also, I did my first online match last night, which I probably should've done earlier than 13 hours logged on the game, but I am a bit of a wiener and was honestly kind pf scared for some reason LOL. So, I put my big man pants on and faced my fears and ... I ACTUALLY DIDN'T DO TOO BAD FOR THE FIRST TIME PLAYING AGAINST A HUMAN PERSON! I did a handful of matches against 3 different people, I started off on floor 6 because that's where the game assigned me for some reason, I have no idea why. But, I went up against this Chipp player, who I say matched me in terms of noob skill and ... I have no idea how I won that match, I was flipping out and whiffing and backing away from pressure so much it was crazy LOL. And then I won on a singular pixel of health. It was awesome. I felt so accomplished ... But then I got too confident and went to floor 7 and tried whooping an Asuka player and ... My lord, I didn't even get close but ONCE out of the amount of times we rematched LOL. IT WAS SO FUNNY I KEPT GETTING KNOCKED INTO THE CORNER WITH THOSE CUBE THINGS THAT ASUKA HAS. And at one point I got him in the corner, and I suppose who ever was playing Asuka realized I was new and wanted to go easy on me, so they just stood there waiting for me and I got panicked trying to do SOMETHING but I just ended up standing there too ... holy fart it was so funny ... And then I played a Nagoriyuki player on floor 7, and I kept gettin close and then dying immediately. But, I think me getting close was more-so Nagoriyuki's mechanics than me landing hits.

I did win ONE round against him, but lost the match. Lets Just Say... I got demoted down to floor 4 LOL. But 'tis but a scratch, I got to grind! It was lots of fun honestly, I was worried I was gonna get frustrated but I think having another human on the other side made it kind of funny instead of frustrating when I lost. 'Cause when I'd play against a CPU I'd be like: HOW AM I LOSING AGAINST A COMPUTER! But, having a person to play against was lots of fun, 'cause you realize they're probably either laughing at the dumb inputs you're putting in 'cause you're a noob, or gettin happy cause they're winnin. That sounds passive aggressive, but I mean that in a good way. It makes it feel more silly than imagining a cold lifeless machine. I have lots to practice: I need to learn to hit my combos under pressure, how to apply pressure, better defense, better ways of getting in, waiting and seeing when It's my turn instead of just rushing in, better anti-air, don't panic and mash, Blah Blah. Lots and lots. Those were the main things I noticed I messed up on when playing against those folks. I'm very excited to practice more and learn, I've been enjoying Strive a lot : - D. But wait, another happenstance happened last night. After playing those online matches, it was about 12 am or so, and I was practicing some simple but Bread n Butter May combos to really get them in my muscle memory. I look down at my phone for a second, and I see this huge creature start running at me out of my peripheral. It was a fat house spider sprinting at me bro. You know how spiders usually chill out on the wall and they jumpscare you that way? Well, no, this one came from ... somewhere... and ran at me. I go YAHOOOOIIEE! and jump up and the spider starts running all over my controller, then running across my bed, then running on my floor where in which my cats find and eat it graphically and brutally. I heard the crunch and then they tried to eat his remains ... I gave them treats for their gallant efforts. But hey, wait a minute, remember when I said I'd make a video bragging about the Playstation things I got?

Okay, another elephant in the room ... the last of the LBP servers were shut down officially yesterday and it makes me sad. I can't believe it because, I mean, from my perspective, LBP still had a pretty active player base. Even I still played from time to time. But now what made LBP, LBP isn't around no more and I doubt will come back because Sony could give less than two farts about it. It's just .. sad... LBP will forever be my favorite sandbox/creative game because it really pushed that "you can create anything you set your mind to" type narrative. Some of my best memories playing video games when I was younger was either watching my cousins or sister play LBP2, or playing with them. Especially on all the little horror and survival/challenge maps we loved. ... With the servers going down so abruptly, I don't doubt lots and lots of people's creations have been lost forever, and I feel like that's the saddest part of it all. Genuinely a wonderful game series that was a pinnacle of my early childhood, particularly LBP2. While story mode n stuff is still there, going to the little profile menu in the pod and seeing it empty like a ghost town still doesn't fail to make me feel a bit melancholic. I Love You Sackboy! All the creative minds that you helped nurture won't nevah forget you, My Boy! ... Listening to Orb of Dreamers hits a bit more harder now. Sigh... I really just hope one day they'll make a new installment and all the kids of today can enjoy the wonders of sackboy, just as I once did! Man, I'm gonna miss it.

Can't end on a sad note, so here's some random scraps of thoughts: I've found myself watching some Guilty Gear tournaments to analyze how players better than me play, (I learned some cool setups and combos already,) and I found myself really liking the ones where the stakes are low. I found a tournament where the prize was KFC, and a May player won, awesome tournament LEL. I suppose I like the tournaments with goofy prizes better 'cause the whole tone of it is more humorous, rather than smth crazy serious with a prize that's the equivalent to the price of a home. It just feels like everyones having more fun. But, I also do like more competitive things, especially when ppl get salty, but I just can't figure what would beat a Guilty Gear tournament where no one had ever played the game before, it's just so silly. I love it. Another thing: That David Lynch PS2 commerical is the best. I need more weirdo console/game advertisements like that, please. OK, adios! ... PS: that redesign of James for the SH2 remake looks really good. I'm still excited for the remake and my opinion of ppl being too quick to judge it still stands. If the game sucks when it comes out, then it sucks ... But until then, I hold out hope!

April 12th, 2024

Hola amigos, remember how I left off the last post on "I keep coughing"? that was an omen, I have bronchitis LEL. Anyways, recently I've been getting into fighting games, particularly Guilty Gear. I've always been a very casual noob fan of fighting games, so I always would get whooped in them LOL ... As a kid, I thought move lists and combos were dumb and I'd get really salty if my cousin or my sister would pull up the move list in the middle of playing mortal kombat, 'cause I considered it cheating ... I was like 8, OK?! LOL ... But, yes, I've been watching lots of fgc videos and I love the salty moments so much. They're so hilarious. I just think fighting game tournaments are awesome 'cause there's always either a really funny salt moment or a really sick comeback or combo Or ... JUST SOMETHING! They're so cool, I admire the people who're really good even more now cause I've spent, like, the past week researching a bunch of stuff about fighting games. I can't even comprehend half the terms. It's like I unlocked some cool new world, and I'm very excited to explore it. I haven't had a lot of time recently to really get to dive into GG strive cause of school, but I'm very excited to learn more. I always just played fighting games very casually, I'd play for like an hour and go: "Hm, cool, that was fun." ... but, now I really want to learn! I have Street fighter Alpha 3, Darkstalkers 3, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus, Guilty Gear strive, and Sonic the Fighters. Right now, I'm mainly settin me sights on strive but I wanna learn the others as well ... just you wait :wink: ... I'm kidding, I'm really notoriously butt at fighting games. Anyways, I wanted to get caught up on GG lore before I play the story mode for strive, (which actually I think is just cutscenes, but whatever,) so I watched all of WoolieVersus's recap vids. Holy fart dude, Sol's family lineage is insane. It's very funny to me that Sol is Ky's father in law and Sin's grandpa. I giggle. Anyways, MUGEN is the absolute best thing ever, I watched this MUGEN tournament where the stakes was a Chiyo Mcdonalds plush and 500 bucks. Oh, link, please!

.... I still have a main in all the fighting games I've played casually. Mortal Kombat is Johnny Cage, Street Fighter is Sakura, Darkstalkers is Hsien-Ko and BB, and Guilty Gear is May. In Street Fighter, I'm considering trying out Cammy and Ken. In GG, I wanna try out Bridget and Johnny, and perhaps Sin as well, since they're some of my other favorite characters in terms of story/design/personality. Scraggled off thoughts section: FOLKS, GOOD NEWS! THE JAPANESE PS1 STUFF I ORDERED LIKE A MONTH AGO IS COMING SOON! IM MAKING A VIDEO TO BRAG! LOL. Stay tuned ... Also, If You're wondering how I feel now that I've seen Joel's death, 'cause I've been playing TLOU part 2, I want you to know that I was very excited to play as Abby, because I thought people were just hating on her for no reason and I thought she was cool ... Then I understood, and then I understood. TLOU part 2 is my least favorite golf game ... Also, these songs make me doo doo tears, just need to share these. They're stuck in my head.

That part where you play through that flashback of Ellie and Joel on her birthday at the little museum was so bittersweet, dude. It hurt! ... I honestly kind of wish the game wasn't so long, and that it was kind of a first half of us being able to see Ellie grow up with Joel, then him dying in the middle of the game. And after that, we just play through the rest of the game as Ellie getting revenge, I feel like it would've been a lot more impactful. But, that's just my perspective from being only 8 hours into, like, a 30 hour game LOL. Maybe I'll get it once I get to the part where you play as Abby, 'cause perhaps it might be an interesting perspective. Because, I mean, when we played as Joel, we just killed without thinking, because that's what you do in video games. But, from our perspective, we knew Joel was the "good guy." But, from Abby's point of view, Joel is just some monster. I think maybe it'll be interesting to see, puts player morality into question almost. Another scraggle thought is that: I've been trying to read and watch Dungeon Meshi for, like, the past month, but I keep getting distracted and not getting past the first few chapters and episodes. It's 'cause all I'm thinkin is that Dungeon Meshi would make a wonderful video game. Like a cooking mama fear & hunger type game?! Come ON! I want to see that. Do you know how cool that'd be? Cooking mama scared me as a little kid because I thought the PETA version was the actual game, and Fear & Hunger 2 is one of my favorite games ever so it'd be very good ... someone do that please ... Man, now I'm thinking about Fear & hunger 2. I love Levi and Marina and O'saa and Daan and ... and everyone actually. I love that game. Everyone please play it! ... Hm... I think that's all I have to say. Besides: I wanna get into Fatal Fury, because Terry looks cool. Ok, Bye Now ... Bye.... I SAID BYE!

April 1st, 2024

HAPPY APRIL FOOLS', YOU FOOL! ... none of what follows is a fib, I just happen to be writing this on April Fools': Hey, are you wondering why The Last of Us Remastered was only in my games I'm playing list for, like, a day? ... I beat it in a weekend. I got so fixated on it, that game is crazy good ... quite addicting! I love bingeing games with my sister, we always do it over school breaks, but lord I ain't how I once was LOL. I felt like I had a fever after I beat tlou last night, we'd been playing for like 8 hours straight ... my eyes were so red. This is the gamer addiction the grannies speak of LOL ... No, it's ok, the reason I'll have the same game in my playing list for weeks and weeks is cause I only ever binge games like that once in a blue moon, I like taking my time ... and not having blood shot eyes and a pounding headache LOL. I have no idea how people can pull all-nighters playing games. Anyways, tlou is an absolutely amazing game, it's insane. I only beat it in 2 days, and sacrificed my eyeballs for it, 'cause I legit just didn't want to put it down, it was so much fun to play. Sam and Henry's deaths were so insanely upsetting, like ... jesus dude ... what an awful way to die. When Henry was pointing the gun at Joel I thought he was gonna shoot him or something and miss, n' Joel was gonna kill him, but when he turned it on himself I can't tell you how loud I went OH MY GOD! ... how insane ... it happened so quickly. Then, when Ellie started hacking away at David's face?! You could just feel her rage through the screen, it was crazy. ... I also didn't realize that girl going "that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life ..." rabbit getting shot with an arrow meme was from The Last of Us. For some reason, I thought it was from some PETA ad? LOL ... Anyways, playing tlou made me realize how stupid I am, 'cause I cannot tell you how many times I got lost and didn't know where to go ... NO YELLOW TAPE OR PAINT?! WHERE DO YOU EVEN GO! LOL

... I think my sister and I are going to play the DLC and Part II today, but I'm going to set a timer so I don't get so sucked in this time around. Joel is my favorite character, I know he dies but I don't know how ... Also, when Sarah died at the beginning of the game, It honestly made me feel really sad. Whoever voice acted Sarah is very good, 'cause the noises Sarah was making when she was dying were terrible ... Every death in that game feels so gut wrenching, 'cause its so plausible. It's so realistic that it feels infintely more upsetting. Tlou is probably the most realistic apocalypse/zombie game I've played 'cause, I mean, I feel like a lot of the things in the game kinda abstractly can happen in real life too. Like, obviously not to the same extent to the point that bloaters are walking around, but I mean ... ja know?! It just feels like if there were ever a zombie apocalypse, it'd be more like The Last of Us and less like Resident Evil ... or maybe a combo of both. Like, maybe some big pharma company accidentally lets some bio weapon fungus slip and now we're effed over for the next 20 years LOL.

Some More Things: I beat Parappa's songs in Um Jammer Lammy! Stage 2 and Stage 6 were so hard for some reason, why is that ... The first stage and Stage 6 were difficult for Lammy too, it's not just me I swear ... LOL. Also, I've been playing Devil May Cry 1 and so far It's so much fun. I love Dante, his coolness levels are off the charts. He truly is a lot like RE4 Leon. What a guy! I heard a lot of people say it's really difficult, but so far it's actually not that bad. I'm playin on normal right now though. I'll probably play hard after beating this, 'cause I heard DMC is meant to be played more than once on different difficulties. But, I feel like it's gonna get super difficult later on ... or maybe my gamer abilities have increased after that Clock Tower Nemesis boss, that boss has jaded me. But, we shall see, heheh. Allow us to take a quick detour however: I remembered that Facade game recently, and it has me thinking about games where you real time talk to the characters using your own inputs. For the year Facade came out, I feel like it's insane that you get coherent responses LOL. I wonder how Facade would be if it was made today ... I feel like it wouldn't be as good. I feel like part of the charm is the fact that it was made by a handful of people in 2005. I feel like (3x) that if it got made today, it'd be some sharty asset flip using lazy chatGPT stuff LOL. Maybe ... But, you know a game that I think should be remade, because the game is cool but it was ahead of it's time? Lifeline, That game is so awesome. I think it should be given another chance ... voice recognition is better nowadays ... The voice acting in that game is awesome, I love Rio's voice so much. I haven't actually finished the playthrough I was watching (Jerma) but from what I've seen, the game is awesome but suffers from really bad voice recoginition despite relying on it to be played. So, I would really love to see the game get remade, please!

I keep coughing like crazy, pollen is very high. So, brothers, I shall see you L8r! Bye amigos!

March 27th, 2024

FOLKS, WE DID IT! I FINALLY BEAT RESIDENT EVIL 3 NEMESIS! Honestly, that last boss was way easier than that clock tower fight. I think everything else in that game was way easier than that clock tower fight actually. I'll see that fight in my nightmares from now on. I love that game, but lord am I glad it's over with LOL. Anyways, another thing I beat recently is Parappa 2! I didn't ever put it in my games I'm playing currently list, 'cause I beat it in one evening sitting. It's much easier than Um Jammer Lammy. I actually got cool mode once while playing Parappa 2, much easier ... I still gotta play Parappa's songs in Um Jammer Lammy ... Anyways, the music in Parappa 2 is so nasty I love it, "Big" and "Come a Long Way" are fire. Everytime I play a Parappa game, I end up dancing and singing along, but man I couldn't even focus on the game this time, the songs were that good. Some other things to speak of: I hate how long it takes to get stuff from Japan. I can't wait to get all the cool playstation things I got. I'm also considerings getting the Japanese releases of SH2 and SH3 to replay, 'cause I been wanting to replay those games recently on my big fat CRT tv. I think it would be really fun, especially replaying SH3. I originally had to play the HD collection version, which is significantly worse than the HD collection version of SH2, like to the point it was really noticeable ... I still love SH3, but I want to experience it again in a better way. Which, involves my cool fat TV. I dont want no one saying "bro just emulate it." I hate the people that say that, they just don't get it ... Emulating it doesn't give me the cool little ost CD that comes with SH3, does it ... Let me waste my money if I want to LOL! I want the Japanese versions though, 'cause they're like ... 30 bucks. I don't get that! Why are western releases of Playstation games so much more expensive than their OG Japanese releases? It's kind of insane. Like, a Japanese copy of Parappa would be like 20-30 dollars, where a North American one would be like 90-100 something. It's kinda messed up, cause usually the Japanese versions will look cooler. I hate it.

Some more things: Sonic Heroes remake rumors!? I heard it isn't in development, but is being considered. I'm real excited if it ends up being made. I never played Sonic Heroes, but I'm a Metal Sonic fan, so of course I'd be gleeful if Sonic Heroes gets remade. Neo Metal Sonic's design is so sick, it'd be so cool to see him in modern days. Oh, speaking of new games: South Park Snow Day?! Hmmm... I wasn't ever really excited for it, because I thought it looked like turds compared to the Stick of Truth and the Fractured But Whole, which are awesome games, I played them a couple summers ago back to back and they were very fun, so I think I was being a bit of a hater towards Snow Day. I still don't think it looks all that good, but then again! I haven't played it. So, mayhaps, whenever it goes on sale I may play it. Also, every once in a blue moon, when I play Guilty Gear, I main May. I suppose all you nerds that are reading some random person's online blog about video games will know the stereotypes. (Being Stupid. Cave Dwellers Of The Great Lagoons.) My cousin and I were talkin to this cool dude that we know, and we were talkin bout Guilty Gear. My cousin pointed to me and said I main May, and cool dude was like "...makes sense." LOL, MY EGO! ... He's real awesome, that's why I gave him the anonymous nickname cool dude. Anyways, I been thinkin' 'bout games that are good in my memory. Like games I haven't interacted with since I was little, I've been wondering if they're actually as good as I remember. I remember when I was younger playing MKx in like 2015/2016, I was like holy crap! This is hyper realitsic! ... but lookin' back ... I don't remember it looking like that. I used to watch Danganronpa playthroughs when I was 12 or so, and it was peak murder mystery fiction to me. But, I honestly wonder if the writing is actually any good, 'cause I didn't have very good taste as a 12 year old. As most 12 year olds do not ... I remember getting hyped in shocking astonishment at that part where Kaito dies in the third game, and my sister telling me to shut up. Them were the days, LOL. Maybe I should revisit Danganronpa, 'cause I have a feeling I'd shrivel at the writing nowadays. Also kinda related, I played this hamster game last night that I used to play all the time as a little kid on the PS3. I remember it being hyper realitsic hamster graphics but it ... looked like a PS3 game! But, the gameplay was just as I remember : - 9

I think that's all I have to say for now, see you later alligators!

March 24th, 2024

AMIGOS! Lord is there lots to talk about. First off, my new PS3 controller came in the mail yesterday, so I finally get to play the games I was workin on. Second off, I found one of the games I was talking about on leap day, the one with the pile of bodies on the front: it was Germs Nerawareta Machi. That's what I was talkin about ... Third off, I was also able to (responsibly) gather the money for a Japanese PS2 and some Japanese PS1 games. Stay tuned, I'm gonna make a little video to BRAAAG! LOL. Fourth off, I got some old game magazines! I went to this retro game store to look for a PS1 memory card, and they had a whole section of video game magazines from the 90s and 2000s, super cheap too ... so I got 3 of them. I wanna show you folks some of my favorite segments and pages from them : - 3 The ones I got were: Tips & Tricks No. 50 Special 50th Issue Collectors' Edition (April 1999), GamePro Issue 115 (April 1998), and Expert Gamer Issue 56 (Feb 1999). Zoom in to read!

PHEW ... and that's all. My head's spinning... so many bright colors... so many dated 90s pop culture jokes ... ooooooh... soooooo... awesoooomeee! My fav is the Parappa found dead bit. Before I sign off, I heard a rumor that RE9 will be open world. Unsure if it's true, unsure how to feel... AND! FNF Erect Mode sampler sounds sick! ... OK, adios.

March 17th, 2024

Amigos ... Good and bad news. I BEAT NEMESIS LAST NIGHT! HE AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON ME! But ... Um, My controller broke like immediately after. The d pad is inputting on its own. I have no idea why, I think my sweaty hands from the boss messed it up. Rest In Peace ... You did your duty ... Moment of silence. So, I suppose no resident evilling until I get a new one : , - (. Oh, but! I did also beat Lammy solo in Um Jammer Lammy last night. That stage 6 was super hard, half cause the song was so bad that it distracted me. But, I mean, it was also kinda good. Like, it was such a bad song that I ended up liking it after awhile. I love Um Jammer Lammy, I'm gonna play Parappa solo next n' then I'll consider it beat and dusted from me hands. But, um, again ... controller is kinda messed up ... Sigh, I was saving my money too 'cause I wanna start collecting Japanese PS1 games. The limited edition version of Baroque PS1 is so cool, I'd kill for it ... But, you win some you lose some, I suppose.

Just a little update paragraph ... but, wait a minute ... PINCH. YOU WEREN'T WEARING GREEN. GREEN UNDERWEAR DOESNT COUNT.

March 14th, 2024

Hello Amigos. It is pi day, I'm takin a break today because I'm tired ... with life! I can't wait until spring break ... then summer break ... LOL. A little dramatic, but on my little pi day break day, lettuce write. Are you wonderin' why RE3 is still in my games I'm playing currently list? because I'm still stuck on the same clock tower Nemesis boss. I'm seriously losing my sanity at this point. I tried asking my dad, looking for some good old folk wisdom from an old folk that played the game when it came out, and he said "I don't remember." ... My hair, It's falling out ... My body, is withering away. Anyways, away from that vile beast, I've been thinkin about sorta "simon says" rhythm games, like parappa and FNF. I've been watchin lots of vids today about them. Remember FNF? I used to be cracked at that game back in 2021, man. I was crazy at it, I kinda miss it ... Don't give me that mess, I DON'T CARE THAT FNF FANS ARE ALL LITTLE BOOGER TODDLERS NOW, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! When I was younger, the cringe media that little kids liked was Undertale and Minecraft and FNAF. Now look at us, shame on thou. One of these days, FNF and like ... Um, huggy wuggy diarrhea slop or something will be the media that we all look back on after considering it cringe and go: "Hm, maybe that was actually pretty good." ... Maybe not huggy wuggy, I don't like Poppy Playtime. Anyways, It's just a cycle: New cool game comes out and gets hoarded by little annoying children, everyone says its cringe and then those annoying children grow up and now everyone thinks that old new cool game is cool again. Whatever, this is MY evil video game blog and I get to talk about the games EYE think are cool, got it?! Anyways, Friday Night Funkin is very cool, and since I remembered its existence today, I am now wondering: what's goin on with that kickstarter thing? Last I heard substantial stuff about it was when it was announced. I hope the full game is as sick as the newgrounds ... demo? teaser? ... FNF part uno? I heard there's a lotta messed stuff goin on with that kickstarter, hopin' the game still goes along well. Maybe it'll be an omori situation.

Anyways, with the remembrance of FNF comes the remembrance of the characters. I forget how much I loved the senpai dude, that's my favorite character archetype. Like ... a ... strange play on the rich boy pretty gal type characters in anime, where you make them a sadistic creature beneath it all instead of just a school bully. Not even yandere stuff, yandere stuff is dumb. Like, just make the anime character an actual eldritch being, capable of satanic abilities. That type of character shows up surprisingly more than you would think, I love it everytime. Anyways, I've been wantin' to play parappa recently. I watched my sister play like 2 seconds of parappa once when I was 12 or 13 before she gave up, 'cause she said it was too hard. So, I been wantin' to play Parappa. I know about Parappa's adventures, to the gas station and such, but it is different than actually playing. Imma get Um Jammer Lammy on my ps3 soon, mayhaps I'll pull that sonic-adventure-2-resident-evil-2 stunt I did and put RE3 on hold for a bit and play Jammer Lammy, 'cause lord is Nemesis gettin on me nerves. I keep having dreams about killing him, It's gone too far. Anyways, why isn't it called Um Jammy Lammy? It's messed up ... Also, I'm kinda stuck on what game to play next after RE3. I know I said FF7, but ... I been eyeing Devil May Cry. My cousin told me Dante is like Leon and modern Sonic combined, and ever since I have really wanted to play.

OK.. bye now. That's all, just something short and sweet for a day as sweet as pie ... and for a reader as sweet as You ... :aww sound effects:

March 10th, 2024

Happy MARIOOOOOO DAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!... Luigi was always cooler.

March 8th, 2024

Wooooowww, I haven't written in ... almost a week! I guess 'cause there's not much to write about, I had exams and wasn't really able to play lots of video games. But, I finished them. I did really well on them too, I'm proud! Anyways, there are some few scraps and ideas and things here and there I wanted to write about. I've been playing Resident Evil 3 whenever I get the time, and dude is this game as hard for other ppl as it is for me...? I got stuck in like an hour loop of doing the same stuff over and over again because I ran out of ink ribbons and kept dying before I was able to find more LOL. Only thing that saved me was randomly happening upon some ink ribbons that I hadn't noticed those 84 billion other attempts. Dayum those 2 gray pixels to hell. Now I'm on the clock tower Nemesis boss, who made this game?! Why does Nemesis have a one shot move?! I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself. I said that before. I'm just complainin', baby raging, whatever, but lord is this game so much harder than RE2 og and RE4 og LOL! Also, more on the never having played a lot of iconic game series, I've never played a GTA game before and I've been thinkin bout' getting GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas sometime. They seem like games I'd like, can't tell you how many times I got some new weapon in an RE game and hollered when I saw the crazy effects it had on the zombies. That makes me sound like a weirdo, sorry, It's just cool to see zombies explode ... In that same vein, I've been wanting to play Postal 2 as well. I watched this video where this guy did a pacifist route, and it seemed like a really funny game to play. Meet and greet with Gary Coleman?! He whips a gun out too?! Come on. I need to play this ... I have a huge list of games I want to get and play, let me list it:

  • Alan Wake
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Klonoa Door To Phantomile
  • Sonic Generations
  • Separate Ways Remake (still haven't played it... I know, I'm a fake fan...)
  • The Last of Us + DLC
  • Devil May Cry HD Collection
  • Jet Set Radio
  • Code Veronica
  • RE1 Remake
  • RE0
  • The Evil Within
  • Siren
  • Dead Space 1-3
  • Postal 2
  • Dead Space remake
  • GTA3
  • Vice City
  • San Andreas
  • Shenmue
  • Bully
  • Mainline Ace Attorney games
  • Baroque (Saturn)
  • Baroque (PS2)
  • Silent Hill 4
  • MGS2
  • MGS3
  • Twilight Princess
  • Mario RPG
  • Earthbound
  • Mother 3
  • Kuon
  • Tears of The Kingdom
  • Majora's Mask
  • FF7 Remake
  • Lain PSx

And I have way more on my steam wishlist. Blah blah, I won't write it out but ... Wow, um, wow, that's kind of a lot now that I'm writing it all out. I'm definitely focusing only on games I HAVE right now, I still have that backlog of games that I have yet to beat. I'm workin' on it, OK?! Heheh. Also, I decided, after I beat RE3, I think I'll move on to FF7 OG and play that. I'm really excited, Cloud seems like a cool dude. Hopefully he doesn't kill small babies, as opposed to adult sized babies, or eat women or something, I don't know. I haven't played it yet, can anyone confirm or deny? I don't want to get too attached. Anyways, I saw these really cool videos that stuck with my brain. One was where these guys mummified a chicken, but that doesn't have any to do with games, so I'll let you find that yourself. But, the others were really sick too. Oh, excuse me, link please!

They're super interesting, check them out. Especially the Silent Hill Map Examiner video, it's very underrated compared to how cool the contents of the vid are. It makes me wonder how many cool tools, or games in general, are out there that are just buried, waiting to be found? That thought kinda sucks, cause they're missing, but it's also a bit cool to know there's so much out there, there's so much out there ... I've been gettin' a little philosophical recently, especially with Deltarune. That game means a lot to me, and I was thinkin about why ... and I think cause I feel like I can see a little piece of myself in every main character. They're just written so well and so ... human? Teenager accurate? I feel like that thought goes against some type of narrative theme I'm too dumb to understand, but I just find it to be really cool. It also got me thinkin' about how I'm kinda growing up with the game. I'm definitely going to be some farty office worker by the time chapter 7 comes out. I'll play it then, and I'll probably cry or something and think: "Ooh! Where has the time gone!" But really, Toby Fox writes characters so well, his work definitely inspires me to strive for my ... ultimate, kind of cheesy goal: to be a game designer, LOL. But really, I'm very excited for the rest of Deltarune, I don't care if I'm some 68 year old grandpa with a wizard beard by the time chapter 7 comes out, I'll be right there playing it day uno, day uno!

Hmm... I think that's all I have to talk about. Besides ... MALWARE GAME SEGMENT: That Touhou Ransomware is Sooooo Cool, Ja?

March 2nd, 2024

Wowie, happy March! Crazy, I feel like New Years was just a few seconds ago. Jeez ... Before I know it, I'll be an old fart. But, Aaahh, speakin' about time passing, the OMORI 3rd Anniversary Concert streamed last night. Man, was it beautiful ... I really can't believe Omori is getting up there in age now, I feel like it was just my birthday, fumbling around on this sick new RPG Maker game I'd found out about like the month before. Seriously, seeing such beautiful renditions of music from an indie RPG Maker game performed by an entire professional orchestra really made me feel ... kinda hopeful, like I can make it too, yaknow? I don't think I've mentioned it on here before, but I do really want to be a game designer when I get older. It sounds so cheesy, but video games are really something that mean a lot to me, I find them to be such a unique art form ... so many different kinds of artists coming together to make one thing, you can really tell how much love and work gets put into them. But, speaking about the orchestra, I think MUSIC Engine's rendition of Underwater Highway is probably the most beautiful sound I have ever heard an orchestra produce. I was studying while listening to the orchestra's live stream, and I quite literally just had to stop what I was doing and just ... listen when Underwater Highway came on. It was so beautiful ... So, so beautiful. Please go listen to the orchestra if you missed it, even if you're not even a fan of Omori. Bo en making a suprise appearance was very awesome too, it makes me wonder why it took me so long to find Omori, because I've listened to bo en since, like, 2016. I'd specifically always listened to My Time, too LOL. DUET was so beautiful as well, like a sort of "come to life" moment, as if Sunny and Mari finally had their concert. Kawai-san's performance of OMORI was extremely heart-wrenching as well, it was so cool seeing the other members of the orchestra having that red light shine on them, like how the background for the Omori boss fight is.

I really think music and sound design is one of the most important aspects of a video game, I think it's a part of what makes a game really stick with you, particularly with emotion packed games like Omori, or atmospheric horror like with Silent Hill. I remember playing Omori for the first time and the first things jumping out at me was the beautiful art and music. When the Omori CD released, I jumped on it so quick even known I didn't even collect CDs at the time nor did I have anyway of playing it LOL. There's been so many games where the sound design or music particularly drew me in, I think as I've gotten older it's something that I started to notice more that I previously overlooked as a little kid. Silent Hill 1-3, Sonic CD, Fear & Hunger 2, Omori, UTDR, Yume Nikki, Soup 0.9, and so many more games than that. They all have dug little holes inside my brain, just based off music and sound design alone. Particularly with Silent Hill 2, I think reverse Lakeview Hotel will forever be drilled into my brain. It was like 12 am and I was playing in a pitch black room with my sister and she went: "Do you know about the reverse Lakeview Hotel segment?" I had no idea what she was talking about, so she just zipped her mouth shut. When I walked out of that room where you find out James killed Mary, and that droning music just started up, I started freaking out LOL. I remember just being completely silent, walking to where my sister told me to go, getting to that part where James picks up the headphones and listens to the doctor tell him that Mary is dying, and then getting to the hallway where Mary and James' argument plays out, and just thinking: "this game feels haunted." Sure, atmosphere and subject matter played a huge role in that, but the drone that played through that beginning segment I think will forever stick with me. I had a nightmare after I beat Silent Hill 2 too, and when I woke up my music box that I have in my room went off by itself LOL. That sounds like a straight up creepypasta lie, but I swear it was just a perfect coincidence. Obviously, I wasn't all that scared after I realized nothing was there. Music box's strings will pop sometimes, I think especially when it's humid and this was during spring, but lord did my eyes shoot open faster than they ever have before. I thought an abstract daddy done crawled outta the screen! But seriously, music is one of the most important aspects in video games I think, especially if you want to strike a specific emotion into your player. That's why I like leitmotifs so much, particularly the way Toby Fox uses them. Having a song you've played since the beginning show up in a particularly emotional part, remixed to be more somber ... That is a sure-fire way to get some tears worked up.

Anyways, I think that's all I wanted to say today. Oh, you're wondering where I talked about malware games at..?! Well, I didn't! Maybe I will, later! :wink:

February 29th, 2024

No, that date isn't wrong, it's leap year! Happy leap year! I've been listening to Malice Mizer today, I think maybe I'll make a page to this site for Vkei stuff, or maybe just my CDs in general. But, anyways, for such a strange day, I thought: why don't we sit around the campfire and talk about strange games...? One that particularly comes to mind is Soup 0.9. I thought it was far more popular than it is, but I think it's just got a niche subset of fans in the surrealist artsy fartsy video game community. It's quite short, and I think may have just been made as a fun little project to just show off some music, but it is something quite interesting. The music in particular is really good, I always find myself listening to it whenever I'm writing or drawing. I'm listening to it now! But, seriously, it's such a sweet little game, you can tell it's made by someone who just wanted to have fun making something. I really love it a lot. The facet at the beginning of each day is a nice touch too, I always like it when video games incorporate real life images. Speakin' About video games that I think may have just been made as a sorta visual showcase for music, there was this one game that my sister showed me about a year or so ago that I can't for the life of me remember the name to, but it was like ... I think it may have been either monkeys or people just super brightly colored in some strange LSD hellscape? Some nice music was playing too. You couldn't really do anything but switch between these different LSD-like screens, I completely forget everything else about it but those things, and even then I'm not sure if I'm misremembering. Truly the most mysterious game of all. But, another strange game I played with my sister is Fatum Betula. I think she had just found it on the Xbox store one night and we played some, then while I was sleeping, she got all the endings and showed it to me when I woke up. I still think about that game, I remember finding a weird little angel baby under the water, or something like that. I love it a lot when modern games emulate PSx graphics, bonus points if they keep tank controls. Yaknow, after I got used to tank controls, it's actually a pretty fun way to play games.

Drift back! Obviously everyone and their gruncle uncle likes Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator, everyone does. You can't be a fan of artsy fartsy surrealist exploration games and NOT like Yume Nikki and LSD Dream Emulator. I love both those games to death, but I don't have much to say about them that everyone hasn't said already, besides Monoko is the best Yume Nikki character..! I think what makes these games so facinating is that it's a bit difficult to say something coherent about them, I'm struggling to write right now because there's nothing to describe these games better than playing them yourself. So, I implore you, please play these games, even just for a little bit. I'm fumbling my vocabulary. It's like when you try to explain a dream that you only have a hazy memory of, you have to have the dream yourself to get what I'm talkin' bout'. But, I'll continue in describing: there's this one game that, again, I can't remember the name to, I just remember it being an old Playstation game with a pile of bodies on the front. I watched a video about it forever ago, I completely forget what the game was even about besides it being very strange and only in Japanese. Man, this happens to me too much. I forgot about Cooking With Huck Botko for years and years, vaguely remembered the existence of it randomly one day, tried looking for it and couldn't find it, and didn't find it for years. You know how happy I was when I found that video again?! And then immediately disgusted all over again?! ... You'll never know. But, let's go down memory lane ...

FLASHBACK! Does anyone remember Proteus? I had it on the PS3 when I was little and it kinda freaked me out cause I could never for the life of me figure out what to do, I still don't know if that game has an ending or not. Same thing with Flower, I hope people remember Flower, too LOL. That's another game I only had a vague memory of to work with and was trying to find for years. I kind of hate and like those kinda memories, it's always awesome to find the thing you were looking for again, but you're kinda just working with crumbs until then. Oh, weird-ish game I want to play desperately? Baroque. You know how badly I want to play the first Baroque game for the Saturn? So badly, man. I've seen clips of gameplay and have heard vague murmurs of it. Lord, does it look like a game I'd love. It reminds me of Shadow Tower, that's another game I need to play. Jeez ... too many games I need to play. I need to find a download for the english patch for Baroque, I found like 86 different ones and I'm not willing to test which one will give me a virus LOL. OH, OH! Another weird game that's in that same camp of need-to-find-link-to is the Lain PSx game, I heard it's really dialogue heavy and makes not a lot of sense ... Sounds like it's up one of the alleys I set up shop in. Oh, but more about Baroque, I found a neocities site that has loads of different Baroque related stuff. Like, LOADS. It looks so cool, I'll have to find it again and put it in my cool links page. There's interviews, art books, EVERYTHING.

Hmm... I think that's all I have to write about for now, I need to dive back into surrealist games n' find some more, I bet theres several I forgot to mention. What about that Roblox game that recreates a bunch of those weirdcore pictures? That one is really cool, I went through that one with my sister, it was really fun to explore. Count how many times I say cool in this blog LOL. My brain is poopin' itself 'cause I just finished a project for school, but I wanted to talk about weird games on such a weird day ... February 29th. Happy 2nd birthday to all those 4 year olds born in 2020. I think I'll write about malware video games next. I like those, maybe I'll write about those next. Stay tuned ...

February 27th, 2024

It's late when I'm writing this. I wanted to write some stuff 'bout Little Big Planet, the PS3, some things here and there ... and I boot my computer up and explorer just refuses to load! I had to restart my computer 86 thousand times! It isn't even old, but it's been having so many issues after SOMEONE (my cat, named dog, pronounced dee-oh-gee) decided to throw it off my dresser while I was sleeping, TWICE! Whatever ... Speaking about technology breaking and pooping on itself, I've realized the Playstation 3 is crazy durable. I always had a PS3 in the house when I was little, I loved that console so much and I still do, the PS3 is still my favorite console ever. But, what I mean when I say it's crazy durable, is that I realized that I'm pretty sure the PS3 I have now is the same one that we had since, like, 2014 LOL ... and it works perfectly! Besides the disc drive being broken ... but, um, ignore that ... The PS3 that I have now was a hand-me-down from my sister, she swore it was broken, but I wanted to see for sure. Look at me now ... But, I'm pretty sure that PS3 that my sister had and gave me was that same one we played Scott Pilgrim, LBP2, and Minecraft on back when we were little. Which, is pretty cool when you think about it. Old hardware just lasts so much longer for some reason, I had a phone with loads of my drawings on it that broke after 4 years. Then, I have a Gameboy Advanced SP that I've had since I was 9, and the Gameboy being way older than that, that I just beat Nightmare in Dream land on. Anyways, about the PS3, we had a PS3 in the house for so long that I hadn't even realized the PS4 released when it did. For the absolute longest time, I thought the PS4 had released in 2016, but it was really 3 years earlier. I was late to the party.

The PS3 really has some crazy good games on the store though, I need everyone to go and spend their well-earned 9 or something dollars and buy Silent Hill 1. They also have pretty much every mainline Resident Evil up until RE6. Really good retro game selection in my opinion, n' if you're not a super big fan of piracy or emulating or nothin', then I recommend getting a PS3 and gettin stuff off the store while you still can. But, flashback, I mainly wrote this 'cause I was feelin' nostalgic. Before Scott Pilgrim got delisted off the PS3 store, my sister and I had downloaded it for some reason. We weren't Scott Pilgrim fans, I don't even think I knew what Scott Pilgrim was until I was 13 or something, but I guess we thought it looked cool. (April edit: My sister told me we never downloaded it, she said it appeared one of these days, how mysterious. Dad probably did it. Thank you editor.) But, fun fact, we could never beat it. We didn't actually beat that game until recently, after like 10 years LOL. Minecraft for PS3 held lotsa memories too, lots of copying Stampy's lovely world and making pixel art of FNAF characters. We got griefed once by some kid that we knew's friend in like 2014, I think I cried. But obviously the highlight was LBP2, come on man ... It's really sad to see the state that LBP is in right now, it's just so dormant. The servers for LBP3 on the PS4-PS5 went down recently and haven't come back up. It makes me ... SAD, DUDE! Not just cause of nostalgia, but also cause I still played from time to time : , - ( ... I wonder how many levels have become lost media now. But, LBP2 was definitely the best LBP game. The shark and bomb survivals, the dress up photoshoot levels with Kingdom Hearts music in the back, creepypasta levels, how fast can you press X (I would get whooped so hard in that one it was crazy), Jeff the Killer, swimming levels ... Sigh ... I remember, before the PS3 servers for LBP2 went down, my sister n' cousin n' I went back to play some of the scary levels we played on when we were little. I remember thinking: "I feel like these used to be a lot scarier." I felt really old in that moment. But, whatever, as an LBP player once said: "Simplistic but poop is always funny. Did you know that when you say the word 'poop' your mouth does the same motion your butthole does when you poop."

FLASH FORWARD ... I've been playing RE3 OG on my PS3 recently and it's so unfair bro LOL. I keep losing the same hour of progress trying to get all the materials to fix that stupid train thing ... but that's just the way o' the RE life, boy. But I will say, Nemesis is scary as hail in that game dude. Insane. He full on sprints towards Jill going "S.T.A.R.S ... S.T.A.R.S ..." People like to say a monster is scarier if it's trudging like a dad boutta beat you, but I have never clenched my buttcheeks harder than when Nemesis first started SPRINTING at me in his full 2 polygon beauty. It's like zombie apocalypses, if it's them normal zombies that are just like ooouuurgh that disintegrate if you cough on them then lemme just move out to a rural field and I'd be good. But if they're them creatures that RUN and they're like GWAAAH GWAAH COD zombie style?! I'm killing myself! I am not gonna even attempt that, bro! ... Anyways, I feel like RE3 is the ugly cousin of the early Resident Evil games and I dunno why. It's awesome so far, but I feel like everyone that talks about it goes: "I never played it." I guess cause it's sandwiched between RE2 and RE4, some of the most highly regarded RE games, but I mean ... come on, man! RE3 deserves more love. But, maybe that's just my perspective, and there's actually an entire cult for it, I dunno. But, I was really shocked when I found out Jill could just walk up the stairs without pressing X. Revolutionary tech. Also, I really like Carlos so far, he so silly. Also-also, I've been thinkin', there are a lot of iconic game series that I've never played before. I've never played a Final Fantasy game before, but I have FF7 and FF8 on my PS3. Unsure which to start with, I know it doesn't really matter but they both look so cool. I can't pick on whether I should play Fatal Frame or one of those Final Fantasy games after I beat RE3, either! So many choices! ... Another series I've never really played is Zelda, which I feel like is weird. I feel like I would really like Zelda, Zelda and Link seem so sweet together ... Why have I never rly played one before?! I have BOTW, but I'm not a super Huge fan of open world games that aren't surrealist, but there's exceptions. I love Elden Ring, I really wanna play Bloodborne too ... Twilight Princess looks awesome though, I really would like to play that one. But, since I actually own BOTW, I'll probably play that one first LOL.

Mentioning Elden Ring made me think of all the hard bosses and games I've played. Elden Ring was my first soulslike game, so obviously I had lots and lots and lots of trouble LOL. I had beat Margit after a straight like ... 2-3 weeks of trying every single day, it was absolutely crazy when I beat him. It sounds absolutely very lame when I describe it, but I started shaking. I was so happy LOL ... my mom made me a little cheese naan too. What a good day ... I think that was the most insane boss I've ever beat, but some honorable mentions: Both Jevil and Sans whooped my butt crazy, but I'm a master now (LOL.) But, actually, when I was playing Fear and Hunger 2, I wasn't feeling well and I had felt so defeated after losing a salmonsnake rune cause the woodsman's face hugger penis injected Levi with ... with ... with ...? that I fr just sat there and started crying, bro. You know the last time I cried over a video game? When I was like 6, and lost in a cave in Minecraft. I thought I was a goner. I thought I was food for Herobrine. Yet there I was, many years later, staring at that death screen, crying. I wasn't even really upset, I was just crying. That's where my love for Fear and Hunger 2 started, it's high up there in the 80 billion games that are in my 2nd favorite spot. I haven't cried over a video game since then, and for a long time before then ... I need everyone to play please. I don't think I have any character from Termina that I hate either, all the characters are so likable. The battle system for both Fear and Hunger games is very unique, I love rpg games with unique battle systems like UTDR and Fear and Hunger, it makes replayability go up like crazy. Also, I really love the Silent Hill references in Fear & Hunger 2.

OK, it's about midnight now, goodnight ... (Also, PS: I really love the themes you can have for the PS3. I have SA2 and SH2 ones, they're very epic.)

February 25th, 2024

Wow, back so soon ... I ain't feelin' too well today, so I wanted to talk a bit about the games I'm excited for : - P . Particularly, Deltarune. Man, there's only 2 chapters of that game out, but I will admit it's probably my number 1 favorite game. I've never been able to make a list of favorite video games, cause I have so many that share the number 2 spot, but Deltarune will always be my number 1 favorite. Maybe until Toby Fox comes out with a cooler, awesomer game. But, is that even possible?! OK, but seriously, I can't express how excited I am for these next two chapters. I have a feeling they'll release within the next few years, I smell them on the horizon ... But, last time I said that it was 2022, and now it's 2024 ... So, don't count on my sense of smell. I'm patient though, probably, so I ain't rushin' or nothin' ... I just feel my skeleton jump out of my skin when I think about all the cool possibilities of all the next chapters. EEK!

After beating chapter 2 back when it came out, I remember going on a theory binge to hype myself up crazy-time for what there may be to come. Honestly, main theory that I hate though is the 'Kris is the Knight' theory. That one sucks, does anyone believe that still? Watch me eat my words lol. I really love the theory that Toby Fox ain't fibbin' about there being only one ending, and the whole "your choices don't matter" thing still holding true. No matter if you choose normal or weird route, the ending will end up the same, just the context of that ending will be crazy different. It's so exciting to think about, cause isn't the ending based off a dream Toby had, too?! So many possibilities! I probably love that theory so much because of this incident that happened when I played Omori ... Shall I tell that tale?

I had played Omori 2 days after the release, because it was my birthday that day and I had some birthday money and thought: "Well, why not? It looks cool." I wasn't one of those people waiting for it while it was in development hell, I'm a fake fan! But, I've played Undertale since I was in embryo and it forever affected the way I play video games. I try so hard to tip toe around a choice I think might give me a bad ending, and that choice was not opening the door for Kel ... So, yes, I played the Hikikomori route first when I played Omori and then only found out at the end of 24 hours of gameplay that I wasn't on the main route after getting the most anti-climatic ending ever. I wouldn't be so mad about it 3 years later if I hadn't gotten that ending, realized I was on the wrong route and went, "man, I am not doing all that again," and LOOKED UP FINAL DUET ON YOUTUBE. So, if you wanted to know my reaction to finding out that Sunny had killed Mari, it was: "Oh, okay, so that's what happened." Eff my life. Don't blame me, I was a fresh teenager with no guide and feeling very upset at what I thought was the real ending to the game, sigh. Man, but what makes it so much worse is that I have never ever seen anyone make the same mistake as me. Do you know how confusing Hikikomori route is with absolutely no context from the main route? So confusing! Don't worry, I did go back and play the main route, like, 2 days later, like I SHOULD HAVE instead of looking up the ending. Whatever ... But anyways, I was forever traumatized by such an incident. So, like how Undertale has forever affected the way I play video games, so has Omori.

It's kinda funny looking back on, I bet I had the most unique experience while playing ... coping, still ... 3 years later. But, obviously I like the one ending theory for Deltarune so much because I think diarrhea would start coming out of my eyes if that same Omori Incident Of 2020-2021 happened to me again. I mean, it didn't affect my enjoyment of the game, I still had fun playing. But, bro, I would've cried so hard my liver would fall out my butt if I had gotten that true ending myself and not spoiled it. Whatever ... OK, enough about recalling painful memories, back to games I'm excited for. I really hope Deltarune has more 4th wall break type stuff, I can't express how much I enjoy 4th wall breaks in video games LOL. Obviously it likely will, one of the main themes is the relationship between Kris and the player/their world and our world, but it's just so exciting to think about all the different kinds of ways the 4th wall May Be Broken. I think prime-time example of a really good 4th wall break game is OneShot, I need everyone to play OneShot. It was like RPG malware simulator, I loved it so much. I remember my wallpaper changing in the middle of the game and it scaring me so bad : - P . I'm also real excited to see how the weird route develops, is Berdly actually dead or just passed out? What's gonna happen if he's dead? Only time can tell. I'm too weenie to play the weird route right now actually, so you guys can find out, not me. I'll play it one day though.

I'm also real excited to see how the relationships between the characters develop. Obviously Susie and Noelle need to hold hands and share a piece of fruitcake together on a Christmas morning, but does anyone remember people shipping Kris and Berdly together after chapter 2 released? ... no...? Too obscure...? Whatever. I remember another theory I hate. Ralsei being Asriel theory, I hate that theory. I'll be so mad if it turns out true. Cause, I mean, think about it logically: Why in the world would Toby Fox make it obvious enough that Ralsei is Asriel through making their names anagrams of eachother and the same species? (that is really all the two characters share lmfao) There's absolutely no plottwist there, there would be no reason to hide Ralsei being Asriel if he had made it THAT glaringly obvious. And, come on man, we're talking about Toby Fox here ... he is not a stupid writer by any means. I really like the theory that Ralsei is Kris's old red horns headband though, it's sweet and I think it'd explain why Ralsei is more familiar with Noelle than she is with him + the fondness Ralsei has for Kris. That's another thing, you'd be crazy if you don't see that Ralsei has some kind of crush on Kris, bro. Acid tunnel of love?! Come on, now ... Why in the world would Toby Fox imply romance between Ralsei and Kris (you cannot deny Acid Tunnel of LOVE, bro) if they were meant to be siblings ... I sure hope Toby Fox wouldn't pull a 12 minutes on us, jeez! That would be so awful my god, shiver ... Away from that topic, this little blog post has turned into more of me ranting about Deltarune and my terrible Omori playthroughs than about the games I'm excited about, LOL ... so lemme speak upon another title.

OD! When it was announced, I was in the shower, so I had to step away from the stream for a bit. When I came back, I asked my cousin (who was watching the stream) if anything interesting was announced, and he said: "No, nothing really." I only found out, like, 2 days later that a new HIDEO KOJIMA HORROR GAME was announced. What do you MEAN nothing really?! This is crazy! I'm a huge fan of PT Silent Hills. Obviously, I think everyone and their mother and brother and sister and grandma are fans of PT. Sometimes, instead of listening to music, I listen to the radio from PT. That sounds sadistic, but I really love the voice acting of the radio guy in that game. But, back to OD, I'm so extremely excited for it. Hideo Kojima made the scariest horror game I have ever seen in my entire life with a short little TEASER, imagine a full game! I really hope some of the ideas that got scrapped with Silent Hills' cancelation come back with OD. I suppose there isn't much to work with besides hungry purple dinosaur and the naked guy's leak. But, The Silent Hill letters in the teaser trailer and Kojima coming out from the PT door at the awards makes me hopeful. But, also suspicious, because it's Kojima, probably trollin'. Seriously though, no doubt in my mind this game is going to be huge, and amazing. Another thing I'm super hyped for is all those Resident Evil games that got leaked, I think there's 5? I'm pretty sure the only one confirmed is RE9, and the rest are just speculated on, but I think we can pretty much guarantee atleast 2 of those 5 games are RE5 and Code Veronica remakes. I mean, duh with RE5, but everyone has been begging for a Code Veronica remake since forever, it'd be stupid of Capcom not to make it. Yaknow, I've never played the OG Code Veronica, but I've been wanting to, It looks super cool and is obviously a favorite LOL. I swear, I really want Leon back in RE9, we haven't seen him in a mainline game since RE6. I think the main characters will either be Chris and Jill, Leon and Chris, or maybe even JILL AND LEON! Now that would be crazy awesome. Or maybe there will be separate campaigns with Chris and Jill and then Leon and Claire, maybe? I just want to see them all together, it would be so awesome. But ideally, something I doubt will ever happen, I want Ashley back as an agent. Do you understand how awesome that would be?! I mean, it isn't crazy impossible, Ashley just got new characterization with RE4 remake and gained loads of new fans, AND Sherry showed up in RE6 after having not been in a mainline Resident Evil since RE2, so it ain't that crazy! Let me hope! But seriously, I hope we get a RE9 teaser this summer, cause if this game follows the release date pattern recently, then it should be releasing next year? I do really hope Leon, Ada, Jill, or Ashley is in it. We were supposed to get Ada in RE8 and we didn't, a travesty ... But especially Leon, the internet would implode. I need to see everyone running around like headless chickens over old man alcoholic Leon PLEASE CAPCOM, LOL!

Oh jeez ... should I talk about my opinions on Silent Hill 2 Remake? ... I think the combat trailer looks good ... No, don't throw me to be eaten by the pigs please everyone ... please calm down ... Maybe 'cause I'm a fan of remakes and a fan of combat, but I was so hyped seeing the combat trailer at State of Play that I started pacing around my room in excitement. I really thought everyone would be super excited too but no, not at all : , - (. I know Silent Hill isn't about combat, but I feel like you guys are just being picky Silent Hill purists at this point, man. I don't understand what people were expecting with a modern remake of a game from 2001, I saw a lot of people acting like they wanted the clunky controls of the original yet going and complaining about how the trailer looks clunky LOL. Like, I dunno, combat in Silent Hill isn't something that's optional, but obviously you don't play Silent Hill to batter up some mind monsters. So, I suppose framing the trailer as specifically a combat trailer was a bad choice on Konami's part (because it's Konami in charge of marketing, not Bloober. We know how awful Konami is ...), but I don't think improving the combat to be more inline with modern survival horror games was a bad choice if the goal for the remake is to bring more fans into Silent Hill 2's story. Obviously this opinion is crazy unpopular LOL, I feel like I'm the only one really excited and pleased with the change I saw in the trailer, I really do think this game will atleast be GOOD. It's obvious Bloober are fans of Silent Hill and Konami is screwing them over big time, so I wanna have hope, but everyone throwin slop at it before we've even seen more than 2 teaser trailers is makin' it dissipate a bit LOL. But really, I think some critques are valid but lots are being picky for the sake of it, just cause they don't like Bloober team and already disregarded it the moment they heard it was bloober developing it. Also, Silent Hill 2 is put on a crazy pedestal. Every critique I have seen get made about Silent Hill 2, most often the reply is: "It makes the game better." Which, I agree with on some parts, like the voice acting, but I don't think combat is one of them. Not particularly the combat with common enemies, I think the clunky controls and fixed camera angles make the game more frightening, but with the boss fights I just found myself less scared and more frustrated.

But, again, I don't think the game suffered for it because you don't necessarily play Silent Hill 2 for combat, you play Resident Evil for that. But, I mean, you can't really have those old controls and combat for a modern remake without the game ultimately suffering and Konami, being the money-focused greedy company that they are, canning everything to do with Silent Hill. I dunno, I'm just happy to see a change made to something that I didn't really like in the original, and I really do have hope that Bloober has nailed the atmosphere AT LEAST. I mean, Bloober knows that if they mess this up, then it's game over for their entire careers considering how INSANE Silent Hill 2 fans are. I just have hope in them, they know the weight of it and they seem to really be fans of the original game, I just think Konami is screwing them over if the mischaracterization of the SH2 Remake rumors are true. Which, they likely are, considering its Konami. Also, I think the melee animations look awesome, I just wanted to mention that 'cause it's something that stood out to me. But really, if this game sucks when it comes out, then it sucks when it comes out. But, I ain't gonna listen to no one! I'm playin' it for myself! 'Cause I really think, even if the game ends up being good, if it's in any way different to the OG then people will dookie all over it. Even if it's not different, It's obvious way too many people have already made up their minds.

Anyways, I had fun writing this and I feel better now than I did at the start of writing. Imma go eat lunch or somethin' now. Adios!


PS a few hours l8r: Another thing came to mind... Combat in the original Silent Hill 2 isn't always completely avoidable, there's several narrative boss fights that you need to beat in order to progress and you can't just run around every enemy every time. The complaints I'm seeing where people are like: "There's too much combat!" Or acting as if Silent Hill 2 never had combat in the first place, or just the fact that James is holding a gun in the remake makes it action horror or a resident evil clone ... I feel like those people have only ever watched video essays about Silent Hill 2, and haven't actually played the game for themselves LOL. Watch this happen: theres gonna be the same amount of enemies in the same places in the remake as there are in the OG, and people will complain about how there's too much combat, mark me words! Silent Hill has never had the focus be on combat, duh, no one plays Silent Hill to defeat enemies, but to act as if there has never been combat in any Silent Hill game ever and it's always optional and a complete irrelevant part of the game just seems so silly to me. I mean, Heather gets a samurai sword. That's baller. Just, basically: I think an improvement on a previously not that great part of the OG is good, especially because it will bring more people into the story of SH2, which is absolutely a positive. You guys are ... a little bit of party poopers! Critique it validly, but to act as if Silent Hill never had combat isn't really a part of that. OK, bye for realzies this time ... I had pancakes for lunch, by the way, if you're wondering.

February 24th, 2024

First little blog post! I've been wanting to make a site since ... well, since whenever I first got into old web, (forever ago) but I just never really knew where to start with it. But, I'm in a tech class in school and we finally learned some basic HTML this week. I found myself going way beyond the requirements for the assignment, thinkin': "Man, I really need to make my own website now, this is really easy." It is not really easy ... I spent like an hour yesterday trying to figure out how to center a div. But, now I have a semi-functional website to vomit all my thoughts about the video games I like on ... So, Yahoo!

Recently, I've made it this sort of passive goal for myself to beat all the games I have on my laptop and PS3, and I'm really enjoying everything so far. I'm focusing on the games on my PS3 at the moment, so I suppose I'll talk about those ... The most recent one I beat was the original 2005 Resident Evil 4. I've been a huge fan of Resident Evil for a few years, so obviously no surprise that I really enjoyed playing LOL. I played the remake for RE4 back when It came out, and it still remains my favorite Resident Evil game, but after beating the remake I found myself too nervous to go back and play the original because I heard everyone spouting about how difficult the game was with Ashley's terrible AI and annoying personality ... Blah blah! Everyone who says those things are very wrong! The remake was so much more difficult for me to play, you barely even have Ashley with you in the original through the amount of times she's captured in stupid ways LOL. The water room/water hall in the remake had my eyes popping out of my skull and vomit coming out of my ears because of how hard it was, yet I got it on the first try in the original ... let me humble brag ... It shocked me so badly. (Side Note: Ashley is barely annoying, I'm number one Ashley fan until I die ... B - P)

I generally think the remake is a lot better than the original though, despite all the times I laughed at the silly one-liners or stupid ways Ashley got captured when playing the OG. The original RE4 is an already amazing game, and the remake took everything it did and improved on it tenfold ... I really believe that. Is that an unpopular opinion? I don't even know ... I don't care actually. This is my little doo doo site, I can write about my unpopular opinions if I want to. But, the RE4 remake especially improved on characterization, particularly with Luis and Ashley. Luis plays a bigger role by far, and Ashley is honestly far more likable than she is in the original ... even if I am still a fan of OG Ashley. I just love the RE4 remake so much, even if I do wish Leon had his funnier lines back.

Anyways, I suppose I'll go backwards in the order of when I beat the games ... Sonic Adventure 2 is next. I actually have owned this game for probably around ... 2 years on my laptop, but it ran so poorly that I never played it for more than 2 hours despite really wanting to ... I'm a Shadow fan, of course I wanted to play SA2. But, I got it on my PS3 recently and played through all the stories, and all I gotta say is: Shadow is the coolest sonic character, the last story is hard as hail, and the finalhazard fight is literally the definition of coolness. Seriously, I think the finalhazard fight is the most hyped I have ever felt while fighting a boss. You just got done fighting the most unfair boss in the world, pure relief is all you're feeling, and BOOM! Sonic and Shadow go super?! And the song you've been hearing since the beginning is playing?! And it's like Sonic, but Touhou edition?! (I've never played Touhou) ... Just, man, it's such an awesome fight. Also, the Chao garden is where world peace is achieved. I forgot all my Chaos' names besides Rocky and Wow. I miss you guys... even the ones I forgot the names of... Maybe I'll draw them all and put a little picture on here sometime. You will just have to wait and see...

HENCEFORTH! I beat the original 1998 Resident Evil 2 the same day I beat SA2 ... Because I was on Leon B route, stuck on that stupid last part where you have to kill Mr. X and then Birkin back to back, and I was getting so tired of it that I just decided to go and play SA2 before coming back to it. Also, I ain't gonna lie, it took me nearly a year to beat this game LOL ... I started it in the spring last year, and I got stuck for months on so many parts in Claire A route, and when I finally beat it ... Leon's route only took me a few days to beat Hahahahaha... But, I really do love this game, I honestly think the story and the different routes are way better in the original than in the remake, but obviously the remake is far scarier ... especially with Mr. X roaming around ... Jeez, Anywho, I'd say the og RE2 is probably my second favorite Resident Evil, it really is enjoyable to play despite all the times I got screwed because I wasted all my ammo before getting into a boss fight. That is one thing I noticed between modern vs. old survival horror games, the fact that old ones really don't hold your hand at all LOL. Never ever only save in one slot with old Resident Evil games, cause if you have no ammo before a boss I swear you're just soft-locked out of the game.

AND... DRUMROLL... LAST BUT NOT LEAST... Silent Hill. Yahoo ! ... I beat this game forever ago (like 10 months ago) so let me search my cranium. I actually played this one after beating 2 and 3, weird order but it's ok ... It's in the past now. But, I really think the original Silent Hill is crazy underrated compared to its brethren in the trilogy, and I find that real unfortunate 'cause ... I think it might be my favorite Silent Hill game. It's hard to say, because Silent Hill 2 is the game that has scared me the most ... not even the Silent Hill game that scared me the most, just the game in general ... But, everyone says Silent Hill 2 is their favorite, and obviously I'm a hipster. I'm writing this on my lovingly crafted NEOCITIES SITE! Whatever, Harry Mason is my favorite Silent Hill protagonist, that's close enough. But seriously, I love everything about the original Silent Hill, from its characters, to its dream-like, nonchalant voice acting, and I especially love Claw Finger ... I love Claw Finger. I just stood in the church listening to it for a while before actually moving on with the game LOL. I think I'm so hopeful for the Silent Hill 2 remake because I subconsciously want a Silent Hill 1 remake. Not 'cause I think it needs one, just because ... think about how cool it'd be to see high definition 4k ultra HD Harry Mason?! It would be very cool. Man, and the results screen music, I remember just sittin' and jamming to that too. All Silent Hill games have wonderful music, Akira Yamaoka's art is so cool. Also, the final boss in Silent Hill is so awesome too, especially design wise. I remember I cheesed my way out of that boss though by doing that no ammo glitch, 'cause I thought it was too hard LOL. Also, that side quest you have to do with Kaufmann to get the good ending I remember having almost missed, so I had to go back to an earlier save and redo it because I realized and didn't want to get a bad ending ... I think my favorite ending is Good though, I don't think Cybil should survive Silent Hill :evil: ... Lastly ... I am Harry Mason fan #1.

Anyways, I'll end this like a school essay. In conclusion, In summary, To conclude, I really like 90s-2000s games ... Could you tell?!




This segment gets updated at the end of December, and is a corner that lists all the games I've beaten in a year. \(o_o)/


2024 - COUNT: 22
  • Sonic Adventure 2 (PS3, 2001)
  • Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland (Gameboy Advanced SP, 2002)
  • Silent Hill: The Short Message (PS5, 2024)
  • Silent Hill 2 Remake (PC, 2024)
  • Metal Gear Solid 1 (PS3, 1998)
  • Metal Gear Solid 2 (PC, 2001)
  • Metal Gear Solid 3 (PC, 2004)
  • Persona 1 (PS Vita, 2009)
  • Persona 2 Innocent Sin (PS Vita, 2011)
  • Persona 3 Reload (PC, 2024)
  • Persona 4 Golden (PC, 2012)
  • Persona 5 Royal (PC, 2020)
  • Resident Evil 2 (PS3, 1998)
  • Resident Evil 3 (PS3, 1999)
  • Mouthwashing (PC, 2024)
  • Resident Evil 4, Separate Ways (PS3, 2005)
  • Separate Ways Remake (PC, 2023)
  • Devil May Cry 1 (PS3, 2001)
  • Devil May Cry 3 (PS3, 2005)
  • Um Jammer Lammy (PS3, 1999)
  • PaRappa the Rapper 2 (PS5, 2001)
  • The Last of Us Remastered (PS5, 2014)